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Anxiety about buying a home - normal???

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LIF Adolescent

Member since 12/06

572 total posts


Anxiety about buying a home - normal???

So my FH and I are in the steps of seriously house hunting. We have started looking at MLSLI, driving past homes we like, talking to a realtor, and looking at our credit reports.

However, I can't even explain the anxiety I have. I am naturally a very anxious person, but the whole idea of having a mortgage and a home is scary.

I guess I am just looking to see if others felt this way. All the what ifs, all the nightmares I've heard from friends who have been shopping, and just everything going on just scares me. Then there's the what ifs about getting pre-qualified, and what interest rate will we get, and that all just swirls around in my brain.

We are expecting our first child in Oct, which I am sure is adding to my anxiety.

So I guess I am just looking for some reassurance that everything I am feeling is normal, and that it's a big decision/commitment in life and it's ok to be anxious/nervous about the process.

Posted 6/2/09 8:39 PM
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LIF Toddler

Member since 6/08

422 total posts


Re: Anxiety about buying a home - normal???

trust me its very normal. we just bought a house & before we decided to make an offer on a house i was freaking out. we did some serious number crunching to make sure we could afford it if i lost my job or if i couldn't sell my co-op that we are living in. you can't live in fear. right now is the best time to buy. for us, so far everything worked out. we closed about 2 weeks ago on the house & we are in contract with selling my co-op. so God Forbid i do lose my job, we do have the money that we wlill get from the sale as an emergency fund. i'm not going to lie it is VERY stressful process but it will all be worth it.

good luck & don't worry it will all work out Chat Icon

Posted 6/2/09 8:52 PM

My loves

Member since 5/05

3221 total posts


Re: Anxiety about buying a home - normal???

Very normal to have anxierty, i was the same way esp bc i am a sahm too, and with my dh's job there is always a chance he can be out of work (he is a union electrician)..but we found a house and just did it, and everything has worked out well, just make sure you find something that you are comfortable with spending each and happy house hunting!

Posted 6/2/09 8:59 PM

2 and through

Member since 9/07

3939 total posts


Re: Anxiety about buying a home - normal???

well we just found out about 2 hrs ago that our offer was accepted and as I sit here I am in a full blown panic attack, so YES, it better be normal lol
Good luck

Posted 6/2/09 9:56 PM

LIF Adult

Member since 9/06

1011 total posts


Re: Anxiety about buying a home - normal???

So NORMAL.. Just keep it real and dont lie to yourself about what you can afford. Be realistic... Dont let anyone convince you to spend more and while its ok to listen to what others are saying, you should always check the facts yourself.

The process seems alot harder than it really is..... So have fun....

I remember when I was married and we were looking for houses, the first house we put an offer on and it was accepted, we were driving when we got the news and I ended up tossing cookies out the car.. So its totally normal lol

Message edited 6/3/2009 9:11:50 AM.

Posted 6/3/09 9:08 AM

my little monkey<3

Member since 5/08

3303 total posts


Re: Anxiety about buying a home - normal???

i'm nervous about the money but i am even MORE nervous thinking "are we going to pick the right house" Chat Icon Chat Icon Chat Icon

and we've been through a lot of houses already - we made 2 offers already on short sales that we walked away from....and after walking away from both i've said - "good thing we didnt get that house" Chat Icon Chat Icon

so that makes me nervous!

but of course each time we drop an offer its b/c we start looking at more expensive places - so of course they'll be bigger and nicer hahahaha

i think its normal to have all sorts of anxiety - i've been like this since january and its JUNE Chat Icon Chat Icon

Posted 6/3/09 9:09 AM

LIF Adolescent

Member since 11/08

885 total posts


Re: Anxiety about buying a home - normal???

SO NORMAL. Its a huge step on many different levels, so of course with any "change" there is a certain amount of unknown to it all.
We just purchased our first home about 6 months ago and im STILL uneasy about things. LOL It's also an exciting time, try to enjoy the journey.

Posted 6/3/09 9:16 AM


Member since 5/09

5751 total posts


Re: Anxiety about buying a home - normal???

I know exactly how you feel. We too are expecting a baby in October (our 1st) and are currently in contract and expect to close in about 2 weeks. I am an anxious mess sometimes. It doesn't help that my husband works on Wall St. and so the threat of a layoff is constantly looming overhead. Oh, and I'm a doctoral student so no income from me.

I am just so worried that something bad will happen and we'll have this mortgage and a baby. I worry about everything. I'm hoping this is normal and from what I've seen it is. Just take it one step at a time because if you think about everything at once, that's when you get overwhelmed.

Posted 6/3/09 10:03 AM

Life is Good :)

Member since 11/07

6605 total posts


Re: Anxiety about buying a home - normal???

we just really started getting into to looking to buy a house, and I get such a stomach ache every time I even think about it all! its so normal I think.

I worry about actually being able to afford everything, and getting pre-qualified, and then what if the houses we can afford are horrible! I even dream about all of it!!Chat Icon

Posted 6/3/09 11:58 AM

My Heart and Soul

Member since 5/05

11122 total posts


Re: Anxiety about buying a home - normal???

Normal once we found out I was pregnant back in Oct we have been serious looking for about 7 months now put plenty of offers in etc. Still NOTHING!! It is stressful but we know it will pay off in the end when we do find the right house.

Posted 6/3/09 12:06 PM

stay classy.......

Member since 6/08

1332 total posts

: )

Re: Anxiety about buying a home - normal???

I bought a house by myself and it was one of the most nerve wracking things I've ever done - I was literally sweating at the closing.

Posted 6/3/09 12:07 PM

The Key to your new home....

Member since 2/06

24849 total posts


Re: Anxiety about buying a home - normal???

add me to that list

if I react the way I reacted to buying my car 2 weeks ago- I am in big trouble

I nearly had a panic attack in the dealership and my BF had to take me to lunch - and get me a drink b/c I calmed down

and I only put out $3500- I can't imagine how I am going to react to a house down payment check
Chat Icon

Posted 6/3/09 1:15 PM

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