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Birthday Party dilemma

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Member since 5/05

4729 total posts


Birthday Party dilemma

My husband thinks we should not have a first birthday paraty for Sara. He thinks we should just have a cake with us.Chat Icon I at least want our close friends there but our house is small. Should I try and squeeze in 8 adultss, and 7 kids into a small house and be nice? OR shoud I do the party?

If I have friends over I will do family a separate night

Posted 11/8/06 8:34 PM
Long Island Weddings
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My girls

Member since 7/05

4303 total posts


Re: Birthday Party dilemma

Perhaps I'm boring, but in my world 8 adults and 7 kids at your house sounds like a great party. Chat Icon

Posted 11/8/06 8:37 PM

I am a lucky Momma!

Member since 7/05

15652 total posts


Re: Birthday Party dilemma

We had about 15 people at Singleton's in Bethpage for Sunday Brunch and it was perfect and everyone loved it!

Posted 11/8/06 8:38 PM


Member since 5/05

4729 total posts


Re: Birthday Party dilemma

I think its great, I just live in a VERY samall ranch. We have a basement but DH is taking his sweet time finishing it. It is still just a frame.

Posted 11/8/06 8:39 PM

My girls

Member since 7/05

4303 total posts


Re: Birthday Party dilemma

My daughter's birthday party was in my apartment, so my standards aren't very high. Chat Icon

Posted 11/8/06 9:08 PM


Member since 5/05

4729 total posts


Re: Birthday Party dilemma

Anyone else? I am so mad at DH right now. He is even telling me it is not necessay to have aparty for my son when he turns 5. I have time for that though its not until June

Posted 11/8/06 9:46 PM

My girls

Member since 7/05

4303 total posts


Re: Birthday Party dilemma

What a party pooper he is being. At least in June you can have the party outside which will be easier.

Posted 11/8/06 10:01 PM

boys will be boys =)

Member since 9/05

7205 total posts


Re: Birthday Party dilemma

Im a big party person,(not in the "lets get drunk" way, but in the "a chance to get family together!!" way..) and nothing extravagant, Im perfectly happy with at-home parties, theyre the best and most memorable Chat Icon
My husband is a very "not too much commotion" kinda person, and ANY time we have ANY type of GTG or party, he says to keep the list to a minimum... but I ignore that Chat Icon and yes him to death, til he sees everyone walk in Chat Icon
My worse ever was my MILs surprise party (luckily summer so we used the backyard mostly) we had 65 people Chat Icon I dug up people in the phone book that she hadnt seen in ages. SHE supposedly hated surprises and would have hated the party, and my hubby insisted on keeping it small (only child, grew up in a quiet house, I am the EXTREME opposite)... so they both loved the big family bash.

Its not so much how many people, but WHO those people are that make it special. If you feel the need to invite certain people, if they are special to you, they wont care if they sit on the couch or if you serve them a sit down dinner...

So can ya tell who's side Im on here!
She'll only turn 1 once! make it super duper special !

Chat Icon Chat Icon

Message edited 11/8/2006 10:05:47 PM.

Posted 11/8/06 10:05 PM


Member since 5/05

4729 total posts


Re: Birthday Party dilemma

Thanks everyone. i told him we can have it at our house but it will be a very tight squeeze. He doesnt want to hear if. Lets wee 8 kiddies 5 and under ina small house Chat Icon . It would be in sane but I would do it.

Posted 11/8/06 10:15 PM

boys will be boys =)

Member since 9/05

7205 total posts


Re: Birthday Party dilemma

My immediate family alone is 8 kids ages 7 and under. plus 11 adults.

I ignore the "tight squeeze" comments, and invite whoever you think would make the day special for the birthday girl, im sure theyd love to be there for her Chat Icon Chat Icon

Posted 11/8/06 10:17 PM


Member since 5/05

4729 total posts


Re: Birthday Party dilemma

We sould do 3 separate days.

1 - my family
2 friends
3 his family - in in laws or shoud I say the other grandparents.

I think with his family we coudl just have cake at their house.

Posted 11/8/06 10:20 PM

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