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After picking up DC from Daycare or Sitter...

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Happy Summer !

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After picking up DC from Daycare or Sitter...

Do you give him or her your undivided attention? I feel so bad, we get home, DH plays with her, I cook dinner, we eat, clean up then it is bath and bedtime by 8:00 , I have 3 hours with her and feel like I spend 30 mins with her a day! Mommy guilt never ends with me Chat Icon

Posted 10/30/08 11:03 AM
Long Island Weddings
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LIF Toddler

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Re: After picking up DC from Daycare or Sitter...

I feel the same way not enough time, I do try and give DC my undivided attention, but he's out by 8pm and that's all the time we have with him.... sometimes I feel bad.. Chat Icon so I do understand.

Posted 10/30/08 11:06 AM

Two ladies and a gentleman!

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Re: After picking up DC from Daycare or Sitter...

Oh NO! Chat Icon Well, I SAH now, but when I was working, the LAST thing I wanted to do after a long day was to get on the floor and play. I was a teacher though, and so we had at least 4 or 5 hours before bedtime.

Posted 10/30/08 11:21 AM

My 3 Blessings

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Re: After picking up DC from Daycare or Sitter...

I feel this way, I do play with DS right away, but then have to do the nightly dinner/bath/bed routine too. I also go to school 2 night a week, so sometimes all I see him is in the AMChat Icon

Posted 10/30/08 11:50 AM

I am Batman!

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Re: After picking up DC from Daycare or Sitter...

Posted by KittyCat

Do you give him or her your undivided attention? I feel so bad, we get home, DH plays with her, I cook dinner, we eat, clean up then it is bath and bedtime by 8:00 , I have 3 hours with her and feel like I spend 30 mins with her a day! Mommy guilt never ends with me Chat Icon

My night is exactly the same. It's hard. The only real time we have together on a weeknight is that we always snuggle and watch Backyardigans at 8 and then we go read a couple books before bed. Otherwise, I'm in a made dash to get through dinner, clean up, bath and anything else I need to get together for the next day.

Posted 10/30/08 11:50 AM

Happy Summer !

Member since 5/05

2241 total posts


Re: After picking up DC from Daycare or Sitter...

Thank you for all your support, she has been there over 1 year and I still can't go over it (the guilt)

Posted 10/30/08 12:07 PM

Blessed with 2blue/2pink

Member since 12/05

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Re: After picking up DC from Daycare or Sitter...

Yes, and it's b/c I only have a hour, hour and a half tops. So, from the second DH picks me up from the train, I hop in the backseat with Ryan and I don't do anything but play with him/attend to him until I put him to bed until 8:30PM. I won't take any calls or do anything else. But, again, I have 90-minutes tops with him. I'm sure if I had 3-hrs I would do some other things in that timeframe. And I'll probably burn out doing it this way soon Chat Icon We eat dinner 9-9:30ish, then I pull together stuff for daycare, pump, shower, etc. I don't sit down til 11:30 Chat Icon

It's so hard Chat Icon

Message edited 10/30/2008 12:09:20 PM.

Posted 10/30/08 12:07 PM

My little loves!

Member since 1/06

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Re: After picking up DC from Daycare or Sitter...

We're the same way. I get sad too. Chat Icon

Posted 10/30/08 12:14 PM

Happy Days!

Member since 8/05

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Re: After picking up DC from Daycare or Sitter...

Usually until bedtime we all hang out together, sometimes I start dinner, but we do a lot of cuddling and I spend that time making a big fuss over him. Its family time.

Posted 10/30/08 12:15 PM


Member since 2/06

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Re: After picking up DC from Daycare or Sitter...

same situation here too. I just do the best that I can.

Posted 10/30/08 12:19 PM

Best friends!

Member since 12/06

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Re: After picking up DC from Daycare or Sitter...

Posted by racheeeee

Usually until bedtime we all hang out together, sometimes I start dinner, but we do a lot of cuddling and I spend that time making a big fuss over him. Its family time.

Same here with my DD. I try to give her my undivided attention until she goes to bed, just because that's how it works for us. DH & I eat late (she eats dinner at my MIL's before we pick her up b/c it would be too late for her to eat when we got home), after she goes to bed, which isn't great for my waistline Chat Icon but at least I get to hang out with her.

It's hard, I agree Chat Icon

Posted 10/30/08 2:23 PM

cant believe hes gone

Member since 3/07

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Re: After picking up DC from Daycare or Sitter...

i try my best to spend time with DD after not done till 5:30...i go to get her from the babysitter talk to her for a couple min. then it takes a half hour to get home...DD's bed time is 7ish so by the time we get home its time for cereal, bath, bottle and bed...i live for weekends

Posted 10/30/08 2:26 PM


Member since 5/05

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Re: After picking up DC from Daycare or Sitter...

It depends on the day. There is one day when I am totally on my own from when I get home till she goes to bed. She gets the quickest and easiest dinner possible and I wait to eat because there is no way I can cook (or want to).

The other days, she and DH and I all hang out till I have to make dinner, but she wanders in and out and sometimes if the food can be left unattended for a couple minutes I go and play with her.

It's hard, but I only have about 3 hours between getting home and bedtime.

Posted 10/30/08 2:27 PM

They get so big, so fast :(

Member since 5/05

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Re: After picking up DC from Daycare or Sitter...

I get out of work at 4pm so its a little easier. She doesn't really get outside all day(even though we live where the weather is beautiful year round), so I try to take her to the park for an hour or so. Then it dinner, bath, reading and bed. Its much easier when DH is home so I can cook and clean up while he entertains/bathes DD.

I have no idea how I am going to do this routine with 2 kids howeverChat Icon

Posted 10/30/08 2:27 PM


Member since 8/06

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Re: After picking up DC from Daycare or Sitter...

I feel bad too. I pick up DD around 5:45-6. We go home (across the street from the sitters) I play with her, make her dinner, feed her. By that time DH is home so then we play with her together...around 7:30-8 she gets a bath (every other day) and by 8:30 she's ready for bed. There is not enough time in the day and I feel guilty about that. Honestly my house right now is a wreckChat Icon and my laundry is piled high but I have to pick and choose time with my baby or clean up. Chat Icon

Posted 10/30/08 2:31 PM

The cutest!

Member since 1/07

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Re: After picking up DC from Daycare or Sitter...

I feel the same way sometimes. I even work from home one day a week and if I get a little extra free time, i find trying to take care of errands or clean b/c things start to pile up and the weekend is not long enough to get it done.

Posted 10/30/08 3:09 PM

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