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Any special Valentine's Day Plans...

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Saltricia's been awhile!

Member since 8/07

1035 total posts


Any special Valentine's Day Plans...

What are everyone's plans?

DH has class tonight so I am preparing a special meal. We decided no gifts, but I got him an expectant father book, kind of like the male version of Belly Laughs...its a guide on how to deal with your pregnant wife. I wrote him a lil note cut into a heart from Chat Icon and pasted it inside the book.

Thought it would be something small, but sweet!

Posted 2/14/08 2:56 PM
Long Island Weddings
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Laugh-Live-Love LIFE!

Member since 10/06

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Re: Any special Valentine's Day Plans...

Nope, I don't feel like getting all dressed up, so we are just getting take out and relaxing in.

I just got a delivery of flowers, a balloon, chocolates, and a teddy bear from DH!

ETA: The chocolates are gone!Chat Icon

Message edited 2/14/2008 3:26:58 PM.

Posted 2/14/08 3:00 PM

Mommy to 3!

Member since 10/05

20369 total posts

Jesss, duh.

Re: Any special Valentine's Day Plans...

Our biggest gift was finding out the sex this morning.

DH Is working half a day. So we will do some take in and veg out at home....a typical Vday for us Chat Icon

Posted 2/14/08 3:05 PM

Saltricia's been awhile!

Member since 8/07

1035 total posts


Re: Any special Valentine's Day Plans...

Posted by NewlyMrs

Nope, I don't feel like getting all dressed up, so we are just getting take out and relaxing in.

I just got a delivery of flowers, a balloon, chocolates, and a teddy bear from DH!

ETA: The chocolates are gone!Chat Icon

NICE!! Chat Icon

Posted 2/14/08 3:29 PM

Saltricia's been awhile!

Member since 8/07

1035 total posts


Re: Any special Valentine's Day Plans...

Posted by sunflowerjesss

Our biggest gift was finding out the sex this morning.

DH Is working half a day. So we will do some take in and veg out at home....a typical Vday for us Chat Icon

Sounds like a perfect Valentine's Day!! Chat Icon

Posted 2/14/08 3:30 PM

Baby Girl Coming in May!!!

Member since 10/07

3031 total posts


Re: Any special Valentine's Day Plans...

going to a nice restaurant. I figured this is the last valentines day without kids, so i wanted to go out. Plus i always cook for DH, so i'm looking forward to eating out.

I just got him some lounge pants from the gap..nothing too crazy.

Posted 2/14/08 3:58 PM

Alyssa's Mommy!!!

Member since 7/07

1138 total posts


Re: Any special Valentine's Day Plans...

nothing crazy... DH is working so i'm going to make a nice dinner (or at least try to i'm not so good at cooking) and I got him a card to tell him what a wonderful husband he's been and we'll prob veg on the couch and watch a movie together

Posted 2/14/08 4:01 PM

LIF Adult

Member since 7/07

981 total posts


Re: Any special Valentine's Day Plans...

We're having a cozy night at home. We're going to order in Chinese food and we rented the movie No Reservations with Catherine Zeta Jones.

DH tried to send me flowers at work, which is very exciting because I've never gotten a delivery at work before. But, I'm a teacher and they didn't get there before the end of my day. Chat Icon Hopefully I'll get them tomorrow. DH said he paid extra for delivery by noon so he was pretty upset about it.

Posted 2/14/08 4:56 PM

Saltricia's been awhile!

Member since 8/07

1035 total posts


Re: Any special Valentine's Day Plans...

Posted by luvnlife

We're having a cozy night at home. We're going to order in Chinese food and we rented the movie No Reservations with Catherine Zeta Jones.

DH tried to send me flowers at work, which is very exciting because I've never gotten a delivery at work before. But, I'm a teacher and they didn't get there before the end of my day. Chat Icon Hopefully I'll get them tomorrow. DH said he paid extra for delivery by noon so he was pretty upset about it.

awww...that happened last year to DH, I didn't get them until the end of the week and the year before there was a storm and i got them 5 minutes to 5...this year i think they will be waiting at home

Posted 2/14/08 4:58 PM

Our 3 angels

Member since 7/07

4824 total posts


Re: Any special Valentine's Day Plans...

Nope, just a cozy night at home...

Posted 2/14/08 5:13 PM

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