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Boyfriend for Hire?

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2012--A year of new beginnings

Member since 5/05

4402 total posts


Boyfriend for Hire?

Would any of you use them?

My SO is VERY NOT HANDY... I am more useful around the house, and that isn't saying much. He says that the most he learned from his dad when working aroudn the house or "fixing" something is when to duck!

Boyfriend for Hire

I have a lot of stuff around the house that I need to do... maybe I'll give them a call!!!

Posted 5/11/05 5:48 PM
Long Island Weddings
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Re: Boyfriend for Hire?

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Posted 5/11/05 5:50 PM

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Re: Boyfriend for Hire?

My DH is becoming more and more handy. However, his jobs are kinda sloppy. He would hate for me to call them for things but I would definetly consider it!

Posted 5/11/05 5:54 PM

2012--A year of new beginnings

Member since 5/05

4402 total posts


Re: Boyfriend for Hire?

My poor SO, i have had my Dad come over, my SO's cousin's husband, and my best guy friend come over to help with various things, because my SO just can't do it!

He tried to use a drill without a drill bit! Thought you could put the screw in it directly! Chat Icon

Posted 5/11/05 5:58 PM

The Disney Lady

Member since 5/05

18163 total posts


Re: Boyfriend for Hire?

Actually I was going to post about this asking if anyone had a FH or DH who is handy because we need help witha few things around the house!

Posted 5/11/05 6:48 PM


Member since 5/05

6265 total posts


Re: Boyfriend for Hire?

I would use DH is not very handy around the house...although he does try.

Posted 5/11/05 6:49 PM


Member since 5/05

6856 total posts


Re: Boyfriend for Hire?

I just saw the Boyfriend for Hire on the news...
He charges $50/hr.
It's a cute idea.

Posted 5/11/05 6:56 PM

Making big changes

Member since 5/05

16541 total posts


Re: Boyfriend for Hire?

That's a cute idea for a company. DH is pretty handy, but I'm actually pretty handy myself. I assembled my computer desk and the entertainment center. Chat Icon

Posted 5/11/05 6:59 PM

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