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BF Moms- Foods that Bother Baby

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BF Moms- Foods that Bother Baby

I'm a new mommy and haven't made my official post here yet, but I'm desparate for your BTDT advice.

DD is 4 days old, has been feeding like a champ and then sleeping the rest of the day, very calm & content. But tonight she's not sleeping like normal after a feeding and has pooped explosively twice in like 1.5 hours, so I'm thinking maybe it was something I ate that's bothering her.

I know it's trial by error figuring out what bothers each individual baby, but what has bothered your babies? Chat Icon And how soon after you eat it does it bother them (next feeding?)? And how do they act? I mean, I know the pooping is pretty normal, it's more that she's cranky and not sleeping when she normally would, she's more restless.

I had a large salad w/peppers, broccoli, etc. right before, so I'm thinking that may have been part of the problem.

THANK YOU!!!!!!!!! Chat Icon

Posted 7/2/07 10:46 PM
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Re: BF Moms- Foods that Bother Baby

Peppers and Broccoli are VERY gassy foods, I'm sure that's what's bothering her. I stayed away from peppers for that reason, I pretty much at everything else though and had no problems with Julia.

I would watch spicy and gassy foods now since she may of had a reaction from it. Chat Icon

Posted 7/2/07 11:01 PM

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Re: BF Moms- Foods that Bother Baby

Lukie has been gassy lately so I stopped drinking coffee and it seemed to help a lot. Really sad for me cause I was really digging DD's Iced LattesChat Icon

To answer your question. The pooping is normal. She could go 2x in 2 hours or 2x in 4 days. I dont think that part is your diet.

With the kids I stay away (for the most part) from the stuff that is really acidic, spaghetti sauce or gassy brocolli. It usually bothers them 2-6 hours afte I eat something. Your salad sounds delicious but that could be causing the gas. If she wakes up and is uncomfortable then try Mylceon if she can't burp it up. That stuff works wonders.

Congrats BTWChat Icon

Message edited 7/2/2007 11:22:21 PM.

Posted 7/2/07 11:18 PM

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Re: BF Moms- Foods that Bother Baby

Nothing I eat seems to bother Asher (thankfully), but he did go through a period between 2 weeks and 2 months where he seemed to have gas pains. My ped said it was just developmental and probably not related to anything I was eating and that DS would out grow it. He was right -- by a month or so DS was through that stage.

Posted 7/3/07 8:45 AM

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Re: BF Moms- Foods that Bother Baby

I avoided peppers, broccoli, cabbage, tomatoes, tomato sauce and caffeine. I'm not sure if they would have bothered DD but I knew they were acidic foods so I just stayed away.

Posted 7/3/07 9:14 AM

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Re: BF Moms- Foods that Bother Baby

It was probably the salad. I found out first hand that a large amount of lettuce can make DD gassy.

I've had broccoli and peppers too but it must not have been enough to affect my DD.

I had a small bowl of spicy chili for Superbowl and there was hell to pay the following day.

Other than big salads and chili, I've been able to eat just about anything.

Posted 7/3/07 9:33 AM

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Isn't it obvious?

Re: BF Moms- Foods that Bother Baby

Also watch your dairy. I've had to cut that out of my diet too.

Posted 7/3/07 9:59 AM

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Re: BF Moms- Foods that Bother Baby

Posted by Lucky

I avoided peppers, broccoli, cabbage, tomatoes, tomato sauce and caffeine. I'm not sure if they would have bothered DD but I knew they were acidic foods so I just stayed away.

add dairy and you have the list of foods (basically) that were banned from my diet while pregnant b/c they gave me heartburn and gas that was making me ill beyond belief. If they destroyed my system, imagine what they could do to a tiny developing tummy! Chat Icon

Posted 7/3/07 10:07 AM

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Re: BF Moms- Foods that Bother Baby

I couldn't have dairy for 5 months, oatmeal for 4! Now he's fine with anything...

Posted 7/3/07 4:02 PM

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Re: BF Moms- Foods that Bother Baby


Posted 7/3/07 4:03 PM

Live in the Present

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Re: BF Moms- Foods that Bother Baby

i tried avoiding anything overelly spicy.

Posted 7/3/07 4:04 PM

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Re: BF Moms- Foods that Bother Baby

Garlic and Milk are the two things I need to stay away from.

Posted 7/3/07 4:28 PM

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