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are you a wussy preggo?

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Sweet Jessie Quinn

Member since 5/05

27567 total posts


are you a wussy preggo?

I feel like I completely am, which I am a little surprised about. I know every pregnancy is different, but I complain about ailments and symptoms a whole lot.

In DH's restaurant, a bartender is due in 2 weeks, and two preggo waitresses work and they are in their third trimester.

I could not imagine. I couldn't imagine talking to people and dry heaving, or my new skill, catching vomit in my hand at the dinner tableChat Icon

Posted 8/29/06 9:19 AM
Long Island Weddings
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Momma's Little Beans

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Re: are you a wussy preggo?

i'm right there with ya. i feel awful always complaining about my MS and then I'm sure it will be siatica, then heartburn and so forth. pregnancy for me is not fun, wasn't the first time and it's not this time. i'm miserable!!!!! i give a lot of woman credit doing things well into their pregnancy as I did with my first, i had no choice.

Posted 8/29/06 9:21 AM

Sweet Jessie Quinn

Member since 5/05

27567 total posts


Re: are you a wussy preggo?

when i was working, I was terrible. Crying on the bus, sleeping in random offices for lunch. I cried at my desk, looked like complete garbage. That's why I could not imagine working in the service industry.

I am the same preggo, I make all slow movements, I live in fear of sciatica.

Posted 8/29/06 9:24 AM

too excited for words

Member since 10/05

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Re: are you a wussy preggo?

I'm definitiley not a wussy preggo. I have been really blessed to have an easy pregnancy. I taught dance up until 5 months (I have summers off), I will still go to bars for b-days or occasions and have a great time, I rarely complain of physical ailments, and I'll be returning to to teach dance at 36 weeks. The thing I complain most about is the changes to my body, but that's obviously more mentla than physical.

Posted 8/29/06 9:28 AM

My Boys!

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Re: are you a wussy preggo?

I think I've turned in to one these last few weeks. Now all I do is whine and b*tch. Before, I thought everything was great and couldn't wait to do it all over again. Now, I just want it to be over.

Posted 8/29/06 10:42 AM

Mommy of 3!

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Re: are you a wussy preggo?

I'm a major wuss- I complain about constipation, gas pains, heartburn, backache, not sleeping well- I'm pretty pathetic! Chat Icon

Posted 8/29/06 10:48 AM

Almost there!

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Re: are you a wussy preggo?

DH keeps telling me to start acting like I'm pregnant. I'm only 6 months so I have some time yet to start taking full advantage of my condition. Chat Icon

Posted 8/29/06 11:23 AM

Hope is Contagious....catch it

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Re: are you a wussy preggo?

The only time I really complained was in the beginning when I had the m/s. Now I complain, but not in an annoying way, just to let DH know what hurts.

Posted 8/29/06 11:24 AM


Member since 5/05

18599 total posts


Re: are you a wussy preggo?

Posted by WoodIAm

I think I've turned in to one these last few weeks. Now all I do is whine and b*tch. Before, I thought everything was great and couldn't wait to do it all over again. Now, I just want it to be over.

I could have written this myself.. I complain constantly lately, I'm sick of hearing myself I think Chat Icon

I had a great pregnancy overally (discounting the M/S in the beginning) and I kept saying how wonderful I felt, esp in the 2nd trimester. But the past few weeks I truly feel like crap all the time. I don't sleep, I dont' have much of an appetite, my stomach is a mess (due to the iron supps for my anemia) , I'm dizzy all the time and lethargic and just achey ..

I expected to work right up until the bitter end and now I'm thinking of taking my leave early because I simply cannot handle the commute anymore..Chat Icon

Yes my name is Felicia and I am a wussy preggo Chat Icon

Posted 8/29/06 11:35 AM


Member since 5/05

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Re: are you a wussy preggo?

No, but my DH is! Chat Icon

Honestly - Everyone thought that I would be, but I'm not.

Posted 8/29/06 1:04 PM

LIF Adolescent

Member since 5/05

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Re: are you a wussy preggo?

I think I've turned into one ever since that heat wave at the beginning of August. Up till then I was feeling great - now, with 3.5 weeks to go - when someone asks me how I am, I usually reply "hanging in there." Between the commuting, insomnia, chasing after a 14 month old and sciatica, I am definitely cranky most of the time. I am supposed to be in a friends wedding in 2.5 weeks and I am DREADING it. I know, horrble attitude, but I just can't seem to help it.

Posted 8/29/06 1:39 PM

Making big changes

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Re: are you a wussy preggo?

Not wussy necessarily, but unlucky. I always have tons of little things going wrong. This pregnancy, I'm on my second bladder infection already and I'm sick of being on antibiotics.

Posted 8/29/06 2:41 PM


Member since 5/05

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Re: are you a wussy preggo?

No! And that's why I am probably on bedrest b/c I never took it easy and was myself throughout. Chat Icon

Posted 8/29/06 3:17 PM

Baby # 3 is here!!!

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Re: are you a wussy preggo?

Posted by Diane

The only time I really complained was in the beginning when I had the m/s. Now I complain, but not in an annoying way, just to let DH know what hurts.

me too..

Posted 8/29/06 4:30 PM

Family is Complete!

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Re: are you a wussy preggo?

So far I haven't been wussy. I don't know what will happen in a few months when my belly really pops. Right now I work two jobs, go to grad school and try to stay sane. I still ride horses (although modifed), I still exercise. I still scrub my toiletsChat Icon

My mom was fortunate enough to have nice pregnancies so maybe it is hereditary

Posted 8/29/06 4:43 PM


Member since 5/05

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Re: are you a wussy preggo?

I haven't really been "tested" yet and I'm 11 weeks. So far, I've been lucky. The one thing I dreaded was bad morning sickness, which I was lucky to not have. The things I've dealt with were more annoying than anything.

But I know my wuss factor will increase- in fact, I went into my school today- fourth floor, no elevator. I used to run up the stairs, no problem. Today, sucking MAJOR wind! Chat Icon

Before getting pregnant, I also scheduled several field trips for my kids through December. Field trips kick my azz as it is (getting all those kids on the subway! Chat Icon ) I am already dreading them, especially the December trip to see A Christmas Carol- it's going to be cold, and the city will be a zoo. Chat Icon

Posted 8/29/06 4:57 PM

After 4 years, 1000 posts!

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Re: are you a wussy preggo?

I am to a degree - I definitely complain from time to time! I just have really bad fatigue still and a complete lack of energy. Or the opposite - I'm up all night with insomnia and then I sleep the entire next day. I have no idea what I'm going to do when I have to return to work next week. I'm 16 weeks and still have awhile to go. Guess I better get used to it. Chat Icon

Posted 8/29/06 8:00 PM

They get so big, so fast :(

Member since 5/05

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Re: are you a wussy preggo?

If I were you Janice, still with "morning" sickness at 24+ weeks, I would definately be a wussy preggo. I HATE getting sick and totally fear it. I am so glad I only had bad naseaua in the beginning.

Now I would say I am fine- the 2nd semester is going well. I just can't tolerate things like extreme sun and heat. I had to keep leaving my seat at the Angels/ Yankees game here in CA since it was about 90 and direct sun with no breeze. That was a tough one.

Posted 8/29/06 8:18 PM

My girls!!

Member since 8/06

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Re: are you a wussy preggo?

I have been pretty good so far.... the only thing i complain about is my boobs!!! Ouch they hurt!!!!!!!!!!!!!

Posted 8/29/06 8:30 PM

Balancing act on a highwire

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Re: are you a wussy preggo?

I am sort of guilty - but I think it's because I had a m/c just before this pg. I worry if I don't feel kicks and I'm only 21-22 weeks. I've seen women who have had babies roll their eyes at me and men suggest I'm wussy. I had to tell someone about the m/c and they totally understood.

Posted 8/29/06 9:48 PM

Sweet Jessie Quinn

Member since 5/05

27567 total posts


Re: are you a wussy preggo?

it is so weird how people differ.

Posted 8/29/06 10:01 PM

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