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LIF Adolescent
Member since 10/05 719 total posts
Birth Control Question
I know the doctors tell you to wait till you are off birth control for three months to start conceiving. Is it ok tho, if you get pregnant before then, say the first month (and no, i am not pregnant)
Posted 12/4/05 5:39 PM |
Long Island Weddings
Long Island's Largest Bridal Resource |
LIF Adult

Member since 11/05 1977 total posts
Name: Cassie
Re: Birth Control Question
Yes, it's perfectly fine. The reason they want you to wait is to get an idea of what your cycles look like and you can then predict a due date more accurately also if you know when you're o'ing. But it wont be harmful if you get pg right away :) Good luck!
Posted 12/4/05 5:43 PM |
LIF Adolescent
Member since 10/05 719 total posts
Re: Birth Control Question
thank you so much for answering. Now, once I do decide to go off birth control, I should start to chart right? i cant do this while on bc right? How would I go about doing this. Also, are you supposed to bd on the day you ovulate. Sorry, im a little confused with all of this!
Posted 12/4/05 6:13 PM |
Cake from Outer Space!
Member since 5/05 14021 total posts
Re: Birth Control Question
I think a lot depends on the doctor and what type of BC you are using. I was told I could try right away.
Posted 12/4/05 6:19 PM |

Member since 5/05 11165 total posts
Name: Mommy
Re: Birth Control Question
Posted by Jacquie
I should start to chart right? i cant do this while on bc right? How would I go about doing this. Also, are you supposed to bd on the day you ovulate. Sorry, im a little confused with all of this!
Charting will def help you get to "know" your cycle and body again. You should start on the first day of heavy bleeding after you go off BC.
Then yes you should bd everyday/everyother day and a couple days after. Your temps will dip right before o, then shoot up after you o.
The girls here, especially redstar, are wonderful reading and helping you with charting.
Posted 12/5/05 12:06 PM |
Big sister to be!

Member since 11/05 2174 total posts
Re: Birth Control Question
My doctor told me to wait about 2 months after going off the pill. She said that you can get pg in those 2 months but, bc the pill thins the uterine lining, it is still thinner for the first couple of months after the pill (which I guess is why many times there is less flow) which might increase the chance of a baby not being able to grow properly after about 6 weeks or so.
Posted 12/6/05 4:39 PM |
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