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Amniotic Fluid Level- High/Low

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Amniotic Fluid Level- High/Low

Ok, clueless does the Dr. know if your fluid level is high or low except for a sonogram? Do you have symptoms (and if so, what are they?) that cause them to send you for a sono to check your fluid levels.

I have this irrational fear that I leak fluid Chat Icon

Posted 5/8/07 5:19 PM
Long Island Weddings
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Re: Amniotic Fluid Level- High/Low

I have high fluid (32 last checked 25 is the cutoff - I think 5 is the cutoff of low).

I have regular sonos for another reason and they found my fluid was increasing a few weeks ago but this past week was the first time I was actually in the abnormal range.

Posted 5/8/07 5:29 PM

Me and the guys

Member since 5/05

4024 total posts


Re: Amniotic Fluid Level- High/Low

I think that the only way to verify your fluid level is with a sono.

Posted 5/8/07 5:34 PM

Best friends!

Member since 12/06

23090 total posts


Re: Amniotic Fluid Level- High/Low

Are there symptoms though that cause your doc to send you for a sono, can they tell by feeling your belly, or what?

I really don't think I have high/low fluid levels, I just irrationally wonder if I have been leaking it. Chat Icon It's really irrational, believe me!

Posted 5/8/07 5:42 PM

My Everything!

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Re: Amniotic Fluid Level- High/Low

Well, for me, I wasn't feeling him move as much as he was moving - even though his heart rate was fine, I kept telling my dr. that i'm feeling less movement - she did a sono and saw I had low fluid, and said he may not have been able to move as much because there wasnt enough fluid to move around in....
I had to get induced that day, but I was already at 40 wks - just not dilated...

Posted 5/8/07 5:44 PM

going along for the ride...

Member since 5/05

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Re: Amniotic Fluid Level- High/Low

Well not really unless you think your belly is getting smaller but you could mention you think you are leaking fluid they can test for that.

Posted 5/8/07 5:49 PM

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