Back to school night for Elem. teachers...share your ideas!
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baby boy coming spring '11
Member since 5/05 3133 total posts
Back to school night for Elem. teachers...share your ideas!
What do you do that's "cutesie" for the parents? I make a slide show with the kids pictures and each parent gets an apple with a poem attached. I'm looking for more ideas as far as student work. I teach first grade. Thanks!
Posted 9/8/08 8:18 PM |
Hoping, wishing, waiting....

Member since 8/06 1418 total posts
Name: K
Re: Back to school night for Elem. teachers...share your ideas!
Nothing too exciting, but I cut out "little people" from file folders in a boy and girl shape, the kids color/decorate them like themselves, and I stand them up on their desks for their parents. I also do a slideshow/movie of the kids working, last year it was to a Jack Johnson song from the Curious George soundtrack and Somewhere over the rainbow with that guy singing it, there wasn't a dry eye in the house!!! I don't think I can do it this year though, BTSN is this WED!!! I haven't taken any pics yet!!!
Oh I also made an "I can train" we read the Little Engine that could and then the kids drew pictures of what they want to learn this year on index cards, I mounded them on colored paper, and i had a cut out of a train engine and a canboose, and all of their drawings were the cars. Its a very cute bulletin board.
Message edited 9/8/2008 9:14:24 PM.
Posted 9/8/08 9:12 PM |
LIF Adolescent

Member since 1/08 595 total posts
Name: Robin
Re: Back to school night for Elem. teachers...share your ideas!
I do the "I can" train too! And slide show...I ususally use the Jackson 5 ABC and save the sapy stuff for the end of the year, lol! I also have the kids make a little book in the shape of a school bus. One page has a self portrait and signature, one has a handprint and the cover has their face looking out from one of the bus windows. It's cute! I try to fill up the time so I don't get too many questions, lol!
Posted 9/8/08 9:18 PM |

Member since 5/05 5208 total posts
Re: Back to school night for Elem. teachers...share your ideas!
I don't do anything too detailed. The kids write letters to their parents and ask the parents to write back- So after my "little speech" about the year, they write back to their children. The kids loving come in the next morning with notes, etc... :) from their parents...
Posted 9/9/08 7:22 AM |
summer fun!

Member since 3/06 4962 total posts
Name: Jaime
Re: Back to school night for Elem. teachers...share your ideas!
Posted by kdelace
I don't do anything too detailed. The kids write letters to their parents and ask the parents to write back- So after my "little speech" about the year, they write back to their children. The kids loving come in the next morning with notes, etc... :) from their parents...
I do the same thing....
Posted 9/9/08 8:00 PM |
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