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Member since 2/06 8879 total posts
Baby Clothing Question
Hi, and thanks in advance for answers to this question.
This may sound incredibly ignorant, but is newborn clothing the same as 0-3 months?
Also, what sizes would you recommend a new mother register to receive? I think I've heard before that it's good not to have too much newborn clothing since many babies outgrow it so quickly.
Thank you!
Posted 8/27/07 12:26 PM |
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Name: Amanda
Re: Baby Clothing Question
I posted a question on the Parenting board asking about coming home outfits.
I was told by lots of BTDT moms that the 0-3 month size was too big on their newborns, so I assume that newborn and 0-3 month are different. (I'm just as clueless as you!)
Anyway, as for what to register for, I have no idea... still trying to get a coming home outfit for DC who is due in 6 days!!!
Posted 8/27/07 12:29 PM |
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Member since 1/06 7465 total posts
Name: Amanda
Re: Baby Clothing Question
Posted by cjik
Hi, and thanks in advance for answers to this question.
This may sound incredibly ignorant, but is newborn clothing the same as 0-3 months?
Newborn is smaller than 0-3 months. Both my babies were 8 1/2 lbs when they were born and 0-3 months were still big on them. They were able to wear newborn clothes for a few weeks. We only had a couple outfits in newborn and the rest of the time they wore 0-3 months even though they were a little baggy.
Posted 8/27/07 12:55 PM |
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Member since 6/06 3543 total posts
Re: Baby Clothing Question
so far I only have 2 newborn sets then a few 0-3 months
I had on my registry 0-3, 3-6, 6-9 onsies you will allways need those If you know the sex then I say go for a few set !!!
Posted 8/27/07 1:32 PM |
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Member since 7/07 2711 total posts
Name: Melissa
Re: Baby Clothing Question
If your going to get newborn I wouldn't recommend getting to many. All 3 of my boys never wore newborn came home in 0-3mos. They were born at 9lb 22inch (I had one newborn outfit for him and the pants were like capris on him), 8.3lb 21.5 inc & 8.2lb 21inch.
Posted 8/27/07 2:09 PM |
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Member since 6/06 6470 total posts
Name: Dana
Re: Baby Clothing Question
here are the items I'm starting out with in NB size: -5 gowns (labelled newborn or one size fits all) -One 3 pack of NB white long sleeved onsies -2 outfits (pants and shirts) NB size -About 5 (various colors,etc) short sleeved onesies NB size -2 pants (that can be worn over onsies) NB size
I hope I have enough!
I have a bunch of other stuff 0-3 month size and older
Posted 8/27/07 2:10 PM |
Re: Baby Clothing Question
i just picked up a couple of things in newborn size. her coming home outfit is newborn size though.... i will also bring a 0-3 month size just in case.....
i am going to wait until after my shower and see what i get -- but get more 0-3 month than the newborn cause she will be in them alot longer
Posted 8/27/07 2:16 PM |
Welcome 2010!
Member since 2/06 8879 total posts
Re: Baby Clothing Question
Thanks for the info! This is what I thought, but I really wasn't sure. So I'm guessing I should register for some 0-3 month things and maybe 3-6 months too. The newborn items I can pick up myself if I don't receive them as gifts. It sounds as if I shouldn't need much unless is born early.
Posted 8/27/07 3:52 PM |