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Member since 5/09 5751 total posts
Name: Mommy
After 25 months, it finally happened!!! He TALKS!
DS is 25 months and until Nov 10th he had only 7 words. Same 7 he'd had since about 18 months.
I've been consumed by worry and fear. Waiting and waiting for him to talk. According to my MIL, DH talked late at age 2 (although she later took this back and said 18 months ). This helped me feel better but still, I'd lie awake at night worried.
Then, it happened. On Nov 10th he said a new word "mas" (more). I couldn't believe it. Said it clear as day, spontaneously. I cried. I literally cried. He said it again and again.
Next day, 2 more words! "si" (yes) and "up". Again, out of nowhere. Cried some more. The weekend, another word.
This past Friday, 8 new words in ONE DAY!!!! Blows my mind. We are so excited!!!
He's up to 28/29 words so far, 21 learned in the last 2 weeks.
He's had speech for almost 6 months and before the 10th, nothing. I saw no change, no improvement. Ironically he receives speech solely in Spanish but 20 out of 29 words are in ENGLISH!!!
I am so happy. He uses all his words correctly. It's crazy! He uses them all the time, over and over. I ask him things and he answers. And new words just keep pouring out. I think he said "open" today but I don't want to officially count it until I'm sure.
Oh, and if you ask him what Santa says, he says " Ho Ho."
I don't typically share stuff like this but I am so proud of my boy and so happy. Plus, in case another mom is out there like me with a DS like mine, I wanted to share our story.
Posted 11/28/11 2:42 PM |
Long Island Weddings
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Stalkers, get a life.

Member since 11/07 12820 total posts
Re: After 25 months, it finally happened!!! He TALKS!
Wow, that is amazing! I've heard so many parents say that their kids had virtually no words and then one day out of the blue, they start speaking. It's like a switch goes off in their heads, so amazing.
Posted 11/28/11 2:44 PM |
LIF Adult

Member since 7/08 22665 total posts
Name: Erica
Re: After 25 months, it finally happened!!! He TALKS!
That's Great!!!
Posted 11/28/11 2:45 PM |
A new beginning

Member since 2/07 3600 total posts
Name: LeShelle
Re: After 25 months, it finally happened!!! He TALKS!
When they start talking they really start talking all of a sudden. congrats.
Posted 11/28/11 2:45 PM |
love my 2 boys

Member since 8/08 10923 total posts
Name: Linda
Re: After 25 months, it finally happened!!! He TALKS!
Posted 11/28/11 2:46 PM |
LIF Adult
Member since 6/08 1163 total posts
Re: After 25 months, it finally happened!!! He TALKS!
congrats!!! and bilingual even!
Posted 11/28/11 2:48 PM |
3 boys and a princess!

Member since 11/08 8178 total posts
Name: Momma
Re: After 25 months, it finally happened!!! He TALKS!
YAY!!!!!!!!!! Great news!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!
Posted 11/28/11 2:55 PM |
Member since 1/06 9758 total posts
Re: After 25 months, it finally happened!!! He TALKS!
Posted 11/28/11 2:57 PM |

Member since 4/07 22952 total posts
Name: J
Re: After 25 months, it finally happened!!! He TALKS!
That's fantastic. There's no stopping him now!
Posted 11/28/11 3:12 PM |
My family is complete!

Member since 11/08 12970 total posts
Name: Diana
Re: After 25 months, it finally happened!!! He TALKS!
I am SOOOO happy for you!!!!!!!!!! Go Joshua!!!
Posted 11/28/11 3:13 PM |
LIF Infant

Member since 10/09 347 total posts
Re: After 25 months, it finally happened!!! He TALKS!
I just teared up reading this!
Posted 11/28/11 8:35 PM |
Baby #5 on the way!

Member since 9/05 7919 total posts
Re: After 25 months, it finally happened!!! He TALKS!
My son was the same way. Never even said mama until he turned 2. Then it was like someone flipped a switch and he was talking in full sentences within a week!
Posted 11/28/11 8:56 PM |
Me and my Boys

Member since 1/10 1400 total posts
Re: After 25 months, it finally happened!!! He TALKS!
Ironically we JUST are going through almost the same exact situation here, although DS does not get any speech help, his 2nd bday was 10/25,,,,now all of a sudden he's like our little parrot he repeats EVERYthing we say...its truly amazing!
Posted 11/28/11 8:58 PM |
Baby's First Christmas

Member since 7/09 3541 total posts
Name: Kim
Re: After 25 months, it finally happened!!! He TALKS!
That is so exciting!! Congrats!
Posted 11/28/11 9:26 PM |
Gabriella Aubrey born 3/26!

Member since 5/10 2440 total posts
Name: Tess
Re: After 25 months, it finally happened!!! He TALKS!
that is wonderful!!
Posted 11/28/11 9:41 PM |
My 3 little loves <3<3<3

Member since 1/09 7395 total posts
Name: Maureen
Re: After 25 months, it finally happened!!! He TALKS!
That's so fantastic!!! I can only imagine how proud you must feel!! How awesome- it's like the flood gates are opened and now he's just gonna keep coming out with new words every day. So exciting!!! 
Posted 11/28/11 10:24 PM |
LIF Adult
Member since 1/11 2741 total posts
Name: ....
Re: After 25 months, it finally happened!!! He TALKS!
That is awesome!!!!! Isn't it great!!!! My son has been getting Speech for almost 3 months and for the past 2-3 weeks, his vocabulary is so much better!!!! More words. Some 2 word sentences... Music to my ears!!! Enjoy it!!!!
Posted 11/28/11 10:31 PM |
sometimes 1+1= 4 <3
Member since 8/09 3869 total posts
Name: the lucky one
Re: After 25 months, it finally happened!!! He TALKS!
that's wonderful news!
Posted 11/28/11 10:35 PM |
Baby #3 coming this June

Member since 8/05 6721 total posts
Name: A
Re: After 25 months, it finally happened!!! He TALKS!
That is so great! I know how you feel. I was so worried about my DS to at around that age then all of a sudden it was a word explosion. Some kids just develop slower then others. Everyday is going to be a new word now. So amazing!!
Posted 11/28/11 11:12 PM |
Nya nya nya

Member since 5/05 11618 total posts
Name: Amy
Re: After 25 months, it finally happened!!! He TALKS!
This post makes my heart positively SING!!!!!! Yay!!! How exciting for you!
Posted 11/28/11 11:16 PM |
Hope is Contagious....catch it

Member since 5/05 30683 total posts
Name: D
Re: After 25 months, it finally happened!!! He TALKS!
Posted 11/29/11 7:52 AM |
I'm a lucky mama
Member since 1/10 7585 total posts
Name: L
Re: After 25 months, it finally happened!!! He TALKS!
how great!
Posted 11/29/11 8:05 AM |
LIF Infant
Member since 10/11 330 total posts
Name: erica
Re: After 25 months, it finally happened!!! He TALKS!
wonderful news! I hope this happens for us soon too.
Posted 11/29/11 8:26 AM |
2 Boys

Member since 7/06 17795 total posts
Re: After 25 months, it finally happened!!! He TALKS!
Posted 11/29/11 8:44 AM |

Member since 6/05 9987 total posts
Name: Grammie says "Lora Gina"
Re: After 25 months, it finally happened!!! He TALKS!
That is wonderful news!
Posted 11/29/11 9:20 AM |