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Bobbi Kristina Brown & Whitney

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Trophy Wife in Training

Member since 11/09

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Bobbi Kristina Brown & Whitney

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After the trainwreck that was Being Bobby Brown, now the crazy ex-couple's 18-year-old daughter is pulling into the station.

Bobbi Kristina Brown, the offspring of Whitney Houston and Bobby Brown, has taken to Twitter to say she may be following her parents into a career on reality television.

"PS EVERYONE! Guess what?!" she wrote Thursday. "We are currently in the process of meetings about starting my very OWN! Realityshow!!"

Um, yay?

MORE: Did Bobbi's parents have to stage an intervention?

Apparently, Bobbi Kris (as Whitney calls her) wants to do the show so that the world will understand the real her.

We initially thought the "OWN" remark was a reference to Oprah's new network, but we called over there and a spokesperson said no such project was in the works at OWN.

The timing of the TV tweets comes just after the teen denied that she was snorting drugs in National Enquirer photos. She insisted she was "set up" by a friend who was paid off, while her father claimed on ABC News that he never heard anything about it and that Bobbi "doesn't do that," referring to drugs.

"The pictures a former very dear person to me did this," Bobbi tweeted. "Set me up to make it look exactly what it looks like. God will smite them yes..But it's really not what it looks like..People will do anything for money which is extremely sad, and I'm very hurt by this.

"Things people do these days to hurt others is a shame. All I can do now, is keep my head up high, keep looking towards the lord. All the Lord is telling me is be still. That's all, and that's exactly what I'm going to do."

She goes on to say we will see her working hard. At what, we have no idea.

"The world needs 2know me 4who I REALLY am. U all will get 2 see my every day living, walk with me thro startin my career..EVERYTHING," she wrote.

"I would only want to do this reality show so THEWORLD can know me for me. The GODfreaing young, classy. outgoing, sill, REAL women iAM," she also tweeted.

Bobbi says she's following in her mother's footsteps "industry wise" (oh good) and that she'll succeed.

We can't wait to see for ourselves.

Posted 3/25/11 1:26 PM
Long Island Weddings
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Baby Girl

Member since 6/09

3882 total posts


Re: Bobbi Kristina Brown & Whitney

Why does she need a reality show?

Why do people give random people reality shows?

Does anyone really care about her? Is anyone intrigued about her life? I know I'm not.

Posted 3/25/11 1:28 PM

life is a carousel

Member since 7/07

14956 total posts


Re: Bobbi Kristina Brown & Whitney

I'm so sick of these reality shows..

But I will admit that I watched W&B's show and laughed my arse off constantly!

This girl looks so much like her dad! it's like seeing bobbie with lipstick and mascara on lol

Posted 3/25/11 1:28 PM

Feeling blessed!

Member since 11/09

3039 total posts


Re: Bobbi Kristina Brown & Whitney

Has Whitney had work done, she looks odd. Chat Icon

Posted 3/25/11 3:35 PM


Member since 4/07

22952 total posts


Re: Bobbi Kristina Brown & Whitney

Whenever I see this girl I feel like if I knew her in real life I'd want to kick her in the face. I have no idea why I feel this way, maybe just a vibe I get.

Posted 3/25/11 3:49 PM

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