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Audio books....are they "read?"

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Sweet Jessie Quinn

Member since 5/05

27567 total posts


Audio books....are they "read?"

DH is dyslexic, but he listens to audio books all the time. In conversation, he never knows if it is appropriate to say he "read" the book.


"I once read a book by him"


"I once listened to a book by him"

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Posted 12/6/07 9:42 PM
Long Island Weddings
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Re: Audio books....are they "read?"

I wonder the same thing! Chat Icon

Posted 12/6/07 9:44 PM

LIF Adult

Member since 8/07

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Re: Audio books....are they "read?"

I think it's appropriate to say "read." Reading is more than just decoding words, it has to do with interpreting and comprehending tooChat Icon

Posted 12/6/07 10:06 PM


Member since 5/05

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Re: Audio books....are they "read?"

I just asked my book nerd DH, who listens to them (mostly b/c it's illegal to read & drive), and he says,

"I listened to the audio version of a book by him" which is wordy, but accurate.

He also says, "some people are picky about how you refer to it, but who cares what people say--people suck. "

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And "if he likes Sci Fi, tell him to check about Escape Pod." (It's a website)

(Ok, this concludes the public service announcement from my book loving DH.) Chat Icon

Posted 12/6/07 10:28 PM

Sweet Jessie Quinn

Member since 5/05

27567 total posts


Re: Audio books....are they "read?"

interesting, thanks!

Posted 12/6/07 11:18 PM

My miracles!

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Re: Audio books....are they "read?"

Reading has many components - decoding and comprehension being the main ones. I have students in my class who cannot decode but can comprehend and I have students who can decode and cannot comprehend which to me is much more difficult to teach. Pulling information off of paper is useless unless you can attach meaning to it.

When I hear parents saying that their kids are "reading" at an early age, unless they understand what they are decoding, I am rarely impressed.

So to answer your question, I would say that "reading" is fine for audiobooks.

Message edited 12/6/2007 11:24:09 PM.

Posted 12/6/07 11:23 PM

Sweet Jessie Quinn

Member since 5/05

27567 total posts


Re: Audio books....are they "read?"

thanks Leslie.

I shared this info with him over breakfast, he says now he can officially join a book club nowChat Icon

Posted 12/7/07 11:59 AM

s'il vous plaît

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Re: Audio books....are they "read?"

Posted by Goldi0218

Reading has many components - decoding and comprehension being the main ones. I have students in my class who cannot decode but can comprehend and I have students who can decode and cannot comprehend which to me is much more difficult to teach. Pulling information off of paper is useless unless you can attach meaning to it.

When I hear parents saying that their kids are "reading" at an early age, unless they understand what they are decoding, I am rarely impressed.

So to answer your question, I would say that "reading" is fine for audiobooks.

i'll remind my mother never to tell you i was reading national geographic magazines at age 4! Chat Icon

but you know what? you bring up a really good point.

Posted 12/7/07 12:07 PM

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Re: Audio books....are they "read?"

I'm an avid reader. I'd consider it appropriate to say "I read such-and-such book" when you listened to the audio tape. I don't think it matters how you got the information - you got through all the words of the book one way or another.

I'm pretty well-read and I've never met someone who would be snobby (or care) about that... Chat Icon

Posted 12/7/07 12:09 PM

Sweet Jessie Quinn

Member since 5/05

27567 total posts


Re: Audio books....are they "read?"

Posted by Kara

I'm pretty well-read and I've never met someone who would be snobby (or care) about that... Chat Icon

great point. I never understood why he was so concerned about the labeling of it till one day when I had a light bulb moment.

Reading a book is such a chore for him and he gets zero enjoyment out of it. So, I think with listening, he feels as though its "cheating." When really I try to explain that for me listening is so much harder then focusing on page turning.

Posted 12/7/07 12:18 PM

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