got this yesterday from abc distributing...Disney Encyclopedia Of Characters - Learning Fun With Disney Characters!

Em's not feeling well (croup) - so we gave it to her last night to make her smile - since she was sitting on the couch, just feeling rotten...

she perked RIGHT up - she was saying WOW to every page, every character....she was just so insanely happy!!!!!

it's NOT a small book and it's kinda heavy - think of a heavy workbook. the pages are color and are gorgeous - and it features EVERY character from Pixar & Disney - past & present!

I just ordered another one (it's $3.95) - since she ripped a page or two last night and i'd like her to have it when she gets older - as it's really worth it. With shipping - it was $9.90 - but still VERY worthwhile...

External Image

eta: i just checked - it's 192 pages and 1 page of stickers...