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enjoying every minute

Member since 12/07 3881 total posts
baby's measurement prior to m/s
Hello ladies !
I had been wondering this for a while..... what was your experience ?
Both miscarriages the baby was measuring smaller then what I said it should be. 1st time - I said it should be 8weeks, they said it was 6.5 weeks. They tried to tell me I ovulated late/dates were off. Saw a heartbeat but a couple days later m/s.
2nd time - I went in at 10 weeks baby measuring 6-7 weeks, gave it another week no heartbeat/growth .
Was your baby measuring smaller than you felt/knew it should be ?
Was it measuring at the right stage all along ?
I'm so paranoid with my next pregnancy they will say it's behind again.
Thanks for your responses!
Posted 10/31/08 10:25 AM |
LIF O2 Vendor

Member since 12/07 16202 total posts
Name: Deanna
Re: baby's measurement prior to m/s
my baby was where it should be... i lost it because of my cervix... so it actually had nothing to do with the baby
i hate my body for it
Posted 10/31/08 10:33 AM |
Sour Girl

Member since 3/08 5271 total posts
Re: baby's measurement prior to m/s
My baby was measuring at the correct week the first few times I went. When they saw no HB, it was about a week behind.
Posted 10/31/08 4:49 PM |
Maybe this time?
Member since 7/07 1761 total posts
Re: baby's measurement prior to m/s
My embryo had a slow heart beat. By a week later the heartbeat was even slower and there was no growth from the last sono. THen a few days after, there was no hb left.
Posted 10/31/08 7:31 PM |
enjoying every minute

Member since 12/07 3881 total posts
Re: baby's measurement prior to m/s
Message edited 11/11/2008 7:38:52 AM.
Posted 11/11/08 7:38 AM |
So in love with this kid!

Member since 5/06 11197 total posts
Name: Michele
Re: baby's measurement prior to m/s
Looking back it seems like my sonos were always a week behind what they should have been. Dr "chalked it up" to late ovulation (which i did O very late) so no one really was concerned.
But at my 6 wks sono (really 7wks since LMP) there was a yolk sac and the SMALLEST fetal pole. Too small to see HB. No one seemed worried so we didnt think there was anything wrong.
2 wks later was when they saw that nothing developed further at my 8 wk (really 9 wk since LMP) sono. All that was left was a yolk and no fetal pole. Thats when dr saw blood in my uterus indicating that a m/c would happen.
Posted 11/11/08 9:29 AM |
I'll be there soon!

Member since 1/08 6549 total posts
Name: Patty
Re: baby's measurement prior to m/s
my baby measured where it should have the entire time until I went for my last sono with the RE and there was no heart beat. So somewhere between the 10w sono and the sono at 11w5d it stopped. but my baby had downs syndrome and the re said that 80% of ds conceptions end the way mine did by 12 weeks.
this is why we are considering PGD testing when I begin IVF.
Posted 11/11/08 10:02 AM |
RIP my beloved Brother Richard

Member since 5/07 6710 total posts
Name: Diana
Re: baby's measurement prior to m/s
Posted by IrishLass
my baby measured where it should have the entire time until I went for my last sono with the RE and there was no heart beat. So somewhere between the 10w sono and the sono at 11w5d it stopped. but my baby had downs syndrome and the re said that 80% of ds conceptions end the way mine did by 12 weeks.
this is why we are considering PGD testing when I begin IVF.
Did they ever commment on your yoke sac prior to the m/c.. I was told by my high risk specialist that early on they can look at the yoke sac and if its looks perfect that is usually a good sign of no genetic issues.. I believe an oversized one is not good.. was that ever commented on.. Or just that they saw one but didnt actually measure it..
Posted 11/11/08 11:11 AM |
I'm ONE!

Member since 5/05 5150 total posts
Name: Farah
Re: baby's measurement prior to m/s
I had sonos at 4w3d and 6w3d and everything was progressing normally. Had some spotting around 11 weeks and went in for a sono and there was no heartbeat. The doctor said the fetus measured about 7 weeks, but I've read that once they stop growing, they start degenerating at the same rate, so I think it must've happened around 9 weeks.
Posted 11/12/08 6:57 AM |
I'll be there soon!

Member since 1/08 6549 total posts
Name: Patty
Re: baby's measurement prior to m/s
Posted by dilb712
Posted by IrishLass
my baby measured where it should have the entire time until I went for my last sono with the RE and there was no heart beat. So somewhere between the 10w sono and the sono at 11w5d it stopped. but my baby had downs syndrome and the re said that 80% of ds conceptions end the way mine did by 12 weeks.
this is why we are considering PGD testing when I begin IVF.
Did they ever commment on your yoke sac prior to the m/c.. I was told by my high risk specialist that early on they can look at the yoke sac and if its looks perfect that is usually a good sign of no genetic issues.. I believe an oversized one is not good.. was that ever commented on.. Or just that they saw one but didnt actually measure it..
I was told my the RE that everything looked fine, I saw them every week from the time I got my BFP until I went back for my last RE visit at 11w5d. I don't know if they actually measured the yoke sac, they kept measuring the baby and everything was on time.
Posted 11/12/08 7:19 AM |