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Anyone agree on things at a CSE meeting and then have to call another meeting to change?

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LIF Adolescent

Member since 1/08

863 total posts


Anyone agree on things at a CSE meeting and then have to call another meeting to change?

My ds' CSE meeting was in April. We agreed that he would continue with 5 days a week 1/2 days and up his therapies to 3x a week s/p and now adding 2 x o/T. This was when he was still labeled speech delayed. We went to a private specialist and finally got the diagnosis we thought he might have (the school kept telling me it was too early to tell) and the private therapist said he has apraxia. With the new diagnosis, she feels he would benefit more with a full day program and that I should talk to the team about who will be his teacher / threapists in the fall and if they are certified in PROMPT training (not just familiar with it). I was going to start with calling his school to see if I can have a meeting (with the private therapist there) before I call the district to asks for changes. Any thoughts???

Posted 7/12/09 9:13 PM


Member since 12/06

16001 total posts


Re: Anyone agree on things at a CSE meeting and then have to call another meeting to change?

Yes, I have agreed and then changed my mind and had a Summer meeting. It wasn't the full committee since it was Summer, but my requests were honored.

You can start by calling the school to inquire about the qualifications of the therapists, but ultimately you will need to have another CSE meeting to request the full day program (which I would push for). I would request the meeting now since it can take up to 30 days to get the meeting.

Good luck Chat Icon

Posted 7/13/09 7:58 AM

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