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Just the 4 of us

Member since 12/06 3554 total posts
Name: Andrea
breastfeeding moms (2 questions)
I am only on my 10th day of breastfeeding and I feel that my daughter is hungry every hour or so... is that normal... And will I get more milk in the more I breastfeed??
Do any of you have a glass of wine even though you are breastfeeding??
Posted 5/6/07 11:02 AM |
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Member since 4/07 2080 total posts
Name: Summer
Re: breastfeeding moms (2 questions)
definitely normal! same thing happened with my DD (and my sister, who has been breasfeeding for 6 weeks now, says her DS is still eating every hour or two!!!) and your body works on a supply/demand system from your DC. the more he suckles, the more your body will produce for her. your milk take a while to regulate and needs time to get to know what schedule ur daughter is on....hang in there, your doing great! although it is time consuming, itll get better soon!!!
and yes, you can DEF have a glass of wine! the say for every drink you have, wait that long in hours to breastfeed. if u go out and have 3 drinks, wait 3 hours to feed. i always kept milk stored in the freezer so i could drink when i wanted to and not worry about it being in my milk.... i would always pump and dump, if i went out to dinner at 6, had a few drinks, and got home at 9, i would pump and dump the milk at like 10, and use what i had in the freezer to feed her...
good luck!
Posted 5/6/07 11:25 AM |
Growing up fast!

Member since 4/07 12683 total posts
Name: Dawn
Re: breastfeeding moms (2 questions)
Keep it up! It is tough but both your and your DC will get into a routine in the near future. I felt the same way at the beginning. I was pretty much just walking around the house with my boobs out all the time. I felt like a cow with all the milk my DD wanted. Your milk production will increase as your DC feeds so don't give up!
I have a glass of wine every other night and I don't worry about it. It's fine! I never drink more than one glass though...that's just for my own peace of mind.
Posted 5/6/07 11:29 AM |
party of five

Member since 9/06 11343 total posts
Name: Jen
Re: breastfeeding moms (2 questions)
i have not done it yet (baby still not here) but all the BF books I read say that you should do it on demand the 1st month and that the more you BF, the more milk you produce
Posted 5/6/07 11:41 AM |

Member since 1/06 4593 total posts
Re: breastfeeding moms (2 questions)
Yes it is very normal for newborns to nurse all the time. The more your baby nurses it is telling the body to produce more milk. It's all about supply and demand. I do not drink alcohol and personally wouldn't. Go to there is information about alcohol and Breast Feeding. It's a great website for nursing moms
Message edited 5/6/2007 2:21:05 PM.
Posted 5/6/07 1:51 PM |
I love Hypnobabies

Member since 3/06 2333 total posts
Re: breastfeeding moms (2 questions)
I'll just reiterate -- totally normal!! The first few weeks I felt like all I did was feed DS -- but I never had a problem with milk supply and I think it's because I always fed on cue with him.
Regarding the wine, I've read that if you're sober enough to drive, your sober enough to breastfeed -- very little alcohol comes through the milk. So after your next feeding, sit down and pour yourself a nice glass of wine -- you deserve it!
Posted 5/6/07 4:20 PM |