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am i creting a bad habit? re:Pacifer?

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I'm a big sister!!!

Member since 5/05

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am i creting a bad habit? re:Pacifer?

Allison likes the pacifier ALOT.She doenst use it ALL the time but when she is crying thats what calms her down most times.
She also likes to fall asleep with it in her mouth or if she diesnt fall asleep with it if she wakes up she wants it.

Is this realy bad and how and when do you wean it away from them?

Message edited 9/25/2006 3:58:04 PM.

Posted 9/25/06 3:55 PM
Long Island Weddings
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Re: am i creting a bad habit? re:Pacifer?

I personally don't think that pacifier's are bad. Sucking soothes babies...
My DD is 10 months - we haven't weaned her but she also doesn't need it all the time, like she used to.

edited: spelling

Message edited 9/25/2006 4:02:44 PM.

Posted 9/25/06 4:02 PM

My girls

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Re: am i creting a bad habit? re:Pacifer?

She's so young, I wouldn't worry about it now. They are saying that pacifiers reduce the risk of SIDS.

Posted 9/25/06 4:12 PM

I'm a big sister!!!

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Re: am i creting a bad habit? re:Pacifer?

Posted by ckdk

She's so young, I wouldn't worry about it now. They are saying that pacifiers reduce the risk of SIDS.

good point i have heard that about sids and the paci

Posted 9/25/06 4:15 PM

LIF Adult

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Re: am i creting a bad habit? re:Pacifer?

When they are that little, I don't believe you can create bad habits if it is something that soothes them. I used to get worried about Jack being attached to his blanket (he'll be 2 next month), but I've realized that he needs it for comfort when he sleeps, etc.

And its very rare that you see a little kid getting on the school bus with a pacifier, so she'll outgrow it! Chat Icon

Posted 9/25/06 4:16 PM

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Re: am i creting a bad habit? re:Pacifer?

Posted by 04bride
Is this realy bad and how and when do you wean it away from them?

In my case, a bad case of coxsackie did it.

It's not a horrible habit if you break it early (about 12 months).

Posted 9/25/06 4:16 PM

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Re: am i creting a bad habit? re:Pacifer?

I don't have my baby yet, but I think it all depends on the child.

My mom gave all 4 of us the pacifier. 3 of us got rid of it quickly and my brother had it until he was 4.

My friend gave her first 2 kids the paci and her son had it until he was 2 and her daugher didn't really care for it once she hit about 6 months. Now, her third child can take it or leave it.

I don't think that you giving it creates the bad habit, I think it is just that some kids prefer to have it longer than others.

Posted 9/25/06 4:18 PM


Member since 5/05

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Re: am i creting a bad habit? re:Pacifer?

I was told to give my daughters pacifiers at night to help prevent SIDS. So, how can they be bad. My girls love them. My son never took an interest in it.

Posted 9/25/06 4:22 PM

Disney cruise bound!

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Re: am i creting a bad habit? re:Pacifer?

Thanks for posting this Noel I have the same concerns as you. I did hear about the SIDS thing so I like to give it to her at night but DH and I get a lot of slack from the grandmas when we give it to her which is why I started to worry.

Posted 9/25/06 4:33 PM

My Loves

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Re: am i creting a bad habit? re:Pacifer?

Jake used a pacifer until he was 21 months old, just for sleeping. One night I just said to him, you are a big boy now and don't need one anymore. He looked at me and said okay mommy and laid down and went to sleep without itChat Icon . I was very surprised on how easy it was to take it away.

Posted 9/25/06 4:47 PM


Member since 5/05

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Re: am i creting a bad habit? re:Pacifer?

My opinion on the paci is if it comforts the baby then why deprive them of it? I feel the same way with the bottle. I dont believe that a certain age those things have to be taken away. No, i dont want my son walking around at 4 or 5 with a paci or bottle, but at a year, year and a half, if it comforts him I will let him have it. He will only be a baby for a short time. They grow up so fast. I want to let my baby be a baby. JMO.Chat Icon

But if you really dont want the baby to have it, then you can ask Racheeee's baby Noah to come over, HE'LL TAKE IT FOR SURE!!!!!Chat Icon Chat Icon Chat Icon

Message edited 9/25/2006 4:50:03 PM.

Posted 9/25/06 4:47 PM

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Re: am i creting a bad habit? re:Pacifer?

Like my mother always says, "No one ever went to college sucking on a binky." Chat Icon

If it makes her calm and soothes her, then I wouldn't worry about it.

Posted 9/25/06 6:23 PM

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Re: am i creting a bad habit? re:Pacifer?

Like everyone said....not to worry. She just needs it now, not foreverChat Icon

Posted 9/25/06 6:31 PM

LIF Infant

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Re: am i creating a bad habit? re:Pacifer?

my daughter is now 4 months old and she very rarely used a pacifier, but i never pushed it. She started to self sooth herself with her 2 fingers. That's all she does now is suck on them. The thing that is bad is at night with the pacifier everytime it popps out you have to get up and put it back in.

Posted 9/25/06 6:39 PM

I am a lucky Momma!

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Re: am i creting a bad habit? re:Pacifer?

Babies have an incredible "need" to suck --- and I would personally rather a pacifier then a thumb since you can get rid of a paci eventually but you can't get rid of their thumb! Chat Icon

My DD is almost a year and while I always said I did't want to use them she used it in the hospital and then when we got her home we realized that it really did sooth and calm her. I would like to get rid of it soon -- but I don't think there is any harm in them when the baby is young.

Posted 9/25/06 6:54 PM

my princess

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Re: am i creting a bad habit? re:Pacifer?

Posted by CheeChee

My opinion on the paci is if it comforts the baby then why deprive them of it? I feel the same way with the bottle. I dont believe that a certain age those things have to be taken away. No, i dont want my son walking around at 4 or 5 with a paci or bottle, but at a year, year and a half, if it comforts him I will let him have it. He will only be a baby for a short time. They grow up so fast. I want to let my baby be a baby. JMO.Chat Icon

I agree!

Posted 9/25/06 7:35 PM

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Re: am i creting a bad habit? re:Pacifer?

Posted by prncssrachel

Like my mother always says, "No one ever went to college sucking on a binky." Chat Icon

If it makes her calm and soothes her, then I wouldn't worry about it.

I agree! Grace LOVED her binkie so much for the first three months and now could care less (she is 4.5 months old). I guess she grew out of it on her own.

Posted 9/25/06 7:37 PM

All good things in 2016!!

Member since 8/05

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Re: am i creting a bad habit? re:Pacifer?

It's easier to take a binkie away than a thumb.....I have a thumbsucker and I'm in the dental field Chat Icon

Posted 9/25/06 7:55 PM

boy mamma

Member since 5/05

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Re: am i creting a bad habit? re:Pacifer?

no, I love paci's I dont think they are bad at all. Bryan is 15 months and he really only uses it for sleeping and when things get very out of control. ( which is not too often) I dont let him use them all the time anymore but when he was younger I did, they saved me on so many counts.

Posted 9/25/06 8:06 PM

My Everything

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Re: am i creting a bad habit? re:Pacifer?

We still use them at a year old. My only suggestion would be to get Nuk's or Mams instead of Soothies (if you are using those). I need DD to switch to the others since they are orthodontic pacifiers and she DOES NOT want them. She actually only wants to newborn Soothie. She won't even take the 6 month and up one anymore Chat Icon Chat Icon Chat Icon When we get back from vacation it will be Mams or nothing for her because her teeth are finally coming in and I don't want issues.

Posted 9/26/06 12:08 AM

Little Angel

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Re: am i creting a bad habit? re:Pacifer?

My ped told me that is does reduce the risk of SIDS and that's its ok to use it. At first she took it all the time. Now that she started finding her hands she really doesn't want it as much.

Posted 9/26/06 8:15 AM

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