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Living on a prayer!!!

Member since 10/05 29450 total posts
Name: Diana
Another question for moms who were induced
I bet you all can't wait for these questions to stop - I just have a few more (and hopefully it will all be over tomorrow)
I go into Winthrop in the morning and they will start me on Cervadil. My questions are - I know I have to be on the Cervadil for 12 hours....can I walk around at this time or am I basically bed ridden? Also, 12 hours seems like a heck of a long time for me not to eat - will I be able to get food and eat a little something or will I basically be starving at this point?
Thanks - just trying to get a feel for what to expect!
Posted 6/26/07 7:22 AM |
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Member since 8/05 2509 total posts
Name: michelle
Re: Another question for moms who were induced
from what i remember, i think you have to stay in bed when they insert the cervidil. I know,12 hrs seems to be a very long time, but as there telling you that your progressing & getting closer, you dont realize how long it actually is taking.
I watched TV w/my DH the whole time-but i remember begging for food-lol, I was starving!!! You can only eat ice chips, this to me was the worst part of the whole process-being so hungry (which if you think about it-isnt so bad!)
I think it was bc I didnt eat the entire day before-i remember being so nervous about having "an accident"while delivering lol-sorry for TMI!
Posted 6/26/07 7:36 AM |
Living on a prayer!!!

Member since 10/05 29450 total posts
Name: Diana
Re: Another question for moms who were induced
Posted by oops123
from what i remember, i think you have to stay in bed when they insert the cervidil. I know,12 hrs seems to be a very long time, but as there telling you that your progressing & getting closer, you dont realize how long it actually is taking.
I watched TV w/my DH the whole time-but i remember begging for food-lol, I was starving!!! You can only eat ice chips, this to me was the worst part of the whole process-being so hungry (which if you think about it-isnt so bad!)
I think it was bc I didnt eat the entire day before-i remember being so nervous about having "an accident"while delivering lol-sorry for TMI!
Thanks! I am so worried about what will happen on the table - but I also get soooo hungry after only a few hours that I may eat like it's my last meal today!!!
I hope it does go fast bc 12 hours seems like a heck of a long time!
Posted 6/26/07 7:41 AM |
Twin Moms Do Everything Twice

Member since 5/05 9612 total posts
Re: Another question for moms who were induced
You have to stay in bed while the cervadil is in and no food!
Good luck
Posted 6/26/07 7:42 AM |
Living on a prayer!!!

Member since 10/05 29450 total posts
Name: Diana
Re: Another question for moms who were induced
Posted by pinky
You have to stay in bed while the cervadil is in and no food!
Good luck
Posted 6/26/07 7:44 AM |
Ready for the sun!

Member since 5/05 30339 total posts
Name: Properly perfect™
Re: Another question for moms who were induced
I had Kerri at Winthrop and was spend 12 hours in food no matter how hard you beg. Just ice chips...oh and I had DH get jolly ranchers for me to have some flavor.
Eat at home...I did not eat anything for 36 hours!
Posted 6/26/07 7:49 AM |
All good things in 2016!!

Member since 8/05 20181 total posts
Re: Another question for moms who were induced
The best advice I got was to give myself an enema before I left to get induced. It literally cleans you out so there is nothing left to push out It also prepares your body by emptying it. The nurses told me they wished everyone did it. I was not allowed to eat or really walk around on Cervadil. I was able to shower with it the following morning. It's like a tampon string basically. Good Luck !
Message edited 6/26/2007 7:53:44 AM.
Posted 6/26/07 7:52 AM |
Living on a prayer!!!

Member since 10/05 29450 total posts
Name: Diana
Re: Another question for moms who were induced
Posted by Moehick
I had Kerri at Winthrop and was spend 12 hours in food no matter how hard you beg. Just ice chips...oh and I had DH get jolly ranchers for me to have some flavor.
Eat at home...I did not eat anything for 36 hours!
Can I bring some sucking candies with me - like life savers?
Posted 6/26/07 7:54 AM |
Living on a prayer!!!

Member since 10/05 29450 total posts
Name: Diana
Re: Another question for moms who were induced
Posted by BlessedMommy
The best advice I got was to give myself an enema before I left to get induced. It literally cleans you out so there is nothing left to push out It also prepares your body by emptying it. The nurses told me they wished everyone did it. I was not allowed to eat or really walk around on Cervadil. I was able to shower with it the following morning. It's like a tampon string basically. Good Luck !
I asked my dr. about getting an enema bc I have major stomach issues and she said I can't get one. I'm not sure why though.
So, I can still get up and go to the bathroom with the cervadil right? I won't be hooked up to a catheter or anything at that point (I hope)
Posted 6/26/07 7:55 AM |
Ready for the sun!

Member since 5/05 30339 total posts
Name: Properly perfect™
Re: Another question for moms who were induced
Posted by Diana1215
Posted by Moehick
I had Kerri at Winthrop and was spend 12 hours in food no matter how hard you beg. Just ice chips...oh and I had DH get jolly ranchers for me to have some flavor.
Eat at home...I did not eat anything for 36 hours!
Can I bring some sucking candies with me - like life savers?
Go for it...I did. I didn't make it an announcement to the nurses, not even sure they noticed.
Good luck, you will be fine
Posted 6/26/07 7:56 AM |
Living on a prayer!!!

Member since 10/05 29450 total posts
Name: Diana
Re: Another question for moms who were induced
Posted by Moehick
Posted by Diana1215
Posted by Moehick
I had Kerri at Winthrop and was spend 12 hours in food no matter how hard you beg. Just ice chips...oh and I had DH get jolly ranchers for me to have some flavor.
Eat at home...I did not eat anything for 36 hours!
Can I bring some sucking candies with me - like life savers?
Go for it...I did. I didn't make it an announcement to the nurses, not even sure they noticed.
Good luck, you will be fine
Good point. So you mean I shouldn't yell across the room "JAMES - can you bring me my package of lifesavers please!"
Posted 6/26/07 7:57 AM |
All good things in 2016!!

Member since 8/05 20181 total posts
Re: Another question for moms who were induced
You can still get up to go to the bathroom but they really want limited activity. I used a Fleet home enema. I guess you can't do one on yourself at home then huh?
Posted 6/26/07 7:58 AM |
Ready for the sun!

Member since 5/05 30339 total posts
Name: Properly perfect™
Re: Another question for moms who were induced
Posted by Diana1215
Posted by BlessedMommy
The best advice I got was to give myself an enema before I left to get induced. It literally cleans you out so there is nothing left to push out It also prepares your body by emptying it. The nurses told me they wished everyone did it. I was not allowed to eat or really walk around on Cervadil. I was able to shower with it the following morning. It's like a tampon string basically. Good Luck !
I asked my dr. about getting an enema bc I have major stomach issues and she said I can't get one. I'm not sure why though.
So, I can still get up and go to the bathroom with the cervadil right? I won't be hooked up to a catheter or anything at that point (I hope)
Oh yeah you can get up and go to the bathroom.....I always felt like I had to go but once I got there I couldn't...DH was annoyed I kept having him get me up to go then nothing!
Posted 6/26/07 7:59 AM |
Mama to 3!?!?!?

Member since 7/06 8069 total posts
Name: Susan
Re: Another question for moms who were induced
I was induced but never got cervadil. I agree about bringing the sucking candy, but I hardly ate any. They told us at the childbirth class that we could bring them, but I made the mistake of asking the nurse and she very strongly discouraged me. They didn't even let me have ice chips until after DD was born. I was so incredibly thirsty. Those ice chips were so good!!
Posted 6/26/07 8:21 AM |
Fun in the Snow!
Member since 11/06 4512 total posts
Name: Laura
Re: Another question for moms who were induced
My experience was a little different. The cervadil was inserted at 7pm. I wasnt allowed to eat or drink anything or get up for 3 hours. Once the 3 hours was up, I was able to go to the bathroom and they brought me a turkey sandwich, then they gave me a sleeping pill. The next morning, they said the cervadil didnt do anything, so they added pitocin to my IV, that didnt enough so they wound up giving me a c-section....when they decided that, thats when I was given an enema
Posted 6/26/07 8:57 AM |
Happy Days!

Member since 8/05 18208 total posts
Re: Another question for moms who were induced
I started my tickle (thats what they call induction in the UK) I can't remember the name of the medication they use here, sorry...anyway, I started Sat Morning and the baby came 9 pm Monday night...I ate, drank, got up, walked around, my goodness, other girls in the ward were out in the parking lot having a cigarette and drinking a beer (I don't condone this, just mentioning) but you should be able to move around freely and ate.
Posted 6/26/07 9:22 AM |
Our family is complete, maybe

Member since 9/05 32436 total posts
Name: Stephanie
Re: Another question for moms who were induced
I went into the hospital at 7pm on a MOnday. I ate dinner before I went in. They inserted the cervadil at 9pm and I was able to get up to go to the bathroom and stuff after it was placed in. Then They gave me an ambien and I went to sleep (finally) at 2am....I was awaken at 5am to take a shower and the pitocin was started at 7am...once the pitocin is started, there is no more walking around. good luck
Posted 6/26/07 9:23 AM |
Mommy of 2

Member since 5/05 4313 total posts
Name: Lisa
Re: Another question for moms who were induced
I had cervadil also. They inserted it at 12:30. I wasn't allowed to get up or pee for 2 hours. I do remember eating though. Lunch may have been before. I was served dinner but don't think I ate it. For me, it went pretty quickly. By 4 hours into it I was having contractions pretty close together. They gave me demerol because I wasn't 4 cm to get the epi yet. The demerol did nothing. I pretty much slept between contractions, but still had pain. Then I was in active labor and they took it out. I didn't need it in for 12 hours or pitocin. My labor was 13 hours start to finish.
I hope yours goes quickly! Good luck!
ETA: I just remembered the "food" was clear, broth, jello, juice, no solids.
Message edited 6/26/2007 11:16:30 AM.
Posted 6/26/07 9:30 AM |
Member since 5/05 11726 total posts
Name: Stephanie
Re: Another question for moms who were induced
They gave me my cervadil at night. I got to the hospital at 8pm, by the time I checked in and got settled it was 9:30pm. I got the cervadil around 10pm and they took it out at 10 am the next morning. I ate before I got there, pretty much watched TV for a little bit and then went to sleep.
Posted 6/26/07 9:45 AM |
The Boys!

Member since 5/05 2065 total posts
Name: Erin
Re: Another question for moms who were induced
I was given cervidil at 10 pm and they had me stay in bed for 2 hours I think, then I could get up and go to the bathroom...I HAD to, with all the IV fluid they were giving me I didn't have a choice I felt like I was going to float away. I went into labor starting around 3 am, my water broke at 6 am, had the baby at 11:45 am- no pitocin and they put in a catheter after they gave me the epidural around 7 am. Its a very low percentage of people who go into full blown labor from cervidil, thankfully I was one of them Oh yeah, and no eating allowed
Posted 6/26/07 9:46 AM |
Living on a prayer!!!

Member since 10/05 29450 total posts
Name: Diana
Re: Another question for moms who were induced
Thank you all for responding! I guess different hospitals have different procedures. I'll be getting breakfast in the morning before I go and make sure to have food on standby just in case.
I was also told about the not getting up for two hours once they place the cervadil. That may be a problem for me being that I go to the bathroom - oh about every thirty seconds now.
Posted 6/26/07 11:13 AM |
too excited for words

Member since 10/05 18538 total posts
Name: Nicole
Re: Another question for moms who were induced
It may be a little late for you to ask your Dr. but I never had cervidil with my induction. My Dr. gave me a ballon catheter. Don't worry, it sounds much worse than it actually is. They insert the catheter into your vj and then expend the balloon. It forces your body to manually dilate. I went in at about 1cm and by the morning I was 4 cm. Cervidil sometimes works and sometimes doesn't, so this was pretty much a sure thing- though I know it's not a common practice. I was also able to get up and walk around and eat. It couldn't hurt to atleast ask your Dr. about it. I know my friend did and her Dr. said they didn't do that.
Posted 6/26/07 11:24 AM |

Member since 5/05 6372 total posts
Re: Another question for moms who were induced
I delivered at winthrop.....if have to pee before the 2 hours they will give you a bed pan.
I ate lunch before my dr.'s appt and was sent to L&D from there.......and no accidents on the table Congrats and good luck tomorrow!!
Posted 6/26/07 11:25 AM |