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Braydon Frank 11.14.10

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<3 Cutest Giants Fan

Member since 10/09

5796 total posts


Braydon Frank 11.14.10

better late than never

Braydon Frank 11.14.10 12:36pm
7 pounds, 7 ounces & 20.5 inches

My due date was 11.18. On Saturday (11/13) I just had this feeling that sunday was going to be the day- dh and I even thought it was a perfect day- so much so that dh told the baby that he/she could show up at around noon since we wanted one last day to sleep in.

so Saturday night I went out to dinner with my best friend for her 30th birthday and dh went to go watch the fight. So I ate 3 enchiladas, guacamole, salsa... for some reason I had to pee like every 5 minutes when we were at the restaurant.

I got home at around 10:30, went to bed completely exhausted.. woke up at midnight with my very first contraction, called Dh and told him to head home. I called my doctor, she said not time yet, call me when you cant talk through the contraction. So Dh went to sleep and I layed on the couch and contracted over the next six hours- it became painful and I started to bleed- I called the doctor- she sent me to the hospital

get to the hospital 6:30am- I can walk on my own- they examine me, they say there is no blood and I am only 2 cms dilated- they tell me to go for a walk

8-10am contractions get intense, call my best friend- her mom is the nurse practioner in my office- she called the doctor explained that I was still bleeding and it was heavy- she said to get me to the hospital immediately and pre-authorized me for an immediate epi

get to the hospital around 11- they examine me and I am 5 cms and my water breaks on the table- they make me WALK (jerks) down the hall to one of the birthing suites. I finally get there, a bunch of people check me, they give me an IV and wow, I'm 8 cms.... I ask every person that comes in to the room for the epi like I am a strung out junkie... finally the anesthesiologist (sorry for sp) arrives.

But I felt an intense need to push- nurses tell me its not time yet- finally they check me and I am 10 cms and like I said its time to push. My best friend's mom was with me the whole time and I keep begging for the drugs- she convinces me to go without it- she said the baby will be there in less than 10 minutes if I do it without drugs- otherwise it could be hours.... I start pushing- 6 minutes later they say "It's a boy, what's his name?"

Me- "huh?" (I was so sure I was having a girl)
Dh- "whattttt?" this is yelled in complete surprise and total excitement

I turn to Dh and say "braydon?" and he tells the doctor "his name is braydon"

and then the nurse offered me a percocet and I took it and was never so happy. and then Dh went to subway to get us sandwiches- I ate a whole 12 inch chicken and then the rest of his- which was like another 6 inch sub lol

I had no intention of giving birth without drugs but I have to say it wasnt bad and best of all it was fast! Braydon was born at 12:36pm- just 36 minutes after his father told him to be born- he hasnt listened to anything since that time lol

Posted 6/3/11 4:32 PM

2 girls 4 me!

Member since 8/08

7878 total posts

Mama mama mama....

Re: Braydon Frank 11.14.10

Such a great story! I know I've told you this, but I have birth story envy.

Posted 6/7/11 8:48 PM

LIF Adult

Member since 2/11

1528 total posts


Re: Braydon Frank 11.14.10

Chat Icon Chat Icon Chat Icon Chat Icon Chat Icon Chat Icon Chat Icon Chat Icon Chat Icon great birthstory I hope mine is like this!

Posted 6/7/11 9:33 PM

You are my I love you

Member since 7/09

18802 total posts


Re: Braydon Frank 11.14.10

AWESOME MB. I want your birth Chat Icon Chat Icon

Posted 6/26/11 6:18 PM

Team One of Each

Member since 10/09

2150 total posts


Re: Braydon Frank 11.14.10

B is the best boy ever!!!! such a good story thanks for sharing!!!

Posted 7/1/11 10:07 AM

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