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I couldnt love him more !!!

Member since 1/09 1332 total posts
Name: Danielle
Belly itches!!!
Lately my belly itches so bad especially at night. I am 32 weeks and just started getting light stretch marks at the bottom of my belly just below my belly button. I have been putting Cocoa butter since the beginning and started putting Mama Mia Belly butter at about 26 weeks just incase. For some reason at night i have woken up in the middle of the night and caught myself scratching away terrible at my belly. Thank g-d they are very light and barely visable but i totally feel them!!
Ive ripped open the 2 stretch marks i have and made them almost bumpy... NOT GOOD.
Any ideas what to do.. anyone else have this?
Posted 9/4/09 11:02 AM |
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