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Anyone have a high maintenance 1 year old?

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Love my girls :)

Member since 7/05

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Anyone have a high maintenance 1 year old?

My almost 13 month old DD has become such a handful. She whines and cries if I'm not holding her, practically crawls onto me if I'm sitting in the same room. If I walk out of a room, forget it...all hell breaks loose. The hysterics are seriously Oscar worthy. The thing that is weird to me is that when she is totally fine when I'm not home...never makes a peep when DH or one of her grandmothers watches her...the second I walk in, she literally bursts into tears and frantically tries to get to me. My older DD never did this...I know a certain amount of clinginess is normal, but what's with the hysterical crying when I return?

Posted 7/24/11 9:25 PM
Long Island Weddings
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LIF Adolescent

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Re: Anyone have a high maintenance 1 year old?

My dd is the same way. It gets sooo annoying. She has to be in the same room as me and once I leave the screaming starts. I get so aggravated...I'm losing my patience. Even lately if she does something she knows she is not suppose to I try to distract and she laughs at me. I pull her away and say NO! She then goes right back to doin it. Today was a bad day and sometimes im like omg how do i get through this!!!
You are not alone on this!

Posted 7/24/11 9:35 PM

LIF Infant

Member since 11/10

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Re: Anyone have a high maintenance 1 year old?

Same over here....except there are two of them....1 yr old twins to be exact. Just like you, when I am not around they are angels for DH but as soon as they see me....waterworks! Sorry I have no advice, just wanted to say you arent alone.

Posted 7/24/11 9:37 PM

Love my girls :)

Member since 7/05

1543 total posts


Re: Anyone have a high maintenance 1 year old?

I'm sorry you guys are going through it too, but it makes me feel better that I'm not alone. And twins...OMG! I can barely handle this with one! I give you so much credit! I hope they all get over this soon.

Posted 7/24/11 10:06 PM

Tiebreaker on deck!!!

Member since 11/08

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Re: Anyone have a high maintenance 1 year old?

She's not even 1 yet...11 months tomorrow...but has earned herself the nickname DIVA. She does exactly what you described, and knows exacty what she wants and screams if she doesn't get it. She is so high maintenance lol. I can't wait to see what age 2 will be like. Chat Icon Chat Icon

Posted 7/24/11 11:20 PM

LIF Adult

Member since 5/05

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Re: Anyone have a high maintenance 1 year old?

Wow I thought it was just my DD. When I'm with her, she will go to noone else, will cry when someone looks at her, clings to me. But when I leave and she's with someone else and i'm not there- she's totally fine! It is so hard!

Posted 7/25/11 10:23 AM

love my 2 boys

Member since 8/08

10923 total posts


Re: Anyone have a high maintenance 1 year old?

that's a redundant statment... all one year olds are high maintenance!!Chat Icon

Posted 7/25/11 10:25 AM

My Loves

Member since 5/05

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Re: Anyone have a high maintenance 1 year old?

My ped says the terrible 2s start at 1.

My DD was high maintenance from the day she was born.

My DS was relatively low maintenance but he just turned 1 and I swear, someone flipped a switch. He's fine if I'm holding him. If I put him down to go to the bathroom all hell breaks loose.

Good times. Chat Icon

Posted 7/25/11 10:52 AM

Just another chapter in life..

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Re: Anyone have a high maintenance 1 year old?

I thought we were the only ones.
She has always been high maintenance- but since turnign 1- HOLY HELLLL!
She screams and cries and whines all the time.
She has seperation anxiety at daycare- which she never had before.
She wants to be held and carried around- not just held on my lap- actually walked around- 24/7.

She throws tantrums. She gets hysterical.

She won't play with her toys alone.

I am SOOO glad I am not alone!!!

ETA- it seems it's mainly GIRLS who are like this at this age... hmmmm.
Must be a girl thing...drama queens! Chat Icon

Message edited 7/25/2011 10:54:59 AM.

Posted 7/25/11 10:52 AM

LIF Adult

Member since 3/09

1007 total posts


Re: Anyone have a high maintenance 1 year old?

My DD is 11 months and has just started doing this recently. She has been so clingy and just to me. She used to play so nice by herself for a good amount of time but now she always looking for me to hold her. Just this morning she was a little cranky just before her morning nap. She was sitting on the floor crying a little so my DH went to pick her up. She turned away from him continued to cry. I then went over to her and put my arms out to pick her up and she went right to me. It makes me feel good inside that she wants me but part of me finds it annoying and frustrating at times b/c she ONLY wants me! She is fine as long as she doesn't see me. And this is something that just developed recently. It can be exhausting! I get frustrated with it now but I know when she is a teenager and wants nothing to do with me I''ll be wishing she wanted me to hold her like she does now! Chat Icon

Posted 7/25/11 11:19 AM

Love my girls :)

Member since 7/05

1543 total posts


Re: Anyone have a high maintenance 1 year old?

Posted by NervousNell

I thought we were the only ones.
She has always been high maintenance- but since turnign 1- HOLY HELLLL!
She screams and cries and whines all the time.
She has seperation anxiety at daycare- which she never had before.
She wants to be held and carried around- not just held on my lap- actually walked around- 24/7.

She throws tantrums. She gets hysterical.

She won't play with her toys alone.

I am SOOO glad I am not alone!!!

ETA- it seems it's mainly GIRLS who are like this at this age... hmmmm.
Must be a girl thing...drama queens! Chat Icon

OK so I'm so happy to hear its not just me!!! I swear I feel like wherever I go everyone else's 1 yr olds are just happy go lucky, crawling around not even looking at their mothers!!! Not mine!

Posted 7/25/11 1:58 PM

life is a carousel

Member since 7/07

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Re: Anyone have a high maintenance 1 year old?

Posted by Linda1003

that's a redundant statment... all one year olds are high maintenance!!Chat Icon


and I will also say that oftentimes, they do this because they can get away with it.. and this is coming from a mom that had kiddies like this at that age.. I just ignored (uless they really needed something) and redirected their attention elsewhere..

Posted 7/25/11 2:10 PM

So Dam* Lucky

Member since 10/08

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Re: Anyone have a high maintenance 1 year old?

Posted by Daisy07

My almost 13 month old DD has become such a handful. She whines and cries if I'm not holding her, practically crawls onto me if I'm sitting in the same room. If I walk out of a room, forget it...all hell breaks loose. The hysterics are seriously Oscar worthy. The thing that is weird to me is that when she is totally fine when I'm not home...never makes a peep when DH or one of her grandmothers watches her...the second I walk in, she literally bursts into tears and frantically tries to get to me.

This is my DS word for word. He'll be 13 months old on the 28th.

Posted 7/25/11 2:51 PM

LIF Adult

Member since 2/10

4657 total posts


Re: Anyone have a high maintenance 1 year old?

Oh no, you are not alone. It's like they turn 1 and the horns come out! They are little devils. We just this convo with a cousin about their son.

My dd is 14 month and she turned into a monster the second she turned 1.

The tantrums, crying, whining, the hitting, screaming, not wanting to sleep, everything under the sun..

Posted 7/25/11 3:39 PM

Just a mommy ...

Member since 10/10

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Re: Anyone have a high maintenance 1 year old?

DS (10.5 m) does this to DH. When we're home alone i'm his favorite person. the second he sees DH he starts crying and wants DH to hold him and refuses to be further away then a hand grab.

i guess i should be used to it by now since our cat is the same way Chat Icon

Posted 7/25/11 4:12 PM

LIF Infant

Member since 3/11

299 total posts


Re: Anyone have a high maintenance 1 year old?

My DD is 14 months old, and is the same way. Perfectly fine with whoever she is with, as long as I am not around. The second I walk in the room, she only wants me. She follows me screaming and crying if I leave the room - she's also been hitting, throwing temper tantrums, the works...

Posted 7/25/11 4:17 PM

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