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Another teething question...

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I am a lucky Momma!

Member since 7/05

15652 total posts


Another teething question...

I'm always asking teething questions...

What symptons did you notice RIGHT before your baby cut his/her first tooth.

Also my husband can't imagine what she'll look like with a tooth, he's worried it's going to be this big gigantic thing...anyone want to share pics of your kiddos when they first cut teeth?


Posted 5/6/06 8:00 PM
Long Island Weddings
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LIF Adolescent

Member since 10/05

798 total posts


Re: Another teething question...

I don't exactly remember the signs, but my ds drooled a lot before his teeth came in and if you felt inside his gums they were very hard. Also once they began to come in you could see white under the gums. Baby teeth look cute, imo, not scary. Here is a pic, although I am not sure how well you will be able to see his teeth.

Image Attachment(s):

Message edited 5/6/2006 9:27:57 PM.

Posted 5/6/06 9:05 PM


Member since 5/05

16438 total posts


Re: Another teething question...

Right before Alex cut her first tooth she became SUPER DUPER cranky. I mean waking up at all hours of the night with high-intensity, disconcerting crying, so much so that we ran to the doctor the next day! The doc told us she was fine, just teething so we came home. That day she slept most of the day and was super duper cuddly, and her cheeks were really flushed. The next morning her first tooth popped through! The teeth are adorable when they come through, and they're quite tiny... with time, they grow a little more but never look huge.

Posted 5/6/06 9:08 PM

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