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Member since 8/06 7392 total posts
Name: Holly
anyone feel weird about discussing ttc topics with DH?
I've been lurking on these boards for a couple of months now. went off bcp mid-June and Dh and I have been dancing around the topic for the last few months. we talk in very general terms about definitely wanting to start ttc in the next few months, and then each month it's like a countdown for me (we'll start in 3 months, then in 2 months, and now, we'll start this month) but I feel weird about going into specifics with him. I read everyone's post about charting and temps and pre-natal vitamins and I feel weird that it makes me uncomfortable to bring these topics up to DH. I mean, I don't even know if he knows that there are only a fews days each month that you can really get PG and I'm not comfortable going into detail about cycles with him. He's more of a romantic person and I think it would freak him out if we talked details. Did anyone else have this problem?
Posted 3/14/07 4:36 PM |
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Two in Blue

Member since 5/05 20223 total posts
Name: Melissa
Re: anyone feel weird about discussing ttc topics with DH?
Its not a problem because i don't talk about it! I have dealt with m/c so my DH is a little more involved than previously but he, in the beginning had a vague idea and that was it.
Posted 3/14/07 4:57 PM |
lovin' my 2 little ladies!

Member since 5/05 7401 total posts
Name: Julianne
Re: anyone feel weird about discussing ttc topics with DH?
DH and I are very eager to get PG and he's open to talking about all aspects. He often asks me questions and loves looking at my chart! He pretends like he can read it and, you know what, he's starting to be able to b/c of the questions he's asked. Also, whenever I complain about anything in the 2WW he's instantly saying how he hopes we get our BFP soon. He's so darn cute!
I think everyone's relationship is different though and it depends on lots of factors. Good luck!
Posted 3/14/07 5:08 PM |
06ers Rock!!

Member since 1/07 9537 total posts
Name: The One My Mother Gave Me ;-)
Re: anyone feel weird about discussing ttc topics with DH?
I don't really have this problem because my DH is the type that wants to know everything, so I answer whatever question he asks. I don't really volunteer information though. But since we're having problems TTC the conversations have gotten much more specific about things.
Posted 3/14/07 5:09 PM |
<3 <3 <3 <3

Member since 1/06 19197 total posts
Name: Michelle
Re: anyone feel weird about discussing ttc topics with DH?
no problem here, we talk quite graphically about things He even goes with me to my dr. visits and sits in the corner with a pen and pad taking notes!
Posted 3/14/07 5:37 PM |
My miracles!

Member since 12/05 23902 total posts
Name: Leslie
Re: anyone feel weird about discussing ttc topics with DH?
If my DH can sit beside me while another man is between my legs with a speculum, syringe and catheter during an artificial insemination while humming show tunes and TV theme songs, I think we are covered with what he can tolerate.
I am a truly blessed woman to have someone so calm and even -keeled. Though I think the speculum skeeved him a lil bit. I looked at him and thought "What the eff is he worried about, its going in MY hoo-hah."
We discussed TTC before we got married and came to a decision as to when we would try. We both honored it.
Posted 3/14/07 6:33 PM |
LIF Adult

Member since 7/05 9511 total posts
Re: anyone feel weird about discussing ttc topics with DH?
We talk about everything together. the thing that made me most uncomfortable was feeling like we had to schedule s*x. why dont you just cassually mention that there are certain points in the month where its more likely you would conceive. See what his response is and take it from there. His response might surprise you (In a good way!).
Posted 3/14/07 7:09 PM |
LIF Adult
Member since 9/06 1252 total posts
Re: anyone feel weird about discussing ttc topics with DH?
I don't tell him anything. He doesn't know about temping, charting or anything like that. It would definately freak him out. I only tell him when I should be ovulating. If I feel like I am having trouble conceiving then I would tell him everything I have done but for now I feel like he would just think I'm being crazy.
Posted 3/15/07 9:38 AM |
LIF Adult

Member since 7/05 9511 total posts
Re: anyone feel weird about discussing ttc topics with DH?
Posted by nov06
I don't tell him anything. He doesn't know about temping, charting or anything like that. It would definately freak him out. I only tell him when I should be ovulating. If I feel like I am having trouble conceiving then I would tell him everything I have done but for now I feel like he would just think I'm being crazy.
I tell my husband and he does think i am crazy!!!!
Posted 3/15/07 9:43 AM |
So in love!

Member since 6/06 4378 total posts
Name: Sarah
Re: anyone feel weird about discussing ttc topics with DH?
I do discuss everything with him - even when he doesn't want to know it. I feel like its a way for him to understand more about TTC and appreciate what my body goes through - that's just an idea in my head - in reality he probably wishes I would stop talking about it.
Posted 3/15/07 10:22 AM |

Member since 8/06 2818 total posts
Name: Blessed
Re: anyone feel weird about discussing ttc topics with DH?
I just started explaining to him...after 11 months of trying. He had failed to realize the importance of bding during certain times and I was getting frustrated when we didn't do the deed because he came home from work to work on the house and then to tired to bd.
Posted 3/15/07 1:06 PM |
LIF Adult

Member since 6/05 1652 total posts
Re: anyone feel weird about discussing ttc topics with DH?
no. tell him all. he is a doctor, so i feel like he can help. I annoy him a lot!
Posted 3/15/07 1:14 PM |

Member since 9/06 5307 total posts
Re: anyone feel weird about discussing ttc topics with DH?
mine didn't really want to know the details - i'd have involved him more if it became a longer issue etc...
Posted 3/16/07 11:38 AM |
More a stranger than a friend
Member since 5/06 9730 total posts
Name: K
Re: anyone feel weird about discussing ttc topics with DH?
Posted by Goldi0218
If my DH can sit beside me while another man is between my legs with a speculum, syringe and catheter during an artificial insemination while humming show tunes and TV theme songs, I think we are covered with what he can tolerate.
OMG Leslie. That was quite an image!!!
Posted 3/16/07 11:39 AM |
His laugh, Her smile

Member since 12/06 2902 total posts
Name: Patricia
Re: anyone feel weird about discussing ttc topics with DH?
Posted by nov06
I don't tell him anything. He doesn't know about temping, charting or anything like that. It would definately freak him out. I only tell him when I should be ovulating. If I feel like I am having trouble conceiving then I would tell him everything I have done but for now I feel like he would just think I'm being crazy.
Me too! Telling him this stuff would totally freak him out!
Posted 3/16/07 8:23 PM |
so happy!!

Member since 1/07 2091 total posts
Name: Mommy
Re: anyone feel weird about discussing ttc topics with DH?
we always talked about it. And we talk about it now when we should start again.
Posted 3/17/07 10:27 PM |
LIF Infant
Member since 11/06 137 total posts
Name: K
Re: anyone feel weird about discussing ttc topics with DH?
I didn't talk about it that much with DH. Just told him when we needed to BD. Other than that, I didn't want to stress him out.
Posted 3/17/07 11:39 PM |
LIF Infant

Member since 3/06 142 total posts
Re: anyone feel weird about discussing ttc topics with DH?
DH knew about "safe zone" from when we were NOT TTC. So he already knew there were only a few days you could actually get PG. The only thing I really include him in is the results of the OPK. Oh, and when we have to BD!
Posted 3/18/07 1:18 AM |
I am an amazing bakist

Member since 5/05 13673 total posts
Name: Lori
Re: anyone feel weird about discussing ttc topics with DH?
I always told my husband everything! I thought it was important that he knew the details of the process, since he was such an important part of it . We conceived pretty easily, but during the second month, I was very disappointed when it didn't happen; it really helped to have my husband there to talk to about it. I would have hated to go through it alone.
Posted 3/18/07 8:17 PM |