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Baby Shower Gift for Twins ??

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HELLO Manolo !!

Member since 5/06

14562 total posts


Baby Shower Gift for Twins ??

My cousin is having twins (we don't know the sex) and of course I waited until the last possible minute to get her gift Chat Icon
So her registry is pretty much complete

I have already bought her two beautiful cozy soft white blankets ........but I obviously need a whole lot of other stuff .........

Is there anything you would recommend?

(I don't have any kids yet so I am pretty clueless about what a new Mom would actually need and appreciate vs. what I think is "so cute" in the store!)

Thanks !!

Posted 1/11/08 12:27 PM
Long Island Weddings
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Member since 5/05

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Re: Baby Shower Gift for Twins ??

The things that I needed/used most often had mostly to do with just that, having two babies at the same time.

If she did not register for boppies (which I can't imagine she didn't) she is definitely going to need them... no other way of feeding two babies at the same time. My infant to toddler rockers (Thanks DianeChat Icon ) are also a godsend.

What I wish I had more of from the early days...
pictures and video. When you have one you can tape every second. When you have two, often both mom and dad are holding a baby and you don't get pics of a lot of first. I don't have pics/video of them coming home or first baths. I do have beautiful pics my friend took when they were three weeks old. It's always great if you could volunteer to upload the pics to the site of their choice... it can be so time consuming. I only had time after the 3 am feeding to do it... I'm serious.

Instead of a baby book, I'd recommend a calendar to record firsts and other memories. Mine is on my fridge (The Guess How Much I Love You calendar) and every night I jot down a few things, then, once in a while, I pull out the baby books and record them. Often, with two, you forget to write something in the baby book because it's not out in the open. Then you forget when it happendChat Icon

GC for pics.

A scrapbook if you are crafty.

Prepared meals... always a hit!

The offer to come on over and help hold the babies while she showers, does her hair (what is thatChat Icon )... etc.

I'll try to think of more.

Posted 1/11/08 12:54 PM


Member since 5/05

6297 total posts

Tracey - brideinapril

Re: Baby Shower Gift for Twins ??

Posted by Tah-wee-ZAH

The things that I needed/used most often had mostly to do with just that, having two babies at the same time.

If she did not register for boppies (which I can't imagine she didn't) she is definitely going to need them... no other way of feeding two babies at the same time. My infant to toddler rockers (Thanks DianeChat Icon ) are also a godsend.

What I wish I had more of from the early days...
pictures and video. When you have one you can tape every second. When you have two, often both mom and dad are holding a baby and you don't get pics of a lot of first. I don't have pics/video of them coming home or first baths. I do have beautiful pics my friend took when they were three weeks old. It's always great if you could volunteer to upload the pics to the site of their choice... it can be so time consuming. I only had time after the 3 am feeding to do it... I'm serious.

Instead of a baby book, I'd recommend a calendar to record firsts and other memories. Mine is on my fridge (The Guess How Much I Love You calendar) and every night I jot down a few things, then, once in a while, I pull out the baby books and record them. Often, with two, you forget to write something in the baby book because it's not out in the open. Then you forget when it happendChat Icon

GC for pics.

A scrapbook if you are crafty.

Prepared meals... always a hit!

The offer to come on over and help hold the babies while she showers, does her hair (what is thatChat Icon )... etc.

I'll try to think of more.

Those are all really great ideas!!!!

I want to add - maybe something for the new mom - everyone else is going to be pretty much buying for the twins - how bout getting her something? A nice pair of loungeing pajamas or even a spa gift card? (loved that!)

Posted 1/11/08 1:50 PM


Member since 5/05

12119 total posts


Re: Baby Shower Gift for Twins ??

I agree, these are all great ideas!

Gift card to BRU or BBB

Gift card to Kiddie Kandids or Picture People for pictures

Diapers, diapers and more diapers Chat Icon

GC to a restaurant that does takeout so they can have a few meals set after the babies are born

Posted 1/11/08 1:57 PM

HELLO Manolo !!

Member since 5/06

14562 total posts


Re: Baby Shower Gift for Twins ??

Thanks ladies !!

I usually do get something for the Mom for the shower, but I always seem to get the eye roll and 'the look' like "Oh, lshe doesn't HAVE kids and she doesnt' know ANYTHING - Like she's going to have time for a day at the spa" type of thing - And with this part of the family, I KNOW that is what I'd get (even from my cousin) so I'm just going to stick w/ buying for the babies and make everyone happy -

Posted 1/11/08 1:57 PM


Member since 7/06

2168 total posts


Re: Baby Shower Gift for Twins ??

i agree with everyone's suggestions.

diapers-so simple, but so important.

one of my gf's gave me two cases in size 1 since the hospital sends you home with so many newborn ones and it was great to have those ready and waiting for us!!

Posted 1/11/08 3:07 PM

Twin Moms Do Everything Twice

Member since 5/05

9612 total posts


Re: Baby Shower Gift for Twins ??

i agree, gift cards to babies r us or to get pictures, diapers would definitely be a great gift. there are days where i would go through 20 a day.

Posted 1/11/08 3:37 PM

b nice like u want ur kidz 2

Member since 7/06

7752 total posts


Re: Baby Shower Gift for Twins ?? can show all of them and get her a maid to go over her house really good b4 she comes home! I wish I had that!!!!!

or tons of diapers,
come over soo she can shower and do some laundry! lol

and they are crazy if they think u do not know how to give gifts with a spa certificate!

a really good diaper bag.

blanket sleepers--you need more then a few anyhow...
really soft swaddle me blankets..
my favortie gift at me shower?????
a g./c for a photo session in my area---a really good made me cry

Posted 1/11/08 10:40 PM


Member since 8/05

3116 total posts


Re: Baby Shower Gift for Twins ??

Diapers. Just don't get Stage 1 (they go through that pretty fast). Either Newborn or Sizes 2 or up. She will go through them!

Posted 1/12/08 6:07 PM

LIF Adult

Member since 5/05

3944 total posts


Re: Baby Shower Gift for Twins ??

My SIL just had twins, she said the best gift she got were gift cards and DIAPERS! HTH

Posted 1/25/08 8:21 AM

Two in Blue

Member since 5/05

20223 total posts


Re: Baby Shower Gift for Twins ??

How about the bottle holders(don't know what they're calledChat Icon ) They are like a pillow with a slit and hole in them to prop up a bottle. I know TwinMama was always rigging something to feed the girls.

Posted 1/25/08 9:45 AM

my 4 boys!

Member since 6/06

7396 total posts


Re: Baby Shower Gift for Twins ??

Posted by melijane

How about the bottle holders(don't know what they're calledChat Icon ) They are like a pillow with a slit and hole in them to prop up a bottle. I know TwinMama was always rigging something to feed the girls.

also Podee bottles.. my friend who has triplets couldn't live without them! they are bottles that have a "straw" attached to the nipple so when they can sit up you can put the bottle down on the table and the nipple in their mouths!

Posted 1/25/08 4:26 PM


Member since 5/05

34581 total posts


Re: Baby Shower Gift for Twins ??

I would think something unique for the podees...I got my one friend bottle proppers off ebay so she could use those, knowing no one else would get something like that.

Posted 2/5/08 7:56 PM

Hope is Contagious....catch it

Member since 5/05

30683 total posts


Re: Baby Shower Gift for Twins ??

I didnt like the Podee bottles.
I would say stock up on diapers and wipes, people gave them to me at my shower and they were a godsend, because I had no time to go out to the store and get more.

Message edited 2/6/2008 7:19:26 AM.

Posted 2/6/08 7:18 AM

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