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Mom of Three
Member since 9/05 7900 total posts
Name: "MOMMY!!!"
Bday party invite responses-WWYD?
My DS's 5th bday party is next Thursday. (his actual bday is tomorrow ) I put an RSVP date of today on the invites and still havent heard from about 6 people. I think its terribly rude to not RSVP. I know people get busy, I have 3 small kids of my own so I understand, but all are parents of kids, surely they know I have to let the place know how many kids a few days in advance. Part of me doesnt feel like following up with anyone bc we already hit our minimum of kids and at $17 a head per extra kid, I don't mind not incurring that cost. I mean, why should I have to call you to see if you're coming, right? But on the other hand, if they show up, I won't have a goody bag for their kids or possibly enough food, esp for the people who did respond. So the other part of me says I should just call them and make sure it all goes smooth. I refuse to make extra goody bags and order extra food we don't need just in case people decide to come.
It just bugs me, at least call and say you can't make it. In fact, we just received an invite for one of the kids' party the following week. I know I'm immature but I don't feel like RSVPing to her. Nah nah nah nah nah
So what would you do??
Message edited 10/20/2007 3:04:58 PM.
Posted 10/20/07 3:04 PM |
Long Island Weddings
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Member since 5/05 19403 total posts
Re: Bday party invite responses-WWYD?
I'd call b/c I'd hate to think of the kid who comes after his mom didn't call and you didn't have a goody bag for him.
Posted 10/20/07 3:06 PM |
Mom of Three
Member since 9/05 7900 total posts
Name: "MOMMY!!!"
Re: Bday party invite responses-WWYD?
Posted by CathyB
I'd call b/c I'd hate to think of the kid who comes after his mom didn't call and you didn't have a goody bag for him.
I know. I should add that I already though of that, it's not the child's fault and wouldn't be fair.
Posted 10/20/07 3:08 PM |
Member since 12/06 16001 total posts
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Re: Bday party invite responses-WWYD?
After dealing with this for years with my eight year old, I've came to the conclusion that people are rude and just have no manners. I can't tell you how many parents have not RVSP'd and then showed up. Of course they didn't get a personlized goody bag, but I always make sure to make extras. I usually say "Oh I didn't know you were bringing him/her since I never heard from you!" to the mother. I have even started putting my email address on the invites in recent years to see if that helps but it really doesn't.
I feel your frustration and I would probably call them!
Posted 10/20/07 3:29 PM |
It goes fast. Pay attention.

Member since 7/05 57538 total posts
Re: Bday party invite responses-WWYD?
I didn't bother to call. I budgeted that they were coming and the stragglers were still welcome. I had goody bags for them just in case (they weren't personalized).
I know it's annoying - I had 10 kids not respond the week before the party. By Friday night, I had 9 phone calls of parents apologizing like crazy & saying "I'm so sorry, if it's too late I completely understand."
Hope you get 6 phone calls today.
Message edited 10/20/2007 4:56:20 PM.
Posted 10/20/07 4:56 PM |
LIF Adolescent
Member since 5/06 754 total posts
Re: Bday party invite responses-WWYD?
i would call. and end the one where yougot an invite too, I would say, "I'm calling to tell you we will be at your party & I'm also checking to see if you are coming to ours or not since I have to give the head count." If people have the nerve to be rude, then you have the right to be straight forward. Plus always give a buffer of people that don't mean to be rude, they are just overwhelmed with life & palin forget.....then they will welcome your reminder call.
Posted 10/20/07 5:32 PM |
Member since 5/05 26975 total posts
Re: Bday party invite responses-WWYD?
First, I can't believe Luke is going to be 5 tomorrow. Holy Cow!!
I would call and just tell them you need a positive because you need to let the place know ahead of time how many are coming. It is annoying, I know many times I may have mentioned to someone in passing that we were coming and somehow things got mis-communicated and I felt as if I hadn't responded!
Call and respond to the party invite you just got and ask if they are coming
Happy Birthday Luke
Posted 10/20/07 5:35 PM |
life moves fast

Member since 5/05 4225 total posts
Name: Jenn
Re: Bday party invite responses-WWYD?
I have never had a birthday party that everyone responded too.. one of those annoying questions in life... ' how hard is it really to respond to an RSVP!?" I always just give a friendly phone call
Posted 10/20/07 5:47 PM |