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April 2007 mommies,

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My girls!!

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April 2007 mommies,

How are we doing? Hope everyone is well and doing great! Here is awsome no ms the whole time cept for a few days maybe 7 in total!!! Just wanted to check with you all and see how all was!!!!

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Posted 10/3/06 6:59 PM
Long Island Weddings
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Re: April 2007 mommies,

I still have scleritis in my left eye. It flared up 7 days after my embryo transfer and can be very painful. It's come and gone but always comes back especially when I have to stop stepping down from the prednesone eye drops.

It's a very deep internal infection of the muscles around my eye. I get very intense headaches that put me on the verge of tears. There's little else they can do for it. Oh, and if I take the drops for a prolonged period of time I'm at risk for cataracts.
I can't win. I just hope the beans are ok.

At this point after 10 weeks of pain I'd welcome m/sChat Icon Chat Icon Chat Icon Chat Icon Chat Icon Chat Icon

Sorry for the vent but I'm at the end of my rope with this @#$%.

Posted 10/3/06 7:16 PM

LIF Adult

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Re: April 2007 mommies,

Doing pretty good for the most part. I have days where I do get sick, and get naseous in the morning and night but overall I can't complain. So far its pretty well!

Posted 10/3/06 7:50 PM


Member since 5/05

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Re: April 2007 mommies,

Posted by Tah-wee-ZAH

At this point after 10 weeks of pain I'd welcome m/sChat Icon Chat Icon Chat Icon Chat Icon Chat Icon Chat Icon

Sorry for the vent but I'm at the end of my rope with this @#$%.

Chat Icon Chat Icon Chat Icon I hope you get some relief soon.

I was thinking about how I'd take m/s over the constant congestion and sinus issues I've had- not as bad as what you're going through but I'm so tired of not being able to breathe through my nose. Chat Icon

Posted 10/3/06 8:09 PM

Sitting on a tree bench!

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Re: April 2007 mommies,

I am feeling great. No m/s, just an extra bit tired here and there.

I can't beleive we are almost done with our first trimester already! Chat Icon

Posted 10/3/06 8:21 PM

My loves

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Re: April 2007 mommies,

Posted by chris

Doing pretty good for the most part. I have days where I do get sick, and get naseous in the morning and night but overall I can't complain. So far its pretty well!

Same here - makes it all worth it since we heard the heartbeat tonight - so cool!!Chat Icon

Posted 10/3/06 9:46 PM

They get so big, so fast :(

Member since 5/05

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Re: April 2007 mommies,

Posted by Tah-wee-ZAH

I still have scleritis in my left eye. It flared up 7 days after my embryo transfer and can be very painful. It's come and gone but always comes back especially when I have to stop stepping down from the prednesone eye drops.

It's a very deep internal infection of the muscles around my eye. I get very intense headaches that put me on the verge of tears. There's little else they can do for it. Oh, and if I take the drops for a prolonged period of time I'm at risk for cataracts.
I can't win. I just hope the beans are ok.

At this point after 10 weeks of pain I'd welcome m/sChat Icon Chat Icon Chat Icon Chat Icon Chat Icon Chat Icon

Sorry for the vent but I'm at the end of my rope with this @#$%.

Feel better, T. That sounds horrible!Chat Icon

Posted 10/3/06 10:46 PM


Member since 5/05

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Re: April 2007 mommies,

Cant complain at all..never got m/s...dealt with a tad of being tired.
So far pregnancy has been treating me real good.

Thank gosh for sono's and a heartbeat or I wouldn't think I was pregnant. Chat Icon

Message edited 10/3/2006 11:32:14 PM.

Posted 10/3/06 11:32 PM

I love my boys!!

Member since 5/05

8044 total posts


Re: April 2007 mommies,

I have a lot of m/s. But it should subside soon Chat Icon . I go for my ultra screen next week. Can't wait.

Just purchased my first piece of maternity wear.

Posted 10/4/06 6:32 AM

LIF Infant

Member since 9/06

160 total posts


Re: April 2007 mommies,

Posted by Tah-wee-ZAH
It's a very deep internal infection of the muscles around my eye. I get very intense headaches that put me on the verge of tears. There's little else they can do for it. Oh, and if I take the drops for a prolonged period of time I'm at risk for cataracts.
I can't win. I just hope the beans are ok.

Sorry you are feeling so bad. It puts my m/s in prospective. My m/s is getting better. I'm still getting very tired at night. I go to the dr tomorrow so I'm excited to hear the hb again.

Looking forward to a good 2nd trimester for everyone!!Chat Icon

Posted 10/4/06 7:44 AM

I am Batman!

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I'm Batman, I tell you!

Re: April 2007 mommies,

Overall, doing pretty good. Still tired, but it's starting to get a little better. I'm always congested. In the last two weeks I've developed restless legs and its driving me crazy by the end of the day at work.

I had my Ultrascreen yesterday. It was so cool!!!! The baby finally had a real profile and wasn't just a blob that resembled a peanut. The baby was crazy active. It was stretching and squishing and "jumping" all over the place. I had to ask the nurse if that was just the way she was moving the wand or if it was the baby. She said it was all baby. Then when the doc came in to look, the baby did some big quick jumps and he was like, "Woah! Did you see that!!" We heard the heartbeat too.

Parking is a b!tch at NSUH!!!!! I told Dh when I go into labor, just valet...I don't care how much it is. Then we totally got lost in the hospital on the way out and were just wandering around other wards trying to find the main exit. I didn't realize how big that place is.

Hope everyone has a good second trimester!

Message edited 10/4/2006 8:04:23 AM.

Posted 10/4/06 8:02 AM

Our Family is Complete

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Re: April 2007 mommies,

this can't go any quicker...

i'm miserable.....

Chat Icon Chat Icon Chat Icon

good luck to all of youChat Icon Chat Icon Chat Icon Chat Icon

Posted 10/4/06 8:35 AM

My girls!!

Member since 8/06

5843 total posts


Re: April 2007 mommies,

im so glad everyone is doing great!! I hope those who are not get well very soon!!! the only thing i have not done that all of you have is hear the heartbeat, they said it is way to soon and we have to wait,i mean we saw it on the U/S but did nto hear it,so we go for the ultrascreen next week and i guess we will hear it then!!!! Good luck for tri 2!!!!! Lets keep each other posted on here!!! O and the changed my due date for a day later April 28, 2007!!I am a due date twin!!Chat Icon

Posted 10/4/06 8:40 AM

Joining Team Blue with Baby #2

Member since 5/06

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Re: April 2007 mommies,

I have been feeling great for the most part...I was really tired for the first 8 weeks and had some m/s without actually getting sick though. Now its all gone and I have lots of energy---but I have a really bad cold on top of the regular congestion that started so I am miserable right now!Chat Icon

Hope everyone starts feeling better! Has anyone tried listening for a heartbeat at home on one of those monitors? I have one and I haven't been able to hear it yet, but at the doctors last week we heard it. Just wondering...

Posted 10/4/06 9:05 AM

My Loves

Member since 5/05

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Re: April 2007 mommies,

I am starting to feel human again. The m/s is going away thank goodness. In 2 weeks I go for my utra screen. I am just really tired lately. I am hoping that passes too.

Message edited 10/4/2006 9:27:42 AM.

Posted 10/4/06 9:26 AM

LIF Infant

Member since 9/06

160 total posts


Re: April 2007 mommies,

Posted by MrsPJ

Has anyone tried listening for a heartbeat at home on one of those monitors? I have one and I haven't been able to hear it yet, but at the doctors last week we heard it. Just wondering...

i rented one from Babybeats and haven't been able to hear it yet. I'm 12 weeks. I'm hoping to hear it tomorrow at the dr. That makes me feel better that I'm not the only one it's not working for.

Posted 10/4/06 11:31 AM


Member since 5/06

2423 total posts


Re: April 2007 mommies,

Hi Ladies!

I am doing pretty well... definitely have a bit more energy than I did a few weeks ago. I can't complain though because I really haven't had any M/S. I'm just really broken out all over my face. Now that I'm telling people I'm pg, I'm getting the reaction, "Yeah, I thought so, because your skin is so broken out"--thanks for noticing and pointing it out Chat Icon

I hope those of you who are struggling with M/S feel better soon.... the end of the first trimester is almost over for most of you!!! Yay!

Chat Icon Chat Icon Chat Icon Chat Icon Chat Icon to everyone!

Posted 10/4/06 6:20 PM

Living the DREAM!!!

Member since 7/06

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Re: April 2007 mommies,

Posted by Smileyd17

Cant complain at all..never got m/s...dealt with a tad of being tired.
So far pregnancy has been treating me real good.

Thank gosh for sono's and a heartbeat or I wouldn't think I was pregnant. Chat Icon

Exactly!!!! Chat Icon

Posted 10/4/06 9:30 PM

My little love bugs!!

Member since 9/05

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Re: April 2007 mommies,

Slowly doing better... ms is becoming bearable!!! Going for my ultrascreen next week... cant wait!! Having some acne issues (well for me they are issues since I usually dont have any pimples at all... I have like 2 now and its driving me nuts!!)... um, also cant really sleep that well... feel very wired! LOLOL... but so far so good... hoping it just keeps getting better!!Chat Icon

Posted 10/5/06 12:41 AM

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