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Any NYC moms?

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She's 7!!!

Member since 8/05

14624 total posts


Any NYC moms?

I have a few questions and I was wondering if there were any moms who live in NYC. I won't be driving much with my baby and have some questions- like stroller recommendations, do you take taxis, etc... Thanks!!!

Message edited 10/24/2005 12:44:55 PM.

Posted 10/24/05 12:44 PM
Long Island Weddings
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Member since 8/05

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Re: Any NYC moms?

I'm not, but my girlfriend is so I thought if you don't get any other replies maybe I can help a little. I know she got a very lightweight, non-bulky stroller. It's the Kate Spade model. Of course I forget which brand. I'm so forgetful know that i"m expecting, sorry. It's not Graco. Anyway I think she pretty much walks everywhere. They own a car so I don't know how much they rely on cabs.

Posted 10/24/05 1:26 PM

LIF Adult

Member since 6/05

1140 total posts


Re: Any NYC moms?

I'm a NYC mom!!
Actually, I've lived here for over 8 years but we're moving to LI in December. In my opinion, I'd get the Bugaboo. It's absolutely adorable but very $$$. It's very compact to take to restaurants and stores. The wheels really absorb the shock of the bumpy sidewalks & streets as well. There's also Stokke. It's not as popular as the Bugaboo (but just as $$) but it's perfect for her b/c she's really tall and the stroller is nice and high so it's comfy for her to use. Anyway, I'm guessing the Bugaboo is worth the investment b/c if you look at the strollers around you in the city, I'd say about 75% of the people that live in NYC have it. I'd also check out Peg Perego and McClaren.
I personally got the Graco Quattro Tour since we are moving. It really is a little too wide and bulky for the city, but, I'm not going to be much longer so I didn't care...
Hope this helps!!
ETA: I haven't taken any cabs in the city yet with the, I'm not sure about that. I'll ask my friends and let you know what they do. Chat Icon

Message edited 10/24/2005 1:38:49 PM.

Posted 10/24/05 1:35 PM

She's 7!!!

Member since 8/05

14624 total posts


Re: Any NYC moms?

Thanks!! Do you know the model #o f the Bugaboo.

We have a car, but Dh takes it to work, so I won't have it when I'm home. I figure I'll just walk everywhere- since it will be the end of April when I give birth.

Posted 10/24/05 2:12 PM

LIF Adult

Member since 6/05

1140 total posts


Re: Any NYC moms?

Here is the website and I know Buy buy Baby carries them. I think they make 3 different models-- the frog, the cameleon and the gecko. I'm not sure what the difference is
among them though.
BTW, that's a great time to have a baby in the city!! The weather will be great so you'll really enjoy walking around with your little one!! Good luck!!

Posted 10/24/05 2:24 PM

It goes fast. Pay attention.

Member since 7/05

57538 total posts


Re: Any NYC moms?

Posted by NK926I think they make 3 different models-- the frog, the cameleon and the gecko. I'm not sure what the difference is

Cameleon has adjustable handles (for the taller dads) and swivel wheels, geko does not. It's also more expensive, but from what I hear worth it.

And as much as I hate to think that we could lose is another site for city moms

Message edited 10/24/2005 3:09:23 PM.

Posted 10/24/05 3:08 PM

She's 7!!!

Member since 8/05

14624 total posts


Re: Any NYC moms?

Posted by nrthshgrl

Posted by NK926I think they make 3 different models-- the frog, the cameleon and the gecko. I'm not sure what the difference is

Cameleon has adjustable handles (for the taller dads) and swivel wheels, geko does not. It's also more expensive, but from what I hear worth it.

And as much as I hate to think that we could lose is another site for city moms

Thanks!! Dont worry- you won't lose me!

Posted 10/24/05 3:39 PM

My love.

Member since 5/05

6247 total posts


Re: Any NYC moms?

also check out

Posted 10/24/05 7:38 PM

LIF Adolescent

Member since 5/05

751 total posts


Re: Any NYC moms?

Just saw this. Adding my .02. I would get the frog if you are going with anything- the cameleon is a little wider (tougher to get into nyc shops), heavier (20 ibs as opposed to 17 ibs) and is at tail end on bugaboo craze. Lastly, you could get an excellent deal on the frog. A friend also reminded me that the fleece on the cameleon is heavy (think the summer). This was not designed for the city and for seasonal wear, imo. Better for colder weather which is why was released now. Just my opinion.Chat Icon

Posted 10/31/05 6:06 PM


Member since 5/05

4729 total posts


Re: Any NYC moms?

HI I dont live in NY however I can recommend a diaper bag that is great for New Yorkers' My sister in Law designs it:

Here is the web site

They live in the city and designed the bag for city moms and dads.

- Shari

Posted 10/31/05 9:16 PM

Happy Days!

Member since 8/05

18208 total posts


Re: Any NYC moms?

I am not in NYC and I am not due for another 8 weeks, but I have bought a Bugaboo Frog rather than one of the newer models. I thought that both the Gecko and Chameleon looked smaller although they claim to have a bigger carry cot on them, also the Gecko is much more expensive and I got a 10% discount on the Frog from the store where I bought mine from (mind you, two months after I bought the pram the store went bankrupt...hence the discount) I don't think that the new extendable handle is worth the extra few hundred smackeroos

The Bugaboo's are really popular here where I live (in the UK) and I found that many other travel systems are just as expensive when you add in the car seat and the footwarmer.
We put ours together this weekend (its Aubergine and really gorgeous) and it only took us around 20 minutes, the quality is great and it's just a beautiful pram.

If you are worried about the Frog being discontinued, don't. Bugaboo is going to honor the warranty and continue to sell Frog parts/accessories for another 2 years, so by then our second child will be using it.

Posted 11/1/05 4:24 AM

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