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Breast feeding tips anyone??

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Family of 6

Member since 10/06

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Breast feeding tips anyone??

i need help the baby isn't latching on, i feel bad when she cries i try for like 5 min, then give in and give her a bottle of formula..
any tips????

Posted 9/27/07 8:01 PM
Long Island Weddings
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Re: Breast feeding tips anyone??

You have to hold her head, and when she opens her mouth you have to take her head and push it right on your nipple, she has to cover most of it with her mouth and she will start sucking. It might take a few tries.

Posted 9/27/07 8:04 PM

My girls

Member since 5/05

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Re: Breast feeding tips anyone??

did you call a lactation consultant? Did anyone help you in the hospital?
Are you engorged?
I had a little problem in the beginning and I would pump for about a minute to (TMI) lengthen the nipple and get some of the pressure off...DD ended up being a great latcher...
If you keep offering a bottle, she may not want to nurse since a bottle is much easier to drink from...
Call and LC, they will come to your home and help you, good luck, it gets so much easier...Chat Icon

Posted 9/27/07 8:05 PM

Best friends!

Member since 12/06

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Re: Breast feeding tips anyone??

Chat Icon Chat Icon Chat Icon Chat Icon Chat Icon It definitely is hard, I think the majority of women have a really hard time in the beginning. I don't know any more advice besides KEEP TRYING! Just take your time, try to line the baby up correctly, and just keep trying!

Is there anyone who could help? Can your husband help, to see if baby's mouth is lined up properly, etc?

Chat Icon Chat Icon Chat Icon Chat Icon

Posted 9/27/07 8:05 PM

Best friends!

Member since 12/06

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Re: Breast feeding tips anyone??

Posted by MelToddJulia

You have to hold her head, and when she opens her mouth you have to take her head and push it right on your nipple, she has to cover most of it with her mouth and she will start sucking. It might take a few tries.

Excellent advice!

Wanted to add...this is a great website for breastfeeding info (sorry, don't know how to post a link!

Message edited 9/27/2007 8:13:00 PM.

Posted 9/27/07 8:05 PM


Member since 8/06

1730 total posts


Re: Breast feeding tips anyone??

Hey Nicole. When did you have your baby? I must have missed that post--Congrats!!

Ds had a little trouble latching on the first few days but he eventually got it. I did end up giving him about an ounce of formula the first night we were home becuase I was concerned about him not eating enough but after that, he was good & I haven't had to give him anything else.

I also found that he had trouble latching anytime I had given him the pacifier before the feeding so I stopped that for the first 2 weeks.

Keep trying with him & try not to give him formula. The baby will eat when he/she is hungry. My ped made me feel much better when he said that the baby doesn't need to eat as much as we think the first week because they have so much fat stored. Good luck

Posted 9/27/07 8:20 PM

Growing up fast!

Member since 4/07

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Re: Breast feeding tips anyone??

Try changing position. It could make a difference. The PPs gave you good advice about how to push the baby onto your breast. Keep trying!!!

Posted 9/27/07 8:28 PM

My girls

Member since 7/05

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Re: Breast feeding tips anyone??

Get help in person... you need a professional watching what you are doing to make this work!

Posted 9/27/07 8:45 PM

LIF Adult

Member since 2/06

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Re: Breast feeding tips anyone??

I also have to pump a bit, when I am so engorged the baby can't latch.

I also found the football hold easier than the cradle.

Posted 9/27/07 8:46 PM

My green-eyed boy

Member since 5/05

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Re: Breast feeding tips anyone??

I had problems initially as well & in the beginning supplemented w/ formula, then about 2 weeks down the road I tried & she just latched, easy as anything. Don't give up....I pumped & still do, but still have her nurse at least once a day.

Posted 9/27/07 10:05 PM

The Perfect Pair

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Re: Breast feeding tips anyone??

Posted by MelToddJulia

You have to hold her head, and when she opens her mouth you have to take her head and push it right on your nipple, she has to cover most of it with her mouth and she will start sucking. It might take a few tries.

Definitely!!! This is what I was taught to do by the Lactation Consultant and so far so good. Just keep trying.

Posted 9/28/07 5:59 AM


Member since 6/05

15144 total posts


Re: Breast feeding tips anyone??

Another thing you can do is put a drop of milk on her lips and then tickle her lips with your nipple to try and get her to open her mouth. If you see her falling asleep alot on you then you can undress her a little. But like the other posters said definitly get a LC to come in and take a look. One other thing is just try and be patient. If you are calm and you talk to her in a calming voice and you are in a comfortable position I found it that I didn't give in to the bottle as much (I did the same you are doing with my son at night).

Posted 9/28/07 7:52 AM

It's a Good Life

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Isn't it obvious?

Re: Breast feeding tips anyone??

Also, the nurses in the hospital helped me and they would pinch the nipple/areola area between their pointer and middle finger knuckle and that would help the baby latch on to the proper area when they opened their mouth.

First things first - YOU MUST RELAX. Don't rush, don't force it... before you try anything again, take a very big deep breath and go slowly. Being tense and frustrated is your worst enemy. I know it's the hardest thing, but when you relax, you'll find yourself having an easier time.

Posted 9/28/07 8:43 AM

Rest in Peace baby Rogan

Member since 6/07

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Re: Breast feeding tips anyone??

Posted by chelle

Also, the nurses in the hospital helped me and they would pinch the nipple/areola area between their pointer and middle finger knuckle and that would help the baby latch on to the proper area when they opened their mouth.

First things first - YOU MUST RELAX. Don't rush, don't force it... before you try anything again, take a very big deep breath and go slowly. Being tense and frustrated is your worst enemy. I know it's the hardest thing, but when you relax, you'll find yourself having an easier time.

I agree with the advice above as well as from all the previous posters. My DD also had trouble the first few weeks latching on. It clicked actually at her ped's office, she would start latching and immediately let go and start crying. Her ped told me to relax and to take a deep breath whenever she stopped, I don't know why but that was the first time she actually nursed.

Posted 9/28/07 8:52 AM

I lvoe the fall :)

Member since 6/06

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Re: Breast feeding tips anyone??

Posted by nbc188

Posted by MelToddJulia

You have to hold her head, and when she opens her mouth you have to take her head and push it right on your nipple, she has to cover most of it with her mouth and she will start sucking. It might take a few tries.

Excellent advice!

Wanted to add...this is a great website for breastfeeding info (sorry, don't know how to post a link!

That is exactly what I was told to do in the hospital ( even though Ethan only sometimes goes to my breast - usualy at night because its just easer )But I usualy pump I want to see how much he is getting

GOOD LUCK and dont give up keep on trying :)

Posted 9/28/07 8:52 PM

My life:)

Member since 6/06

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Re: Breast feeding tips anyone??

Posted by Selden78

Posted by nbc188

Posted by MelToddJulia

You have to hold her head, and when she opens her mouth you have to take her head and push it right on your nipple, she has to cover most of it with her mouth and she will start sucking. It might take a few tries.

Excellent advice!

Wanted to add...this is a great website for breastfeeding info (sorry, don't know how to post a link!

That is exactly what I was told to do in the hospital ( even though Ethan only sometimes goes to my breast - usualy at night because its just easer )But I usualy pump I want to see how much he is getting

GOOD LUCK and dont give up keep on trying :)

Same here...Michael had trouble latching on to my left breast but not the right, but then became fussy with the right one, so I still try to nurse him on the right one at least once a day and I pump for the remaining of the feeds.

Its hard, but like the other ladies said you have to relax and keep trying...

Posted 9/28/07 9:26 PM

Sweet Jessie Quinn

Member since 5/05

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Re: Breast feeding tips anyone??

I was surprised how forceful the LCs told me to be. I had to grab the back of his head, once he opened his mouth, practically throw him onto me.

It is so frustrating in the beginning. Please call someone to help you. I had numerous women helping me. Chat Icon

Posted 9/28/07 10:26 PM

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