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Back from our 1 month (5 week) appointment & ? about Nutramigen

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Member since 5/05

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Back from our 1 month (5 week) appointment & ? about Nutramigen

Hannah is doing great!

She gained 3lbs in 4 weeks, putting her at 10lbs (75th percentile) Chat Icon


She grew 1.5 inches, putting her at 22.5 inches (95th percentile - she's so long!!)

We had a long talk about her gas issues and fussiness and he thinks it could be a milk protein allergy so he recommended we try Nutramigen for a week.

Anyone have any success with this formula? where is the cheapest place to buy it?

Please cross your fingers this helps my Chat Icon

Posted 1/5/07 1:17 PM
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Re: Back from our 1 month (5 week) appointment & ? about Nutramigen

Incredible success for DS's milk allergy (they can test her poop to know for sure if that's it!) We get it at Target for $25/can (it aint cheap!) but worth it.

Posted 1/5/07 1:19 PM


Member since 7/05

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Mrs. Honeybee

Re: Back from our 1 month (5 week) appointment & ? about Nutramigen

good news about the weight gainChat Icon Chat Icon Chat Icon fingers crossed about the new formulaChat Icon

Posted 1/5/07 1:22 PM

Life is good...

Member since 9/05

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Re: Back from our 1 month (5 week) appointment & ? about Nutramigen

Jodi, I hope the new formula works!Chat Icon

Posted 1/5/07 1:23 PM


Member since 5/05

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Re: Back from our 1 month (5 week) appointment & ? about Nutramigen

That's wonderful growth!!!! Chat Icon Chat Icon Chat Icon

DDs are on Similac Alimentum for the milk protein allergy. Wow so many babies have this! They had blood in their stools, but no more since we switched. And since we switched they've been sleeping through the night - I think it is more satisfying and heavier maybe?

Posted 1/5/07 1:33 PM

Hope is Contagious....catch it

Member since 5/05

30683 total posts


Re: Back from our 1 month (5 week) appointment & ? about Nutramigen

Christopher is on it.
BRU has it cheap.

If she has an allergy to it, have your PED write that to your insurance company and they should pay for it.
Mine does and I get 30 cans delivered each month.

Posted 1/5/07 1:41 PM


Member since 5/05

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Re: Back from our 1 month (5 week) appointment & ? about Nutramigen

My insurance co pays for it. I get a months supply of RTF for 25.00.

Target has the best price for RTF - IMO. It's 7 dollars and change for a can. Makes 4 8oz bottles.

Posted 1/5/07 1:47 PM

My boys!

Member since 1/06

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Re: Back from our 1 month (5 week) appointment & ? about Nutramigen

Christopher is on this and is doing so much better. Even though its expensive if it does the job its worth it.

Posted 1/5/07 2:48 PM

Baby # 3 is here!!!

Member since 7/05

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Re: Back from our 1 month (5 week) appointment & ? about Nutramigen

we actually just started Jacob on that formula and had to stop last night because he was having projectile vomiting after every bottle. Now he is back on Gentlease and the dr. prescribed him Zantac for reflux. He may have to see a pediatric gastro if things dont improve...he is SO fussy and has major meltdowns all day and night Chat Icon I hope that the formula works for you Chat Icon Chat Icon

Posted 1/5/07 3:02 PM

Holiday 2011 photo

Member since 8/05

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Re: Back from our 1 month (5 week) appointment & ? about Nutramigen

BRU has the powder cheapest. Worked great for us!

Posted 1/5/07 3:19 PM


Member since 5/05

12578 total posts


Re: Back from our 1 month (5 week) appointment & ? about Nutramigen

thanksChat Icon

Posted 1/5/07 6:17 PM

I love my Katie Bug

Member since 5/05

11357 total posts


Re: Back from our 1 month (5 week) appointment & ? about Nutramigen

DD was the same and we tried Nutreamagin but it didnt work for us - worked wonders for my friend though - then we tried Similac Alimentum, which is very similar but not exactly the same as Nutramigen - that was the one that worked for us. DD had a lactose intollerant issue, a/r, colic, problems with gas, constipation - this stuff helped her a ton. Make sure you get ready to feed and not powder - its easier for them to digest and has less bubbles.

Cheapest Ive found it is at Babies r Us or Buy Buy Baby buying it by the case. Sign up at and for coupons. I buy it at Stop n Shop when Im in a pinch and cant get to BRU, it's $8.29 for one RTF bottle. Its not as bad as it sounds and since your DD is only 5 wks Im guessing one bottle will last you a full day.

Posted 1/5/07 6:50 PM


Member since 5/05

18599 total posts


Re: Back from our 1 month (5 week) appointment & ? about Nutramigen

sounds like Hannah has made great progress, Jodi! Great news on the growing and weight gain!!

I hope that she does a lot better on the new formula Chat Icon (I have no experience with it.. but I do have a very fussy, colicy, cranky baby on my hands most days who also has major gas and reflux issues SO I can somewhat relate to how hard it is! Chat Icon)

Posted 1/5/07 7:07 PM


Member since 8/05

4987 total posts


Re: Back from our 1 month (5 week) appointment & ? about Nutramigen

you said that it "could be" a milk protein allergy. if you're not sure you might want to think about trying a soy formula first. it's MUCH cheaper, doesn't smell as horrid as nutramigen, and after she turns a year you could easily transition her to soy milk. Some babies that are allergic to milk are also allergic to soy, but some are just allergic to milk. Brendan has a milk protein allergy, but he's doing great with soy formula (similac isomil).

Posted 1/5/07 7:41 PM

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