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Babygirl <3

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LIF Infant

Member since 12/10

245 total posts


Babygirl <3

I was due 3/14/14 and SWORE my due date was wrong, since I KNEW when we conceived her. On 2/26/14 I was having an extremely lazy day and slept until 5PM, then went to dinner with my parents. DH was at work for the past 23 hours and was on his way home when I was bouncing on my labor ball. We were sitting on the couch around midnight on 2/27/14 and I started feeling mild contractions. Two hours later I was so uncomfortable, I couldn't function and called the hospital. They didn't call back, and the contractions were getting closer. Since I live a hour away from the hospital I decided we NEEDED to leave. I arrived at the hospital about 4:30am and went up to l&d, where they told my I was 4cm and having her THAT DAY! Chat Icon . My original plan was to deliver naturally, without an epi, but that all changed! My contractions were so painful and coming so quickly (there were seconds between them, DH's heart rate was dropping and they almost had to slow y contractions).

At around 10:30am the epi wore off, around 11:00 am I swore that she was going to fall out (LOL) and wanted to push. She wasn't descending due to shoulder dystocia (stuck behind my pelvic bone) but I pushed and pushed and she was born at 12:10 PM, more beautiful than I could have ever imagined! She had some bruising but is perfectly healthy!! We're so in love!

Callie Ann
February 27, 2014
7lb 5oz
12:10 PM Chat Icon Chat Icon Chat Icon

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Message edited 4/21/2014 11:10:41 PM.

Posted 4/21/14 11:03 PM


Member since 1/09

4429 total posts


Re: Babygirl <3

she's beautiful, congratulations. Chat Icon

Posted 4/27/14 7:31 AM

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