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Britax B-Agile vs. City Mini

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I am a lucky Momma!

Member since 7/05

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Britax B-Agile vs. City Mini

Can anyone compaire these two strollers? I know the City Mini is a GREAT stroller and so many people LOVE it. Right now it's on a great super-sale at BRU...making it $199 (even the purple is $179) and the B-Agile is also on sale for $199.

I am debating just going this afternoon and buying myself one of these strollers, not waiting for the event that my family may or may not throw me a shower.

So...I'm looking for reviews and opinions on both strollers!

With my DD#1 (6.5 years ago) I felt bad putting a really nice stroller on my registry. So instead I had several carpy strollers over the years and none that I loved. For this baby I'd really love a stroller with great features that I love, and I do a lot of walking so it would need to be able to handle that as well!

Thanks for the advice!


Posted 1/24/12 10:27 AM
Long Island Weddings
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Re: Britax B-Agile vs. City Mini

Can you go over to the store and try them out?

I LOVE my City Mini, but my BFF has one and doesn't like it. She registered for it sight unseen based on the reviews but it turns out its not what she wanted.

If possible, take your DH if he'll use the stroller as well. My DH is tall and thinks the City Mini is very easy to use. Other strollers were too short for him.

Posted 1/24/12 10:48 AM

Stalkers, get a life.

Member since 11/07

12820 total posts


Re: Britax B-Agile vs. City Mini

I have the 2011 City Mini and love it! It's a really great stroller, GREAT canopy, handles so easily with one hand, reclines all the way, sits up all the way, nice basket, good accessory options if you want them.

That said, I've seen the B Agile online and it looks like a BETTER City Mini! No bar in the back to potentially kick if you're tall (I'm only 5'5" so doesn't bother me... DH is almost 6' and it hasn't bothered him either). Also it has the no-thread harness! That's pretty cool - as your child gets bigger, just adjust the back so the straps are higher.

The one thing I would compare is the fabric of the seats. My City Mini still looks pretty much brand new after 2 years because the seat fabric (we have the black one) is very easy to wipe clean. Not sure how the fabric of the B Agile is in person and if it's as easily wipeable. While you CAN take the fabrics off usually to wash, it's a pain in the butt to be honest, much easier to wipe clean when necessary.

In the end, I'd check them both out in person.

Posted 1/24/12 11:11 AM

I'm a mommy :)

Member since 1/06

7322 total posts


Re: Britax B-Agile vs. City Mini

B agile! I have it and love it:) search on you tube "b agile vs citi mini". There's a video w a side by side comparison.

Posted 1/24/12 11:40 AM

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