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Any March-April 09 babies?

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Love my Boys!

Member since 12/05

4648 total posts


Any March-April 09 babies?

just wondering what everyone else is doing.Chat Icon

how much do they understand?
favorite food?
favorite toy?
how much milk?
how many naps/how long?

Posted 6/2/10 10:48 AM
Long Island Weddings
Long Island's Largest Bridal Resource

Love my Boys!

Member since 12/05

4648 total posts


Re: Any March-April 09 babies?

i'll go first.

talking? nothing we can understand. (same as my older ds, early walker, late talker.) just points and some signs.

how much do they understand?a lot! follows 1 step directions.

favorite food? grillled cheese and LOVES mashed avocados with lemon juice.

favorite toy? ball popper, ride on car

loves? besdies us , our cat and dog, baths, running, climbing everything and getting into things he shouldn't!

hates? meals and when mommy won't carry me around all day.

how much milk? not much, 15-18 oz.

how many naps/how long?
most days still 2. a quick cat nap in the morning maybe 20-30 min. and then a 2+ hour one in afternoon.

Posted 6/2/10 10:54 AM

LIF Adult

Member since 7/08

22665 total posts


Re: Any March-April 09 babies?

I have a May 09 Baby Chat Icon

talking?- lots of babbling and giggles. He thinks he's talking. he copies things I say. Does say "Up," but it sounds more like "Ut" and he'll say "Evan" his friend at daycare. LOL
how much do they understand? - I think he understands well and other times he likes to ignore
favorite food? - hates table food, but he does like ice-cream. any jars of fruit. he's behind with eatinhg
favorite toy? - any ride on cars or planes that makes noise. oh and the ball popper
loves? - read above. :)
hates? - those dancing and singing stuffed animals that get real loud.
how much milk? - 1 yr appt tomorrow so we'll see when they transition him
how many naps/how long? - two naps... morning around 10AM and afternoon around 4PM. Usually an hour (more or less)

Posted 6/2/10 10:56 AM

HELLO Manolo !!

Member since 5/06

14562 total posts


Re: Any March-April 09 babies?

talking? Eh, a little bit. He can't say the full words yet - and nothing is consistent - Light is Li, Lola (the dog) is Lala, SOMETIMES it's Lola, Ball is BA, Bubbles is Bub - SOMETIMES I get Bubble - Daddy is Daddy (such a brat !!) I'm Mamamamamamama - Don't Touch is "Doo To" The End is "Tee En"

how much do they understand? He understands a lot - I don't have anything to compare to. But I can tell him "go get your blocks" and he'll come back w/ his bag of blocks, or 'Pick out a book" and he'll get a book and bring it over to me. Last night I told him "let's go get a bottle" and he spit out his bink and followed me to the kitchen and went to the fridge he 'gets' a lot I thnk.

favorite food? Pizza

favorite toy? Balls - he likes to trhow and roll and kick and have you play w/ him and blocks - he loves to put them together and take them apart again

I don't really know about loves/hates ........

how much milk? About 40 oz a day I think

how many naps/how long? Depends - 3 days a week @ daycare he takes one 2 - 21/2 hour nap. If he's home, he's used to take two 2 hours naps, but lately he's been sleeping longer - two 3 to 3/12 hour naps - On the weekends it varies - sometimes he'll take a 4 hour nap in the mid morning/afternoon and then be up for the rest of the day ........sometimes not

ETA: he's April 2009

Message edited 6/2/2010 11:00:57 AM.

Posted 6/2/10 10:58 AM


Member since 1/06

7538 total posts


Re: Any March-April 09 babies?

March 09 baby boy here!

talking? He says "clock" which sometimes comes out as c0ck Chat Icon, "cat", "Dada", "Mama", "Ba" = ball and very recently "balloon"!

how much do they understand? He understands so much it's scary! We tell him to throw his dirty diaper in the trash and he DOES it!

favorite food? Pizza, Pastina, Strawberries

favorite toy? Handy Manny Ride on Truck, Bubbles, Shovel for digging in the dirt

loves? Animals (our cat, my brother's dog), digging in the dirt, playing outside, picking me flowers Chat Icon

hates? Sleeping in his crib Chat Icon Some nights he goes in it fine, others, well, he never makes it in there at all (and we co-sleep).

how much milk? He is still 1/2 milk and 1/2 formula... About 28 oz / day total

how many naps/how long? 1 or 2 / day. The afternoon one is usually about 1.5 - 2 hours

Message edited 6/2/2010 11:10:27 AM.

Posted 6/2/10 11:09 AM

LIF Adult

Member since 3/07

3929 total posts


Re: Any March-April 09 babies?

March 09 Baby Chat Icon Chat Icon

talking? nothing we can understand other than mama, dada, nana. DH swears he said bumblebee the other day hahahaha.

how much do they understand?a lot! I can tell him to get me something and he will get it!!

favorite food? Everything except veggies for the last few days!!

favorite toy? ball popper, push car, water table

loves? climbing off the couch/bed, planes, water, paci hahaha!!

hates? when you tell him NO!!!!

how much milk? not much, 12-15 oz.

how many naps/how long?
Most days 2 hour nap in morning and 1-2 hour nap in afternoon.

Posted 6/2/10 11:22 AM
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