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Anyone seeing a high-risk doctor?

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LIF Adult

Member since 2/07

1147 total posts


Anyone seeing a high-risk doctor?

Im supposed to see a high risk doctor due to a chronic condition that I have...My ob/gyn said that they have a high-risk dr who comes in once a week so I wont need to see a high-risk dr everytime. I thought I would be seeing a special dr the whole time, but am kind of happy to stay with the ones I know too. How did it work for you?

Posted 4/24/07 1:53 PM
Long Island Weddings
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I <3 Gabriella

Member since 6/06

1029 total posts


Re: Anyone seeing a high-risk doctor?

I actually have to be moniitored every two weeks because of a complication as well. I see my regular doctor and all my test results get sent to a high risk doctor for review...Ive actually never met the high risk doctor....

Initially, I felt like I should have been seeing the high risk doctor but it has worked out well for me...... seeing my regular doctors...... plus, I figure it is better for when I deliver, I will have more of a relationship with the doctor that delivers.....

Posted 4/24/07 1:56 PM

Always in my heart.....

Member since 11/06

6686 total posts


Re: Anyone seeing a high-risk doctor?

My doc is a high risk doc so I dont need to see anyone else. So far it is working out for me. Lately its been weekly and I get to see the baby every time :)

Posted 4/24/07 2:07 PM

LIF Infant

Member since 4/07

191 total posts


Re: Anyone seeing a high-risk doctor?

My Dr. is a high risk Dr. also and I see her once a week,,, It's allot more comforting to know the Dr. that is GOING TO BE THERE IF ANYTHING GOES WRONG.

Posted 4/24/07 2:50 PM

My life:)

Member since 6/06

9589 total posts


Re: Anyone seeing a high-risk doctor?

My doctor is a high risk doctor and he actually runs a high risk clinic in Jersey now. I'm not high risk but I've been seeing him for years and when I got preggo he told me that he was going to switch me to another doctor but he has kept me thus farChat Icon He might not be able to deliver my baby though bc of his tight schedule.

Posted 4/24/07 2:54 PM

Babygirl is 4!

Member since 5/05

17076 total posts


Re: Anyone seeing a high-risk doctor?

I see a high risk Dr - but he says I am the lowest of any high risk patient he has, lol.

I see only him - for every visit. But, baby can be delivered by any one of his 7 associates Chat Icon

Posted 4/24/07 3:10 PM

LIF Toddler

Member since 4/07

374 total posts


Re: Anyone seeing a high-risk doctor?

I knew that my second pregnancy would be high risk before I got pregnant so I found a high risk doctor that I would be comfortable with and now that I am pregnant I see only him. I go twice a week (it will be once a week after my cerclage on Friday). I couldn't be happier. Every time I start to feel nervous or anxious about this pregnancy it is time to see him again and I am reassured that all is ok.

Posted 4/24/07 3:13 PM

I <3 Gabriella

Member since 6/06

1029 total posts


Re: Anyone seeing a high-risk doctor?

Posted by grouchyladybug

I knew that my second pregnancy would be high risk before I got pregnant so I found a high risk doctor that I would be comfortable with and now that I am pregnant I see only him. I go twice a week (it will be once a week after my cerclage on Friday). I couldn't be happier. Every time I start to feel nervous or anxious about this pregnancy it is time to see him again and I am reassured that all is ok.

I had the cerclage as well!!! Good Luck...

Posted 4/24/07 3:24 PM

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