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Breastfeeding confusion...need some guidance without judgement please? (kinda long)

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LIF Adolescent

Member since 4/11

832 total posts


Breastfeeding confusion...need some guidance without judgement please? (kinda long)

So I've been 100% certain that I do NOT want to breastfeed...I just know that it is not something I will be committed to, I will NEED/want the help with feedings from DH and Mom/MIL, so I said NO to Bf...

but lately I've been really thinking that I want to BF in the hospital, to give the baby the colostrum, I've read alot of how beneficial even just giving ONE day of the colostrum is, let alone up to the 4 or 5 days that it takes for the milk to come in...

so I guess my?s are:

1) I don't have any BF stuff on my registry because I'm not planning to when I'm home(or after the colostrum is gone)...what would I NEED for those few days, and will they give me any of these things in the hospital??? (I've read on here that they lend/rent out pumps?)

2) Can you even pump colostrum??

3) How long did it take YOU (if you BTDT) for your milk to come in? Am i looking at longer than 4-5 days that I've read about for all of the colostrum to be gone? and if so...

4) (kind of back to question 2) could I pump colostrum at home and bottle feed with it?? Do you use special bottles for breast milk or can I use the ones I registered for?

5) should I also be formula feeding in between so that it's not a shock? or like to avoid nipple confusion or something?

6) finally, when I'm ready to stop, do I just stop? or do i have to stop in a certain way/amount of time?

sorry this is so long, and I really don't want to EBF or anything, so I'd prefer not to read persuasive responses as to why I should bf more, but I'd really appreciate answers to any of the questions!!! :)

Message edited 10/6/2011 4:52:59 PM.

Posted 10/6/11 4:50 PM
Long Island Weddings
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Re: Breastfeeding confusion...need some guidance without judgement please? (kinda long)

1) If you're not planning on doing it at home, I can't think of anything you need in the hospital. The hospitals have pumps there.

2)You absolutely can pump colostrum. I had to because DS wouldn't latch the first day.

3) My milk came in in 3 days. But still had a yellow tint for a couple of days, which leads me to believe there's still some colostrum after a few days.

4)You can pump colostrum at home. I just used the Medela bottles that came with the pump.

5) I EBF, but I know people who supplement with formula. I pump, so I use bottles and a pacifier and my son has had no issues with nipple confusion.

6) Not sure about stopping because I'm still BF.

Good luck!

Posted 10/6/11 5:21 PM

Keep It Positive

Member since 4/09

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Alexandra (ali)

Re: Breastfeeding confusion...need some guidance without judgement please? (kinda long)

Word for word this is me pretty much. Do not feel bad, this is a personal choice and I know each of us have reasons. You will be fantastic at being a mom.

Posted 10/6/11 6:06 PM

LIF Adolescent

Member since 4/11

832 total posts


Re: Breastfeeding confusion...need some guidance without judgement please? (kinda long)

Posted by Alexandra17

Word for word this is me pretty much. Do not feel bad, this is a personal choice and I know each of us have reasons. You will be fantastic at being a mom.

Thanks Alex! Chat Icon as will you!

Posted 10/6/11 6:08 PM

LIF Adolescent

Member since 4/11

832 total posts


Re: Breastfeeding confusion...need some guidance without judgement please? (kinda long)

Posted by MichLiz213

1) If you're not planning on doing it at home, I can't think of anything you need in the hospital. The hospitals have pumps there.

2)You absolutely can pump colostrum. I had to because DS wouldn't latch the first day.

3) My milk came in in 3 days. But still had a yellow tint for a couple of days, which leads me to believe there's still some colostrum after a few days.

4)You can pump colostrum at home. I just used the Medela bottles that came with the pump.

5) I EBF, but I know people who supplement with formula. I pump, so I use bottles and a pacifier and my son has had no issues with nipple confusion.

6) Not sure about stopping because I'm still BF.

Good luck!

Thank you for all of your answers!!! Very helpful info and I appreciate it!! Chat Icon

Posted 10/6/11 6:26 PM

LIF Adult

Member since 3/11

2630 total posts


Re: Breastfeeding confusion...need some guidance without judgement please? (kinda long)

I was just thinking about this today! Last time I.was gung ho about bfing then quit after a few days bc I hated it, so I essentially did what ur talking about. This one I am not even going to try but did think about the same colostrum thing. Last time I remember sort of squeezing it out. Or at least I thought that was colostrum. I thought I could try and do that again?

Posted 10/6/11 6:40 PM

Love my Kiddos!

Member since 5/05

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Re: Breastfeeding confusion...need some guidance without judgement please? (kinda long)

1) I don't have any BF stuff on my registry because I'm not planning to when I'm home(or after the colostrum is gone)...what would I NEED for those few days, and will they give me any of these things in the hospital??? (I've read on here that they lend/rent out pumps?)

If I were you, I'd just Breastfeed and not pump since it's only a few days and when you want to stop, then you'll stop. Your milk will come in whether you feed for a few days or never, so the weening or cold turkey stop will occur no matter what.

2) Can you even pump colostrum??

You can, but for a few days, I'd avoid the pump altogether. I've had friends exclusively pump and feed the baby breastmilk in a bottle from Day 1 to 6/7 months so it's possible.

3) How long did it take YOU (if you BTDT) for your milk to come in? Am i looking at longer than 4-5 days that I've read about for all of the colostrum to be gone? and if so...

My milk came in on the morning of the 5th day. As a previous poster said, it was yellowish for about a week so there was some collustrum mixing with the milk.

4) (kind of back to question 2) could I pump colostrum at home and bottle feed with it?? Do you use special bottles for breast milk or can I use the ones I registered for?

Same bottles no matter the liquid. The only thing is different bottles have different nipples and your baby may prefer one over the other, no way to know until baby arrives.

5) should I also be formula feeding in between so that it's not a shock? or like to avoid nipple confusion or something?

There will be no shock in the first few days - collostrum and breastmilk are very different so they deal with that change with no issue. They'd adapt to a change to formula with no issue as well.

6) finally, when I'm ready to stop, do I just stop? or do i have to stop in a certain way/amount of time?

Depends. You can cold turkey, if a lot of milk came in, you'll be sore and need ice, rub your breasts while in the shower, etc. If it's only a little milk, it may not hurt much at all. You can ween if you want, but after only a few days probably not necessary.

Posted 10/6/11 7:04 PM

LIF Adolescent

Member since 4/11

832 total posts


Re: Breastfeeding confusion...need some guidance without judgement please? (kinda long)

SeptemberBride...thank you so much! Very informative and helpful info!! :)

you ladies really rock!!

Posted 10/6/11 7:13 PM

Positive Vibrations...

Member since 1/08

8423 total posts


Re: Breastfeeding confusion...need some guidance without judgement please? (kinda long)

1) you dont need anything but you might want to consider a nursing tank or bra since you wont be completely mobile (esp if you have a c-section) and it can make things a little easier.

2)yes you can absolutely pump colostrum

3) it really depends on what you do/what happens immediately after birth. for me i had a very traumatic situation where i lost a ton of blood and was on meds right after and had a preemie so my body wasnt prepared to make much milk. i was so sick that i didnt even pump for like 3 days so that and the meds stunted my milk supply, so i didnt even get colostrum until like 4-5 post partum. it took almost a week after that before my milk came in but the supply has always sucked. this is not the norm but it is possible.

4) you will need to pump colostrum into a bottle that fits onto whatever pump you have. if you are going to pump at home only for a short time just rent a pump from the hospital - dont buy one, it will be a waste.

5) you can mix colostrum with formula since its not always enough for the baby's appetite

6) not sure about this one since i still nurse. i think you would stop but then get engorged and have to deal with it until it dries out. the more you pump and nurse early on, the greater your milk supply will be when it comes in. so if you pump and breast feed colostrum your milk will come in a few days later and you will have to stop nursing and pumping and let it dry up. you cant pump or nurse to release it because that will signal your body to make more. so it will be a bit uncomfy until you dry out but if you do it within a few days it wont be soooo bad.

Posted 10/6/11 7:49 PM

LIF Adolescent

Member since 4/11

832 total posts


Re: Breastfeeding confusion...need some guidance without judgement please? (kinda long)

FLowerWife...another great response with lots of info, thank you very much!! :)

Posted 10/6/11 8:37 PM

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