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bio physical sonos

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She's my world!!!

Member since 8/06

1184 total posts


bio physical sonos

Any info about these? I was told last night that I have to have one once a week from now on because of the GD. I know it measures the amniotic fluid and the state of the placenta (ie. it deteriorates quicker with GD) but anything else?

Posted 3/22/07 9:42 AM
Long Island Weddings
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LIF Adult

Member since 2/06

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Re: bio physical sonos

they will also track fetal movement. You lay there and press a button when you feel a kick.

they also look at the contractions - you will probably be having them (BH I guess) I know I had them on every one I did

I beleive they look for meconium (sp?)

Message edited 3/22/2007 11:17:11 AM.

Posted 3/22/07 11:16 AM

She's my world!!!

Member since 8/06

1184 total posts


Re: bio physical sonos

Thanks. I just spoke to my doctor last night about "cramping" I feel sometimes. She said it may be contractions & to note any pattern. It really just feels like it would the day before I was getting my period - very mild, but "crampy". It's way to soon for that, I hope. I'm only 32 weeks. I guess these sonos every week will keep the doctor informed on what is really going on.

Posted 3/22/07 1:08 PM

Fun in the Snow!

Member since 11/06

4512 total posts


Re: bio physical sonos

I had them every week, no big deal, just laid down and pressed a button each time I felt movement.
Make sure to eat something or have something to drink (if baby wasnt moving, dr would make me drink a ginger ale). Sometimes I would be in there for as little as 20 minutes or as long as an hour. Good Luck

Posted 3/22/07 5:40 PM


Member since 5/05

34581 total posts


Re: bio physical sonos

hmmm..not sure about the above posters, but I have to have them weekly now as well.

I was told they measure by sonogram how many times the baby swallows in 30 min's and how many times they flex their muscles, how many times they breath, the amount of fluid and movement.

every "piece" of the physical is given a number based on the results and they then rate the overall health based on that number.

Posted 3/30/07 11:49 PM

Disney cruise bound!

Member since 5/05

8126 total posts


Re: bio physical sonos

A bio physical sonogram measures a fetus'
-Muscle Tone
-Aminiotic Fluid
Each category can score up to 2pts. So a perfect score would be 8/8.
Sometimes they include an NST (non-stress test) which is when they attach you to a monitor to record the baby's heartbeat and uterine contractions for a certain period of time. A reactive NST would give you 2 more pts bringing the grand total to 10/10.

Posted 3/31/07 12:08 AM


Member since 5/05

34581 total posts


Re: bio physical sonos

Posted by Disneygirl

A bio physical sonogram measures a fetus'
-Muscle Tone
-Aminiotic Fluid
Each category can score up to 2pts. So a perfect score would be 8/8.
Sometimes they include an NST (non-stress test) which is when they attach you to a monitor to record the baby's heartbeat and uterine contractions for a certain period of time. A reactive NST would give you 2 more pts bringing the grand total to 10/10.

explained so much more eloquently then me Chat Icon Chat Icon

Posted 3/31/07 12:12 AM

Disney cruise bound!

Member since 5/05

8126 total posts


Re: bio physical sonos

Posted by dm24angel

Posted by Disneygirl

A bio physical sonogram measures a fetus'
-Muscle Tone
-Aminiotic Fluid
Each category can score up to 2pts. So a perfect score would be 8/8.
Sometimes they include an NST (non-stress test) which is when they attach you to a monitor to record the baby's heartbeat and uterine contractions for a certain period of time. A reactive NST would give you 2 more pts bringing the grand total to 10/10.

explained so much more eloquently then me Chat Icon Chat Icon

Aww thanks. I totally understood your explanation too.Chat Icon

Posted 3/31/07 12:19 AM


Member since 7/06

2168 total posts


Re: bio physical sonos

i'm starting them weekly now too, on monday. i've been having the nonstress tests already and i know they are adding this onto them.

Posted 3/31/07 2:32 AM
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