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Best baby food?

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Member since 5/05

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Best baby food?

which brand is the best? does it make a difference if it's organic or not?

Posted 11/2/06 5:16 PM
Long Island Weddings
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Member since 8/05

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Re: Best baby food?

Well, my advice is to make it yourself! I was giving Noah jars of baby food, then I started to make my own again...gave him a jar because I was out and had it and I thought it smelled like dog food, so I am back to making my own!

Its really really easy and I would suggest getting an Annabel Karmel book, even if you don't follow the recipes and just get inspiration from her, its totally worth it! I spent all of today cooking for the tot...and when he eats food that I cooked, it makes me feel really really good!!!

Posted 11/2/06 5:27 PM

Barb-Never removing this pic!

Member since 11/05

3932 total posts


Re: Best baby food?

I don't think there is one better than the other but I prefer to try and buy organic where I can.
I buy:
Earth's Best
Gerber Tender Harvest
Healthy Times

They are all organic

I never buy the baby desserts because they contain sugar.

Posted 11/2/06 6:05 PM


Member since 5/05

2423 total posts


Re: Best baby food?


Posted 11/2/06 6:24 PM

I'm getting old

Member since 5/05

8688 total posts


Re: Best baby food?

I made my own but when I didn't I would go for Gerber Tender Harvest then Earth's Best.

Posted 11/2/06 6:28 PM

Barb-Never removing this pic!

Member since 11/05

3932 total posts


Re: Best baby food?

Also..for bananas and avocado you can just mash the fruit need to buy it in a jar!

Posted 11/2/06 6:28 PM


Member since 6/05

15144 total posts


Re: Best baby food?

I give Luka organic but I am thinking of making my own that way I can mix some fruits and veggies.

Posted 11/2/06 6:33 PM

I'm getting old

Member since 5/05

8688 total posts


Re: Best baby food?

I read on consumer reports that Organic food is best for babies because it doesnt have the preservatives and chemicals that regular food has and that it is better for growing brains.

Here is the article:

Better for baby?
Our analysis finds organic food is safer for children

Nearly two-thirds of U.S. consumers bought organic food and beverages in 2005. And because children's developing bodies are especially vulnerable to the toxins found in nonorganic baby food, it pays to buy organic food for baby as often as possible.

Children may be at risk of higher exposure to the toxins found in nonorganic food because baby food is often made up of condensed fruits or vegetables, potentially concentrating pesticide residues. While at least one company says their nonorganic baby food has pesticide and heavy-metal levels below government-recommended levels, that may be cold comfort for parents wanting the healthiest options for their baby.

Parents have good reason to be concerned. Children's developing immune, central-nervous, and hormonal systems are especially vulnerable to damage from toxic chemicals. "A lot of these pesticides are toxic to the brain," says Philip Landrigan, a professor of pediatrics and preventative medicine at Mount Sinai School of Medicine in New York City. "We have very good evidence that exposure of the fetus to organophosphorus pesticides produces babies with small head circumference, which is a risk factor for reduced intelligence and behavior disturbances."

Indeed, new evidence also shows that, contrary to previous scientific belief, pesticides in a woman's bloodstream can be passed to a fetus in the womb. A study released in 2005 in which umbilical-cord blood of 10 children was collected by the Red Cross and tested for pollutants showed that 21 pesticides crossed the placenta. Further, studies have suggested that synthetic growth hormones, which can be found in nonorganic dairy cattle (and therefore in their milk), may be carcinogenic, and exposure to them may be linked to the precocious onset of puberty in girls.

Healthy progress

While a growing body of research shows that pesticides and other contaminants are more prevalent in the foods we eat than we thought, there is some good news. Ever since a 1996 federal law required pesticides to meet safety standards for children, more than a dozen formerly widely used pesticides have been banned, restricted, or voluntarily withdrawn by manufacturers. Under that law, more pesticides are being investigated each year and banned, or they're undergoing a lowering of limits on what can safely be tolerated.

If your child is already eating nonorganic food, starting an organic diet can limit further exposure. A study supported by the Environmental Protection Agency and published in 2005 measured pesticide levels in the urine of 23 children in Washington State before and after a switch to an organic diet. After five consecutive days on the diet, researchers found that pesticide levels had decreased to undetectable levels, and remained that way until their conventional diets were reintroduced. The study's conclusion: "An organic diet provides a dramatic and immediate protective effect" against pesticide exposure.

Message edited 11/2/2006 6:42:25 PM.

Posted 11/2/06 6:41 PM

My munchkins

Member since 5/05

5010 total posts


Re: Best baby food?

this is the best site for making baby food. if you go under recipes they have it split up by stages

cuisinart baby

Posted 11/2/06 7:09 PM

I ♥ my boys!

Member since 5/05

4461 total posts


Re: Best baby food?

Posted by Corinne

this is the best site for making baby food. if you go under recipes they have it split up by stages

cuisinart baby

Thanks for posting this site. I was thinking of making my own baby food too.

Posted 11/2/06 7:15 PM

me and baby #3!

Member since 5/05

12013 total posts


Re: Best baby food?

I made my own and used Gerber regular and organic as well as beechnut.

When buying organic, be aware if it's actually 100% organic. Labeling things as organic is a new TREND and with many products, only SOME of the ingredients are organic. (there was an article in my local GA paper on it).

Posted 11/2/06 8:26 PM

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