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Advice From Long Island Teachers

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LIF Infant

Member since 7/07

181 total posts


Advice From Long Island Teachers

Hi Everyone,

Please give me your honest advice/insight on this situation. I am a NYC teacher, and have gone on a few interviews for Long Island positions over the past few months. This is for an ELEM ED position.

The only district left that I haven't been rejected from (I believe my rejection is primarily due to the "It's all who you know WORLD" is a district I had two interviews with. One in June and one in July. When I went in July the princpal "seemed" so interested in me. She was actually SELLING ME to the committe and seemed to love me. She told me there were FOUR of us called in for the 2nd interview and in a couple of weeks she'd contact two of us who would come back to meet with the Superintedent who will then make her decision.

After three weeks past (like almost two weeks ago) I wrote a professional letter to the principal reminding her who I was, and asking if any decsions were made yet about the position. Within two hours she wrote back saying...Hi Kerii, no decisions were made yet, I've been on vacation. NOW, THIS WAS TWO WEEKS AGO THIS TUESDAY. Should I totally give up complete hope? From my past rejections I got a letter and I haven;t yet so is this s GOOD SIGN? I go back to set up my Queens classroom in two weeks and I am so down and out that it looks like I'll be a 8th year NYC teacher!

I know this was long, but I needed to explain it all to get some feedback!

You guys are awesome!


Posted 8/12/07 3:01 PM

New Year!

Member since 5/05

13729 total posts


Re: Advice From Long Island Teachers

That is a tough one...I am a NYC teacher as well. I went on an interview in a district 2 days (on LI) before school was about to open they were thinking of opening a new section of 3rd grade. After the interview they said they would call me. I called a few days later to inquire if a decision had been made..they said no. I never heard from them again.

You don't want to pester them BUT waiting around for word is the worstChat Icon I think you did the right thing by writing the letter but I don't know if I would contact her again

Posted 8/12/07 3:38 PM

So blessed!

Member since 11/06

10348 total posts


Re: Advice From Long Island Teachers

I would call the principal and ask her directly. This way you know either way.

She may have been on vacation and it is up to others besides her. That could be quite true.

Message edited 8/12/2007 3:41:13 PM.

Posted 8/12/07 3:39 PM

family is all that matters

Member since 6/06

6513 total posts


Re: Advice From Long Island Teachers

i know my district is closed for the first half of august. put that together with the principal being on vacation, and that may explain the wait. it's usually a committee decision, so the principal may have to wait.

i would be careful about pestering the principal since she did write back to you almost immediately 2 weeks ago. i'd give it another week.

best of luck! hope you get it!

Posted 8/12/07 9:28 PM

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