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Member since 5/05 11165 total posts
Name: Mommy
Anyone going out in this 97 degree heat with the little ones?
I have to go to the post office and i want to take the girls to the library (about 1/2 mile walk from here).
Am I the only crazy one for wanting to get out in this heat?
I wish it was raining cause at least my 2 year old understands when it's raining we can't go for a walk
ETA: It's going to 97 here today with high humidity, if that makes me any more crazy
Message edited 6/10/2008 10:06:47 AM.
Posted 6/10/08 10:02 AM |
Long Island Weddings
Long Island's Largest Bridal Resource |
wow time is going fast.

Member since 9/07 16106 total posts
Name: Tina
Re: Anyone going out in this heat with the little ones?
Ill probable take my dd out for a walk, but just for a brisk one.. I dont think its that bad out. Just bring water with you to keep them hydrated.
Posted 6/10/08 10:05 AM |
Mom of 2 + 1

Member since 10/05 7395 total posts
Name: Catherine
Re: Anyone going out in this heat with the little ones?
Actually, yea. We're going to the plant stand and then we'll hang out in the backyard -- baby pool, water table, umbrella, etc. We did this yesterday and she slept like a log last night!!
Posted 6/10/08 10:07 AM |
Is it summer yet?

Member since 8/06 7392 total posts
Name: Holly
Re: Anyone going out in this 97 degree heat with the little ones?
I'm thinking of going out later, maybe around 5PM, but I guess that's too late for the post office!
Posted 6/10/08 11:16 AM |
Member since 5/05 26975 total posts
Re: Anyone going out in this 97 degree heat with the little ones?
We were out all day yesterday running errands.... And today we are headed outside for a bit. I hate being inside, although I like the AC. My kids need to run around outside for a bit. Our yard is very shady. I'm setting up their little pool and their water table and I will sit out back on the hammock with them!
Posted 6/10/08 11:18 AM |
LIF Adult
Member since 5/05 3118 total posts
Re: Anyone going out in this 97 degree heat with the little ones?
We've been doing the inflatable pool in a shady part of the backyard each day now since Saturday! I took DS for a walk early yesterday too, like 8 AM. It was still kinda hot then but not bad.
Overall though, just errands to air conditioned places! And yesterday I took DS to the Gymboree open "playgym" time to burn off some energy too :)
Posted 6/10/08 11:42 AM |
Welcome 2010!
Member since 2/06 8879 total posts
Re: Anyone going out in this 97 degree heat with the little ones?
We have to go out, to the post office and to his doctor. I feel so sorry for him, getting shots today!
I think it's fine if baby is mostly in air conditioning, I wouldn't take him for a walk today.
Posted 6/10/08 11:44 AM |
going along for the ride...
Member since 5/05 16253 total posts
Re: Anyone going out in this 97 degree heat with the little ones?
We ran out quickly to pick my DH up from the station he took the train for court this morning and I didn't want him to have to walk in his suit back home to get his car to go to the office - but we were only out a few minutes with the AC cranking - honestly it is way too hot to take a baby for a walk middle of the day regardless of fluids - if you want to go out (not talking about errands in AC stores- but actually outside) I would only do so in a pool in the shade or wait until later in the day when it starts to cool down. Babies can get heatstroke very easily.
Today is a great day to walk the mall or the indoor places like gymboree, etc.
Message edited 6/10/2008 12:01:24 PM.
Posted 6/10/08 12:00 PM |

Member since 5/05 18599 total posts
Name: Mommy
Re: Anyone going out in this 97 degree heat with the little ones?
I realized yesterday when out with DS that he has NO tolerance for this extreme heat at all... he was absolutely miserable, whiny, and his cheeks got SO flushed and red that I actually got a bit concerned (and we were only outdoors for a short time ) Today we were out very early (by 9am) to do some errands before it got bad.
Normally he loves being outside but since he's so cranky in this weather unless its a necessity I won't be taking him out. We do have his last Music Together class later today but the place we go is normally SO poorly air conditioned that I think we're going to skip it..
Message edited 6/10/2008 12:08:40 PM.
Posted 6/10/08 12:07 PM |

Member since 5/05 11165 total posts
Name: Mommy
Re: Anyone going out in this 97 degree heat with the little ones?
This is what i'm torn about..I'm going out at 2-3pm, the post office is 2 blocks away and the library 3 blocks. But is it worth it? Plus the girls passed their wonderful summer cold to me, so i'm feeling awful.
My 2 year old has so much energy to burn and we don't have a yard she can play in yet
Posted 6/10/08 12:11 PM |
Re: Anyone going out in this 97 degree heat with the little ones?
We are staying in. DD doesn't do well in the heat at all. I'm going a little stir crazy but oh well.
Posted 6/10/08 12:22 PM |
Please St. Therese....

Member since 10/07 8494 total posts
Re: Anyone going out in this 97 degree heat with the little ones?
I just filled up DS' wading pool so we can relax in the yard in a little while. We were out and about earlier today.
I was thinking people had babies for centuries before AC and managed just fine....
Posted 6/10/08 12:24 PM |
LIF Adult
Member since 5/05 3118 total posts
Re: Anyone going out in this 97 degree heat with the little ones?
Posted by Gatsbygirl
I was thinking people had babies for centuries before AC and managed just fine....
ITA. I remember as a little kid going for walks with my mom in all kinds of heat. I wouldn't take a newborn out who can't regulate their temp that well yet, but a toddler or older baby, a short walk should be ok. I would bring cups/bottles with cold water to keep them cooler while you were out.
It's funny how much our generation worries about heat and AC and everything. I am totally guilty of this myself. Meanwhile, there were only AC's in the bedrooms at my house growing up, we only ran them at night. How did we all survive back then, lol?
Posted 6/10/08 12:49 PM |

Member since 6/05 2922 total posts
Name: N
Re: Anyone going out in this 97 degree heat with the little ones?
nah, i do have an errand i have to take care of today, so normally we can walk there, but its too hot, i'm gonna put him in the car and take the quick drive.
Posted 6/10/08 1:05 PM |
Re: Anyone going out in this 97 degree heat with the little ones?
We went out to play in the baby pool and on the swings, with lots of sunblock on. When DS gets up from his nap we are going to take him to the doctor, then out again. He loves to be outside, I feel bad keeping him in.
Posted 6/10/08 1:06 PM |
My Loves!

Member since 5/05 46292 total posts
Re: Anyone going out in this 97 degree heat with the little ones?
Like last night, we will take our walk after dinner (around 7:30/8) come home, bath, book bed. I do have errands to run this afternoon. DS will be going from AC in the car to AC in the stores.
Posted 6/10/08 1:45 PM |

Member since 5/05 11165 total posts
Name: Mommy
Re: Anyone going out in this 97 degree heat with the little ones?
Posted by computergirl
Posted by Gatsbygirl
I was thinking people had babies for centuries before AC and managed just fine....
ITA. I remember as a little kid going for walks with my mom in all kinds of heat. I wouldn't take a newborn out who can't regulate their temp that well yet, but a toddler or older baby, a short walk should be ok. I would bring cups/bottles with cold water to keep them cooler while you were out.
It's funny how much our generation worries about heat and AC and everything. I am totally guilty of this myself. Meanwhile, there were only AC's in the bedrooms at my house growing up, we only ran them at night. How did we all survive back then, lol?
Hehehe, exactly! But i was a central a/c kid, We had central a/c since i was 4 and reg a/c unit before then..I never remember life without a/c...I was spoiled
Posted 6/10/08 1:51 PM |
going along for the ride...
Member since 5/05 16253 total posts
Re: Anyone going out in this 97 degree heat with the little ones?
Posted by LuvMy2Girls
Posted by computergirl
Posted by Gatsbygirl
I was thinking people had babies for centuries before AC and managed just fine....
ITA. I remember as a little kid going for walks with my mom in all kinds of heat. I wouldn't take a newborn out who can't regulate their temp that well yet, but a toddler or older baby, a short walk should be ok. I would bring cups/bottles with cold water to keep them cooler while you were out.
It's funny how much our generation worries about heat and AC and everything. I am totally guilty of this myself. Meanwhile, there were only AC's in the bedrooms at my house growing up, we only ran them at night. How did we all survive back then, lol?
Hehehe, exactly! But i was a central a/c kid, We had central a/c since i was 4 and reg a/c unit before then..I never remember life without a/c...I was spoiled
Us too - I had central air growing up - When I lived in Nashville (from ages 4-10) summers were often had multiple days at 97-100. People stayed in their air conditioners (went to movies, mall) or they went to the pool. We weren't running around outside - even my camp had AC. It is really only around here that many people didn't have AC
Posted 6/10/08 1:55 PM |
LIF Adult
Member since 5/06 1416 total posts
Name: Kathy
Re: Anyone going out in this 97 degree heat with the little ones?
I just came back from a quick trip to the bank, maybe like 5 blocks or so, and i am dripping with sweat!! Don't know if it's also b/c I'm pushing the stroller, but i can't believe how hot it is...I kept ds hydrated before we left the house and again in the bank, but his poor little face is so red, despite being shaded and with sunscreen. I will definitely not try that again in this weather, but I will take him out to his baby pool out soon...that will keep him refreshed.
Posted 6/10/08 2:17 PM |