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Member since 5/05 2423 total posts
Another daycare q?
i am sure my daycare provider will tell me, but how do you leave bottles and food? prepared or do you leave the dry ingredients and then they prepare it?what kind of things do you need to bring as extras? does anyone have a list? hannah will be starting in 2 weeks, so i want to do some shopping to get ready.
Posted 1/4/07 10:22 AM |
Long Island Weddings
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LIF Adult

Member since 11/05 1977 total posts
Name: Cassie
Re: Another daycare q?
Prepared and labeled w/their name. I stack them in their fridge in order of hwo I want him to eat them (maybe a 5oz first, then a 6oz etc) He also has a cubby w/extra clothes, a backup of RTF formula, extra blankies...I have some toys in his crib there and a mobile. You'll need diapers/wipes if not provided and diaper cream.
Posted 1/4/07 10:23 AM |
LIF Adult

Member since 11/05 1977 total posts
Name: Cassie
Re: Another daycare q?
If she takes a paci, invest in one of those paci holders (it attaches to their clothes or bib) less chance for it to fall and get dirty (who knows if they really rinse it every time...)
Posted 1/4/07 10:26 AM |
My Loves!

Member since 5/05 46292 total posts
Re: Another daycare q?
As a day care worker we ask parents to bring in bottles made already and labeled with thier names. Extra clothes, diapers and wipes are a big help as well. Each child usually has their own cubby to hold all of this. Tell the provider what you want her to eat and when.
Posted 1/4/07 10:33 AM |

Member since 5/05 11165 total posts
Name: Mommy
Re: Another daycare q?
Label everything-bottles, bottle tops, paci's, bibs, clothes, sheets.
We send her in everyday with 2 clean empty bottles and we take her paci's home everyday and wash them.
Her water and formula are labled with her 1st and last name and date. The teachers prepare her formula.
On her 1st day, i gave them at the teachers request a document that was "Getting to know Gianna"
I listed her serving sizes, when she eats, her quirks, likes, dislikes etc. Just so they know her a little bit. It made the transition much easier since they know how to prepare bottles, if she likes them warmed, how warm, what timetable you feed DC on, etc.
ETA: I would recommend going there the week before you start work and spending some time with the teachers to see the environment/interaction yourself. At that time you can ask teh teachers exactly what they prefer.
Our center has everything pretty much laid out.
Message edited 1/4/2007 10:37:56 AM.
Posted 1/4/07 10:36 AM |
Mom of 2 + 1

Member since 10/05 7395 total posts
Name: Catherine
Re: Another daycare q?
In addition to the prepared bottles, I send a plastic covered bowl with the right amount of cereal plus another covered bowl with the amount of veggies I want her to have for lunch. All they have to do is mix the cereal with some of the milk from her bottle. I also make sure to send 2 spoons for her.
My center requires a doctors note for ANYTHING to be used on an infant -- diaper cream, powder, Tylenol, etc. So if you are going to the ped before you bring her, get a note from them to cover whatever Hannah may need.
I leave her with 2 changes of outfits and her own blanket. You'll also need to provide them with a bib or 2 for her. I brought a whole package of diapers and a tub of wipes. They will let you know when they start to run low. You should ask them about their policy on linens. Some places want you to bring your own, others don't unless your baby has an allergy to their detergent (which they may ask for documentation on) since it makes it harder for them to keep track of who has their own stuff and who uses center linens.
The one thing that they stress is that everything needs to be labeled.
Posted 1/4/07 10:38 AM |
car seat tech & geek :-)

Member since 2/06 4346 total posts
Name: P
Re: Another daycare q?
Posted by pharmcat2000 My center requires a doctors note for ANYTHING to be used on an infant -- diaper cream, powder, Tylenol, etc. So if you are going to the ped before you bring her, get a note from them to cover whatever Hannah may need.
The center requires it, yes . . . but in actuality it is New York State that requires it. It is a regulation that any non-perscription medication that is to be used MUST be signed off by a doctor (and also perscriptions have to be accompied by a Dr's note too) This whole process is to rid the daycare of any legal recourse if the child has a reaction to any of the meds.
I am saying this because it is not only specific day cares, it's all. (and if someone goes to one that doesn't require this IMO they should be reported)
You should definatly get notes for anything that she might need now so you aren't running back and forth to the Doctors all the time.
Oh! And remember, when she starts daycare, she IS going to get sick. Runny nose, Ear infections, Strep Throat, etc. It doesn't mean the day care is dirty, or anything like that. It's just her immune system is weaker. IMO it's better for them to build it up at an earlier age then in Kindergarten!
Posted 1/4/07 5:36 PM |
Stop kissing me!

Member since 5/05 2636 total posts
Name: L
Re: Another daycare q?
At my daycare we have to prepare all bottles and bring any food we want them to eat in addition to the lunch they provide.
I would bring extra clothes, bibs, sheets and binkys (if you use them).
Posted 1/4/07 7:48 PM |