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Barbara Wilson School

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LIF Adolescent

Member since 8/09

890 total posts


Barbara Wilson School

What can you tell me about the Barbara C Wilson preschool? Good, bad, etc. What do you like about the school or not like about it? How hard is it to get a spot? Do they offer full-day and half-day options? Thanks!

Posted 11/12/12 12:35 PM

LIF Adolescent

Member since 4/07

618 total posts


Re: Barbara Wilson School

My son is 3 and started BCW school this September. He is apraxic and developmentally he is a little behind, he has received OT, speech and PT services in EI.

I hVe to say, BCW was one of my last schools to visit. I had two other schools that I really liked. I asked around and no matter who you ask, your always going to get positive and negative responses. So that was a little discouraging. After touring BCW I knew this was the right place for him. It was a school that really I felt would be focusing on my sons issues without having the distraction of all the fancy stuff the other schools had like a computer room and huge indoor gyms. They do have smart boards, and tvs and that kind of stuff but overall It was basic and simple and in the end for my son with a speech delay it was the right place for him.

Good luck. You will find the right school!!

Posted 12/6/12 1:52 PM

LIF Infant

Member since 2/11

83 total posts


Re: Barbara Wilson School

They do not offer half-day spots. This is my child's second year there and the improvement since she started is really amazing. I am not a huge fan of the administration, but the interaction with them is limited. The teachers, aides and therapists I have dealt with are excellent. Everyone is warm and caring and available to address your smallest concerns.

There are monthly parent meeting with a social worker to discuss common issues and they welcome parents sitting in on classes and therapy sessions.

I assume if you are looking at BCW your child likely has language delays and one of the really nice things about the school is you will know from the notebooks between parents and teachers/therapists and daily handouts what your child is doing each day.

The parents' association is great - very involved and a nice support to new parents. Parents of graduates tend to remain supportive of school and are paired up with parents in the same school district so that they can educate them about what will happen post-BCW. I am a huge fan.

Posted 12/6/12 2:24 PM

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