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BF Moms - q for u about "fussiness" while nursing

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LIF Adult

Member since 11/05

9644 total posts


BF Moms - q for u about "fussiness" while nursing

Sometimes when DS nurses he is so fussy. A few minutes in, he starts twisting around on my nipple (sorry for the tmi), pulling his head back (still on) and sometimes he will spit it out suddenly or start to cry. This results in him going off and on several times during a feeding and he is obviously very uncomfortable.

Sometimes I think the cause might be gas or he has to use the bathroom and sometimes he ends up burping or spitting up but other times its not as clear.

I hate to see him struggling like this - anyone else experience this? Is there something I can do to help him? What do you think this is?

Thank you sooo much Chat Icon

Posted 10/30/07 12:00 PM
Long Island Weddings
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Member since 7/06

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Re: BF Moms - q for u about "fussiness" while nursing

i went through this with ds too. i thought it would be gas, but sometimes not. he also did it when he started teething and once when he had a cold. if they are congested, they get frustrated because they are trying to eat, but are having difficulty breathing through the nose at the same time. and of course, if teething they are just so uncomfortable and frustrated.


Posted 10/30/07 12:10 PM

Fitness Junkie!

Member since 6/06

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Re: BF Moms - q for u about "fussiness" while nursing

How old is he? I'm sorry I really cant help but I just posted a similar post b/c I'm finding that my 7 week old suddenly will only nurse for 10 minutes at a time during the day (instead of the usual 20)...its soooo frustrating. I try to get him to latch on the other side and he does the same, pulls off, fusses, etc... even after I hear him poop or pass gas, he wants nothing to do with latching back on...and will be hungry again in an hour. He used to be soo good, I don't know what happened Chat Icon

Posted 10/30/07 12:22 PM

wow time is going fast.

Member since 9/07

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Re: BF Moms - q for u about "fussiness" while nursing

i noticed when dd screams and crys while breast in mouth--means over tired and if i stop feeding stand up and sway, she falls right to sleep.

Posted 10/30/07 12:25 PM

Love my family

Member since 6/06

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Re: BF Moms - q for u about "fussiness" while nursing

My son was a wiggle work like this. Sometimes it means they need to burp. I have also heard that your milk might not be coming out fast enough.

Posted 10/30/07 12:35 PM

LIF Adult

Member since 11/05

9644 total posts


Re: BF Moms - q for u about "fussiness" while nursing

Posted by DanaRenee

How old is he? I'm sorry I really cant help but I just posted a similar post b/c I'm finding that my 7 week old suddenly will only nurse for 10 minutes at a time during the day (instead of the usual 20)...its soooo frustrating. I try to get him to latch on the other side and he does the same, pulls off, fusses, etc... even after I hear him poop or pass gas, he wants nothing to do with latching back on...and will be hungry again in an hour. He used to be soo good, I don't know what happened Chat Icon

He is almost 9 weeks but has been doing this occassionally for a few weeks now. And I find the same thing - sometimes after he poops or passes gas or burps Chat Icon Chat Icon he will latch back on calmly but, other times he doesn't. Other times there isn't even an obvious problem. Chat Icon

Posted 10/30/07 1:25 PM

life is good

Member since 10/06

9258 total posts


Re: BF Moms - q for u about "fussiness" while nursing

We had a similar issue around the same time. In fact, it got REALLY bad some nights that I just didn't know what to do (she'd cry and cry and I had no clue what was going on!). I posted on kellymom about it and some people suggested that I had a fast letdown and perhaps the milk was coming out too fast OR perhaps it wasn't coming out fast enough. To be honest, I never figured out WHAT the problem was, but it eventually just went away (I have no idea when).

Here is my thread from kellmom -- maybe it can help! Chat Icon

Posted 10/30/07 1:34 PM

LIF Adult

Member since 11/05

9644 total posts


Re: BF Moms - q for u about "fussiness" while nursing

Posted by InShock

We had a similar issue around the same time. In fact, it got REALLY bad some nights that I just didn't know what to do (she'd cry and cry and I had no clue what was going on!). I posted on kellymom about it and some people suggested that I had a fast letdown and perhaps the milk was coming out too fast OR perhaps it wasn't coming out fast enough. To be honest, I never figured out WHAT the problem was, but it eventually just went away (I have no idea when).

Here is my thread from kellmom -- maybe it can help! Chat Icon

Thanks so much I am going to check it out now. You know I think this may have something to do with it because I notice more fussiness when it has been a while in between feedings and my chest is more engorged. One time when he pulled out there was literally milk spraying out! Chat Icon But, that is not the only reason b/c there are times when that is not the case.

Posted 10/30/07 1:58 PM

Love my Boys!

Member since 12/05

4648 total posts


Re: BF Moms - q for u about "fussiness" while nursing

i'd talk to your dr., they might have some ideas.

maybe reflux?

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Posted 10/30/07 2:00 PM


Member since 5/05

3893 total posts


Re: BF Moms - q for u about "fussiness" while nursing

DD did this to me - twisting and pulling a few weeks ago. It REALLY hurt. I think that she was gaining control of her head and trying it out. It stopped within a week. When my milk is coming fast she lets go and might cough or sputter for a second but she lets go nicely and latches back on calmly (after getting sprayed in the face).

I hope it stops soon for you, hang in there.

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Posted 10/30/07 2:44 PM

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