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HELLO Manolo !!

Member since 5/06 14562 total posts
Name: Marisa
Bedroom Paint Color
HELP !! I have NO clue what color to paint our bedroom ..........
This is the bedding I love, which I can really do anything with .........but we don't have 'furniture' yet, or in the very near future, which is why I am having more troube than normal decorating ..........
Any ideas ?? TIA !! Image Attachment(s):
Posted 1/28/08 11:49 AM |
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Member since 8/07 5183 total posts
Re: Bedroom Paint Color
What about a very pale green? I used this color before I had furniture, etc.. and it really works great with anything.
Pic is not the best (cell phone), but this is what we used.
Image Attachment(s):
Message edited 1/28/2008 11:53:38 AM.
Posted 1/28/08 11:52 AM |
HELLO Manolo !!

Member since 5/06 14562 total posts
Name: Marisa
Re: Bedroom Paint Color
Pale green could work - I'm looking for something on the light side, but softer. I don't want the MB to look like a Nursery ........ - that 'shade' is perfect (not too 'mint green') .........but my Dining room is green and DH is not really a fan to begin with .........
I get A LOT of light in that room, the house is South facing and there are two big windows
Right now it's a deep burgandy, but I just don't like the color for a MB with no furniture - I'd LOVE it if I had a big room with a formal set .............but now, it's not working
Message edited 1/28/2008 11:57:34 AM.
Posted 1/28/08 11:55 AM |

Member since 3/06 2018 total posts
Name: D
Re: Bedroom Paint Color
i have BM greenbrier beige in my MB--
i it. it's neutral and will go with a lot of different bedding...
i orig. though red would be beautiful with your bedding, but saw you didn't want red.
here's a pic of the BM greenbrier beige:
Posted 1/28/08 12:54 PM |

Member since 1/07 6929 total posts
Name: Jen
Re: Bedroom Paint Color
this is our MBR. BM-Brittany Blue (light slate blue). I think this color could look nice with your set.
but I also think using a Beige color would be great too. We used BM-Carlisle Cream in our kitchen, DR & LR area. Here is a pic of the color.
Posted 1/28/08 1:30 PM |
HELLO Manolo !!

Member since 5/06 14562 total posts
Name: Marisa
Re: Bedroom Paint Color
thank you ! I LOVE that blue !!
I think I'm giong to put the set on my bed with the current paint and see how it works -
I'm sure I'll still want to repaint though -
Ugh - The thought of painting over that burgandy is making me ill
Posted 1/28/08 2:14 PM |
LIF Adult

Member since 5/05 6794 total posts
Re: Bedroom Paint Color
Posted by JldDolphin
this is our MBR. BM-Brittany Blue (light slate blue). I think this color could look nice with your set. IMAGE
" alt="External Image" />
my bdrm color is almost identical.
this would definetly work as would the color orchid24 suggested. chatham posted pics of her chocolate brown mstr bdrm recently which also looks fabulous.
Posted 1/28/08 3:52 PM |