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Anyone paint while preggo?

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Member since 5/05

6265 total posts


Anyone paint while preggo?

I'm in my 18th week and last Friday asked my doctor if it was ok for me to do painting in the house. She said, as long as the rooms are well ventilated and the paint is non-latex...I would be fine...but, if I could, it's best to wait until I'm at least 20 weeks.

So, my question 20 weeks or beyond, were any of you or do any of you do any painting? We're doing so much in the house and I'm such a better painter than my husband. I don't want him to ruin the baby's room!!!!

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Posted 6/7/05 12:51 PM
Long Island Weddings
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LIF Toddler

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444 total posts


Re: Anyone paint while preggo?

Same issue as you...I'm the better in answer to your question..Yes I did help paint the babies room. I taped everything off for my DH and he did the bulk of the painting and I did the moulding/chair rail and base boards and any touch ups. I used a low odor paint and also wore a ventilation mask (not sure what it's called, but it covered my face and had these round filter things on the side) and I talked like Darth Vadar. I kept all windows and doors open while painting. I couldn't smell a thing!

Good luck! Just be careful while doing it and take precautions.

Posted 6/7/05 1:14 PM


Member since 5/05

6265 total posts


Re: Anyone paint while preggo?

Thanks Stephanie! I think I'm going to buy one of those masks as well.

Posted 6/7/05 1:22 PM


Member since 5/05

4317 total posts


Re: Anyone paint while preggo?

My friend was around 28 weeks and she painted some of her baby's room. She openend the windows and she was fine.

Posted 6/7/05 1:32 PM

Family of 5!

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Re: Anyone paint while preggo?

I wasnt painting.. but they were doing the hallways at my school not to long ago...while we were all in the building... I called my DR to make sure it was ok, and he said as long as I didnt feel light headed or dizzy and to stay by a window, however if either symptom occured to go home!

Posted 6/7/05 3:48 PM

Making big changes

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Re: Anyone paint while preggo?

I'm having some friends over and they're going to help DH and I paint the nursery. I'm going to take it easy though. I'm 33 weeks.

Posted 6/7/05 4:50 PM


Member since 5/05

23599 total posts


Re: Anyone paint while preggo?

I just painted 2 weeks ago. My doc said that it's okay to paint if you're working with a water based paint, not oil based paint.

Posted 6/7/05 7:36 PM

Happy New Year

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Re: Anyone paint while preggo?

I'll be painting this week at 37 wks. My Dr also said it's okay.

Posted 6/7/05 8:38 PM

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