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LIF Infant

Member since 2/13 317 total posts
Beta numbers
NEW Betas not doubling??
Hi girls! So on Saturday I found out I'm pregnant after my previous 2 miscarriages. I tested 12dpo and had a dark line! Went for first beta Sunday and was 312! I couldn't believe how high and thought possibly twins?
So I went again this morning (Tuesday).. So 24 hours later and it was 454. So it is almost at 60% but it's not quite there.
So I'm going back Thursday morning and I'm nervous because that will be more telling.
I also have a dull cramp on my right ovary.
My RE said sometimes this happens with twins and one is developing while the other isn't.
Of course I will not have anything solid until Thursday afternoon.
I am just wondering if anyone has thoughts or experiences on this. Thanks in advance!
Posted 9/3/13 7:41 PM |
different, not less
Member since 7/09 13160 total posts
Re: Beta numbers
This was me exactly. My betas were around your numbers as well, and I freaked out. The one after that was in the 900's. The next sono revealed one bean, he is now nearly 13 months old and healthy!
I still have it in the back of my mind though, that there may have originally been 2 in there and thats why my initial beta was so high, but I will never know.
Good luck! and congrats!
Message edited 9/5/2013 2:05:48 PM.
Posted 9/5/13 2:04 PM |
LIF Infant

Member since 2/13 317 total posts
Re: Beta numbers
Unfortunately the numbers are starting to go down. I am going in tomorrow for an early sonogram. The nurse said it could either be ectopic Or a chemical… She also said there is a chance the numbers may go back up.
I am eager to get to the sonogram tomorrow so we can find some answers as I had all the testing done before we started trying again after my first two miscarriages.
The only test that was not done was testing my husbands sperm… So we will see what happens tomorrow and I will ask about it.
Posted 9/5/13 2:37 PM |
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