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LIF Infant

Member since 8/06 314 total posts
Name: Rina
Beta Levels
I am just curious I found out that I was pregnant on 7/29 went to the dr on 8/1 they confirmed that I was pregnant.They took blood from me to test my beta levels because I am consider to be high risk I will have to go to the dr every 2 weeks because my 1st pregnancy was an ectopic. When I got pregnant the first time my levels only reached up to 478 and I was 8 weeks. I am either 4 weeks or 5 weeks and my beta level is 731. I was wondering for the ladies that are 4 or 5 weeks what was your beta leves?l ?
Posted 8/10/07 8:01 PM |
Long Island Weddings
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Member since 1/07 9537 total posts
Name: The One My Mother Gave Me ;-)
Re: Beta Levels
My 4w1d beta was 667. Now I'm 22w5d.
Posted 8/10/07 8:13 PM |
The Merlster

Member since 10/06 2540 total posts
Name: Cathie
Re: Beta Levels
My first beta was 356 which would be 4 weeks at 5 weeks it was 6775 and at 6 weeks it was 39,174. I am now 10 weeks
Posted 8/10/07 8:18 PM |
Mommy of 2

Member since 5/05 6787 total posts
Name: Christy
Re: Beta Levels
Don't freak out about these numbers. My first beta was 21 and my second beta was 71. I think I was very early in my fourth week or late third week. As long as the number rises you should be fine.
Posted 8/10/07 8:33 PM |
LIF Infant

Member since 8/06 314 total posts
Name: Rina
Re: Beta Levels
Thanks every since I had my ectopic I worry about everything.
Posted 8/10/07 8:35 PM |
Mommy of 2

Member since 5/05 6787 total posts
Name: Christy
Re: Beta Levels
Posted by MrsEvans2004
Thanks every since I had my ectopic I worry about everything.
I had a m/c and I freaked out about my beta the second time around. Clearly they were low numbers, but I am 33 weeks pg now. So try to relax and think positive. I know it is so much easier said than done.
Posted 8/10/07 8:38 PM |
The Merlster

Member since 10/06 2540 total posts
Name: Cathie
Re: Beta Levels
Sorry I sounded a bit stern in my post, 731 is a great number, and do try not to worry, easier said than done, I know
Posted 8/10/07 8:49 PM |
LIF Infant

Member since 8/06 314 total posts
Name: Rina
Re: Beta Levels
Posted 8/11/07 7:48 AM |
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