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allergy shots?

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LIF Adolescent

Member since 5/05

623 total posts


allergy shots?

does anyone get them? if so what kind do you get and how often do you have to go..

my allergies have been so bad lately and i need to do something - my doctor is very conservative though - so i want to be able to go in with names of shots and see what he says to them....

thanks for your help

Posted 4/5/06 9:57 AM
Long Island Weddings
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Sweet Jessie Quinn

Member since 5/05

27567 total posts


Re: allergy shots?

From age 11-23 I received 2 shots twice a week. I never moved up from the first level of injections though. The doctor tried one visit and my arm blew up. I personally believed that they helped. Even though three or four times a year I get hit hard with allergies, like this week, it still cannot compare to when I was younger. I had constant nasal drip.

When I moved from FL to NY, I did not try and find an allergist, I was tired of going for the shots.

Good Luck!!

also, there is only 1 pill that helps me, the others only touch the surface, but Rynatan (sp) is the best for me. So if my allergies are really acting up I will take one, but I hate being on meds.

Posted 4/5/06 11:06 AM

LIF Adult

Member since 5/05

1185 total posts


Re: allergy shots?

Posted by Janice

that they helped. Even though three or four times a year I get hit hard with allergies, like this week, ...

This week, wow! Me too! I am miserable, does this go away?? I have never had allergies, and when I did it was in September. The commerical on TV where the lady moves into her new home and now she has new allergies, that is ME!!! I swear, pls tell me it gets better!!??

Message edited 4/5/2006 11:17:37 AM.

Posted 4/5/06 11:17 AM


Member since 6/05

9987 total posts

Grammie says "Lora Gina"

Re: allergy shots?

Posted by Sandra

Posted by Janice

that they helped. Even though three or four times a year I get hit hard with allergies, like this week, ...

This week, wow! Me too! I am miserable, does this go away?? I have never had allergies, and when I did it was in September. The commerical on TV where the lady moves into her new home and now she has new allergies, that is ME!!! I swear, pls tell me it gets better!!??

Chat Icon DH says that's me in the commercial too!....That actually was my problem. I moved into an apt three years ago that was covered in allergies were horrible and since then I've been diagnosed with asthma. I had and still get allergic conjunctivitis once or twice a month...Nothing like showing up in an office with pink eye all the time... I was a mess living in that place. We've since moved into a better, healtier apt!

My Doctor (Allergist) has suggested I get the shots, but honestly...even with the co-pay it's way too much money. $20 every week for 10 months, then every other week, then every three weeks then once a month...Chat Icon I'm hoping with meds and sprays it'll get better...
He also mentioned that 4 out of 5 people get relief. My Cousin was getting them for a while and he has felt some relief. If your allergies are very bad and you can afford the shots...try it.

Message edited 4/5/2006 11:58:45 AM.

Posted 4/5/06 11:58 AM

My happy babies

Member since 3/06

3428 total posts


Re: allergy shots?

i made an appointment to get them - many allergists will not start them in the spring - too many allergies bothering people - so i have an appointment for allergy testing in the summer

right now i use a combination of allergy meds, nose sprays, and allergy eye drops (patanol) works great - but i get so many sinus infections - i was told i have to try them by 2 doctors- so it is time

good luck -mine have been really bad this past week too

Posted 4/5/06 12:12 PM

Partners in crime

Member since 10/05

14656 total posts


Re: allergy shots?

I went to an allergist weekly for about a year. I stopped after I switched jobs. I was tired of going every week. I definitely notice a difference. My allergies were so much better when I was getting injections. My asthma is acting up to the point that I was in the ER on Sat. for a nebulizer treatment. I am making an appt. this week to resume the shots.

I know it's expensive but the relief it provides is incredible.

Posted 4/5/06 2:31 PM

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