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Member since 5/05 9731 total posts
Name: Dina
baby bottles- after some research I found this:
Which Baby Bottles Are The Safest? by Mindy Pennybacker Fiona Keane asks:
A few months ago, as I prepared for my second baby's arrival, I had concerns about toxic chemicals leaching from plastic bottles into milk, and looked for tempered glass bottles instead. I searched every baby store in Las Vegas, but my only option was to call and mail-order bottles from Evenflo, the manufacturer. Are there any more sources for glass or other safer materials available to parents?
Fiona Keane Las Vegas, NV
The Green Guide replies:
Dear Fiona,
It's wise of you to have laid in a fresh supply of bottles for your new baby, as older glass bottles can have cracks and chips, and plastic bottles can develop scratches in which bacteria can grow, contaminating formula or breast milk. Bottles should be examined periodically for wear and tear and discarded when it appears.
There are other less-toxic options available, both in plastic and glass baby bottles. #5 plastics are among the most recyclable and have not been found to leach potential hormone disruptors. Clear plastic, rigid baby bottles are likely to be made of #7 polycarbonate, which can leach bisphenol-A, a suspected hormone disruptor.
Tempered glass bottles do not leach any chemicals; they are made by Lamby as well as Evenflo. See our list below for product names and sources.
When storing and freezing breast milk, avoid #3 PVC plastic containers, which can leach phthalates and adipates, linked to reproductive harm and liver cancers in mice. Look for 8-oz., wide-mouth glass canning jars, which won't crack when heated or chilled. Also, polyethylene bags have not been found to leach toxic chemicals.
Nipples made of #3 PVC should also be avoided. Clear silicone bottle nipples and pacifiers are safer than plastic or latex ones, according to pediatricians Philip J. Landrigan, M.D. and Herbert L. Needleman, M.D. and Mary Landrigan, M.P.A., in Raising Healthy Children in a Toxic World (Rodale, 2001, $12.95; see review in The Green Guide's online bookstore.)
Baby Bottles (#5 Plastic)
Rubbermaid Chuggables Bottles
Rubbermaid Sippin' Sport Bottles
Evenflo Colored Baby Bottles
Evenflo Baby Bottles (opaque, pastel)
Gerber Baby Bottles (colors)
Medela Baby Bottles
Baby Bottles (Glass)
Lamby Glass Baby Bottles
Evenflo Glass Baby Bottles
Baby SuperMall, 888/276-6654
Kitchen Etc., 800/232-4070
Medela, 800/435-8316>
The Natural Baby Catalog, 888/550-2461
Posted 2/28/07 3:59 PM |
Long Island Weddings
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Member since 5/05 24989 total posts
Re: baby bottles- after some research I found this:
I am so confused. Is that the list of safe bottles?
Posted 2/28/07 4:04 PM |
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Member since 5/05 9731 total posts
Name: Dina
Re: baby bottles- after some research I found this:
Posted by 5ofClubs
I am so confused. Is that the list of safe bottles?
yes supposedly- from research I did- this is from a "green" website.... although I cannot vouch 100% that it is all true- I've found this same information on 3 different "green" sites.
I think I'm going to order the evenflo glass w/ the silicone nipples
ugh- after all the $$$ I spent on the Avent I'm really annoyed.
Posted 2/28/07 4:05 PM |
Happy Days!

Member since 8/05 18208 total posts
Re: baby bottles- after some research I found this:
I am always really really hesitant to believe all this to be honest. I always feel like a lot of these things you read are real scare tactics, and anyone can print these things on the internet! Who says whats right or not???
I am so going to get flamed for this, but a big part of me feels these Green websites are just out to be holier than thou...
Message edited 2/28/2007 4:10:16 PM.
Posted 2/28/07 4:09 PM |
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Member since 5/05 9731 total posts
Name: Dina
Re: baby bottles- after some research I found this:
Posted by racheeeee
I am always really really hesitant to believe all this to be honest. I always feel like a lot of these things you read are real scare tactics, and anyone can print these things on the internet! Who says whats right or not???
I am so going to get flamed for this, but a big part of me feels these Green websites are just out to be holier than thou...
Honestly I agree- but if it is now all of the sudden on the main-stream news organizations- that is where I get sort of nervous.
Posted 2/28/07 4:12 PM |
Happy Days!

Member since 8/05 18208 total posts
Re: baby bottles- after some research I found this:
Posted by Sassyz75
Posted by racheeeee
I am always really really hesitant to believe all this to be honest. I always feel like a lot of these things you read are real scare tactics, and anyone can print these things on the internet! Who says whats right or not???
I am so going to get flamed for this, but a big part of me feels these Green websites are just out to be holier than thou...
Honestly I agree- but if it is now all of the sudden on the main-stream news organizations- that is where I get sort of nervous.
You know what...its mainstream news because they know that everybody who has ever used a plastic baby bottle, everybody with kids, everybody in general is going to watch it! And then there will be a run on all these different types of baby bottles and everyone makes money! So many of these reports are started by the manufacturer of these so called safer baby bottles! gotta do what you feel comfortable with.
Message edited 2/28/2007 4:22:40 PM.
Posted 2/28/07 4:19 PM |
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Member since 5/05 9731 total posts
Name: Dina
Re: baby bottles- after some research I found this:
Posted by racheeeee
Posted by Sassyz75
Posted by racheeeee
I am always really really hesitant to believe all this to be honest. I always feel like a lot of these things you read are real scare tactics, and anyone can print these things on the internet! Who says whats right or not???
I am so going to get flamed for this, but a big part of me feels these Green websites are just out to be holier than thou...
Honestly I agree- but if it is now all of the sudden on the main-stream news organizations- that is where I get sort of nervous.
You know what...its mainstream news because they know that everybody who has ever used a plastic baby bottle, everybody with kids, everybody in general is going to watch it! And then there will be a run on all these different types of baby bottles and everyone makes money! So many of these reports are started by the manufacturer of these so called safer baby bottles! gotta do what you feel comfortable with.
I hear you- i ordered a few glass as they really aren't that much $$$- but really, i'm so tired of all this- first the bath products, now the bottles, what next?
Posted 2/28/07 4:30 PM |

Member since 5/05 11165 total posts
Name: Mommy
Re: baby bottles- after some research I found this:
Posted by racheeeee
Posted by Sassyz75
Posted by racheeeee
I am always really really hesitant to believe all this to be honest. I always feel like a lot of these things you read are real scare tactics, and anyone can print these things on the internet! Who says whats right or not???
I am so going to get flamed for this, but a big part of me feels these Green websites are just out to be holier than thou...
Honestly I agree- but if it is now all of the sudden on the main-stream news organizations- that is where I get sort of nervous.
You know what...its mainstream news because they know that everybody who has ever used a plastic baby bottle, everybody with kids, everybody in general is going to watch it! And then there will be a run on all these different types of baby bottles and everyone makes money! So many of these reports are started by the manufacturer of these so called safer baby bottles! gotta do what you feel comfortable with.
I agree..scare tactics arenothing new, when news is slow, they have to fill it with something.
Remember cell phones can cause brain tumors, did anyone stop using theirs? Deodorant causes cancer Personal care products Eggs, good then bad, then good then bad, now it's the perfect food. Plastic plates and silverware
Hell even the air we breathe isn't good for us anymore, do we walk around with pure oxygen in our nose.
I always take these things with grains of salt...
I had glass bottles as a baby, and i BROKE EVERY ONE Of them by my 1st birthday...
I will prob get flamed, but it's just too coincental that all these "studies" are coming out right after another...
Posted 2/28/07 4:31 PM |
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Member since 5/05 9731 total posts
Name: Dina
Re: baby bottles- after some research I found this:
Posted by sweetness
Posted by racheeeee
Posted by Sassyz75
Posted by racheeeee
I am always really really hesitant to believe all this to be honest. I always feel like a lot of these things you read are real scare tactics, and anyone can print these things on the internet! Who says whats right or not???
I am so going to get flamed for this, but a big part of me feels these Green websites are just out to be holier than thou...
Honestly I agree- but if it is now all of the sudden on the main-stream news organizations- that is where I get sort of nervous.
You know what...its mainstream news because they know that everybody who has ever used a plastic baby bottle, everybody with kids, everybody in general is going to watch it! And then there will be a run on all these different types of baby bottles and everyone makes money! So many of these reports are started by the manufacturer of these so called safer baby bottles! gotta do what you feel comfortable with.
I agree..scare tactics arenothing new, when news is slow, they have to fill it with something.
Remember cell phones can cause brain tumors, did anyone stop using theirs? Deodorant causes cancer Personal care products Eggs, good then bad, then good then bad, now it's the perfect food. Plastic plates and silverware
Hell even the air we breathe isn't good for us anymore, do we walk around with pure oxygen in our nose.
I always take these things with grains of salt...
I had glass bottles as a baby, and i BROKE EVERY ONE Of them by my 1st birthday...
I will prob get flamed, but it's just too coincental that all these "studies" are coming out right after another...
I sort of agree with you- i'm soooooo torn by EVERYTHING these days.
Posted 2/28/07 4:43 PM |
Now a mommy of 2!!!

Member since 4/06 3164 total posts
Re: baby bottles- after some research I found this:
I am also torn - the problem is lately I know so many people our age who have gotten cancer that it starts to make me wonder...
Anyway, I also did some research and it seems that playtex drop-ins are a good alternative that does not contain biphenol-A so I may be investing in some of those
Posted 2/28/07 5:01 PM |
Re: baby bottles- after some research I found this:
Posted by stickydust
I am also torn - the problem is lately I know so many people our age who have gotten cancer that it starts to make me wonder...
this is what makes me think about change as well. Awareness is a good thing, doing your own research as well.
one phrase I cannot stand is "I/we did this/that and I/we are ok/alive"
alot aren't including my own brother.
Posted 2/28/07 5:05 PM |