Member since 5/05 16438 total posts
Name: Beth
Another end of an era
Well, Alex moves up to a new class soon and must say good-bye to her teachers that she absolutely ADORES, as do I. They wrote us a long, heartfelt note expressing how much they love her, wish her the best, and hope that she and I come back to visit often. The one teacher, the Israeli, has been off for the summer, and came back last week for the camp show, pulled me aside, cried to me about how much she loves Alex, will miss her, and how Alex will always be her favorite, adding that Alex's little personality is going to take her places in this world
I know she is in good hands moving to a new class, and it is SO good for her development to learn to adapt to, and bond with, different adults, but this process is just sooooooooo hard on me. I'm sad for her even though she probably won't even be sad.
The worst of all is they have too many children ages 2-3, so they are splitting her current class into 3 classes, so Alex is being separated from her core group of friends she has been with since 3 months old. Again, I know it is so important for her to learn how to develop friendships with new children, but it really is just eating me up inside
I worry for my little monkey and her demanding, spirited personality, and whether every new teacher and every new friend will appreciate it in all its glory
LIF Adult
Member since 7/05 7967 total posts
Name: sara
Re: Another end of an era
Awww we are not at that stage yet as DD is still home with me but I know I will be the sap crying after the teachers while all the other moms just move on.
I am sure every teacher Alex meets along the way will love her just as much.
Life is good.
Member since 1/07 9164 total posts
Name: Amanda
Re: Another end of an era
Aw, what a bittersweet moment!
Just watch, Alex is going to flourish and do wonderfully!